Notes of Joy for the Week of June 16, 2019
Our Mission Statement

We of Joy Lutheran Church foster 
grace-filled relationships with Christ
through worship, fellowship, and service. 
John 16:12-15
“O Lord our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!” Today we celebrate the name of God: holy blessed Trinity. There is no other day quite like this one in the church’s year. There is no other god like ours. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!
From Our Pastor...

Time, Traditions, and Transitions.

I have been thinking about time lately. The passage of time, the lessons of time, and the changes we have experienced together since Shelly, Paul, Katrina, and I first came to be among the people of Joy Lutheran. We have had a time together! Over two decades – a lot has happened in that time. We have lived and loved, agreed and disagreed, laughed and mourned, celebrated births and weddings, and gathered to say goodbye to those who have left us. 

We have watched the world change, both for bad and for good. We also have changed, as individuals and as a community. As I have been thinking about our time together, I have also been remembering what life was like back in the summer of 1998 and how much some things have changed.

When we first arrived at Joy:
  • there was controversy surrounding the President of the United States and the word “impeachment” was on everybody’s minds (I guess some things repeat themselves).
  • the term, “WiFi” was something some of us thought was pronounced, “wee-fee” which sounded like the name of a French Poodle. Most all of us got our internet “the old fashioned way” and heard the dial-up, “dong, dong” before we could connect on the onedesktop computer we might have had in our home.
  • the “Twin Towers” still stood in lower Manhattan.  
  • the only electric cars most of us had seen were the toys that operated with C batteries, or something kids drove on the driveway.
  • cell phones, while not unusual, were less common and all of them were “dumb.”
  • Seinfeld had just ended on network(!) television and Saving Private Ryan was the big summer movie hit.
  • it was the beginning of the “” boom and a small startup called “Google” began operations.
  • the Seattle Mariners were legitimate playoff contenders, while the Seahawks were still perennial “also rans.” 

Time. Traditions. Transitions. It’s both a different world and the same world. A place where time has passed and technology has changed, but the traditions and Promise that unites us remains sure. The good news of God’s unconditional love for all of us does not change. The love that unites us doesn’t change. The traditions that have surrounded God’s people for centuries: worship, fellowship, mutual care, do not change. They have held and will continue to hold us fast. No matter the changes and challenges of the time ahead, God’s faithfulness will carry us through.

Now it is my time to leave, and I do so with a profound mixture of emotions. As I have said at every annual meeting, I will say again: It has been my deep privilege and great joy to have been your pastor. You have embraced me and my family in the time we have had together. You have incorporated us into your community traditions and we have fashioned some of our own. In this time of transition, this congregation will go on and it will flourish. Time continues change us all and new traditions will be part of this transition. Even as I go to be with a new community, I will carry the love and the embrace of this community to a new place and time. A part of my heart will forever and always belong to Joy.

Thank you all,
Pastor Martin
Farewell Potluck for Pastor Martin
June 30th is Pastor Martin’s
Last Day with us!
Come celebrate the 21 years he has guided us on our spiritual journey and wish him Godspeed as he starts his next calling in Virginia.
We are planning a potluck after service so bring a
favorite dish and perhaps a favorite story to share.
The Alaska Synod Call Process

You have a partner in the synod office who will guide you through 
a time-tested process shared across this church through which the 
Holy Spirit continues to work.

  1. The Bishop, with your Council’s approval, will appoint an Interim Pastor to serve with you.
  2. Your Council will establish a contract with the interim pastor and will negotiate responsibilities and compensation.
  3. The Council will appoint a team to write a Ministry Site Profile (a description of your congregation and the qualities you are looking for in a pastor).
  4. A Call Committee will be established according to the guidelines of your constitution.
  5. The synod office will provide orientation to your Call Committee.
  6. The Call Committee will receive the name(s) of potential candidates.
  7. The Call Committee will enter an interview process with candidates.
  8. The Call Committee will keep you informed of the progress of its work. The specifics of the potential candidates are all confidential at this point.
  9. After the Call Committee has a decision on a final candidate (with at least a 2/3 majority), they will meet with the Council to share information regarding the recommended candidate.
  10. The Council prepares a Letter of Definition of Compensation and Benefits for the candidate. A draft is sent to the synod office
  11. The Council will vote to recommend the candidate (with at least a 2/3 majority) to the congregation.
  12. Members of the congregation will be given the opportunity to meet the candidate.
  13. The Council will call a special congregational meeting to formally vote on the candidate.
  14. If a congregation votes “yes” (with a minimum 2/3 majority), the congregation then approves the compensation package (with a simple majority), a Letter of Call is signed and forwarded to the Bishop; The Definition of Compensation and Benefits is sent to the Pastor.
  15. The candidate has 30 days to consider the call.
  16. If the candidate accepts the call, an installation date is set with the bishop. If the candidate declines the call, the Call Committee goes back to work with the help of the synod bishop.

Through the whole process, your prayers are essential. Pray that the Holy Spirit guide you, your Call Committee, your Council and your synod in discerning who God is calling to serve as your next Pastor.

Alaska Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
1847 W Northern Lights Blvd. #2 
• Anchorage, AK 99517
907-272-8899 •
Weekly Worship Assistant Schedule
Joy of Reading Book Club
The Joy of Reading Book Club meets the 3rd Monday of every month and gets started around 6:30 PM. We share a light dinner and discuss the book of the month with open minds. We have learned a lot!  

  • July – no meeting
  • August 19 – Marcia Hegna is hosting and the book is Pachinko by Min Jin Lee
  • September 16 – Lois Lester hosting and the book is Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens
  • October 21 – Betty Veldhuis is hosting; the book is Born a Crime by Trevor Noah

All are welcome, even if you haven’t read the book. We will enjoy your company!

Synod-wide Youth Road Trip
June 24th – July 2nd

For Youth in 8th – 12th grade
We will reflect on God’s beautiful creation and communion with one another each day through devotions.
Anchorage -> Trapper Creek -> Fairbanks -> Valdez -> Anchorage
This event is being organized by ELCA Alaska pastors and youth directors who meet monthly to plan shared youth group opportunities. 

This event is being organized by ELCA Alaska pastors and youth directors who meet monthly to plan shared youth group opportunities. 

Please address questions to Amanda Lindquist of Amazing Grace in Anchorage (651) 303-9965 and and Pastor Meredith Harber of Christ Lutheran in Soldotna (907) 262-4757 and 