Turkey Day Bootcamp
It's almost time for our 3rd Annual Turkey Day Bootcamp, Bodyfitters, and sign-ups are going on now in the studio! Bring your $25/person payment and sign yourself, your friends, and your family up for the best Thanksgiving Day workout in Santa Cruz. Don't believe it's really the best? See what last year's participants had to say ;)

All proceeds from the bootcamp will be donated to California's fire victims. Participants are welcome to donate in addition to the registration fee.
(Third Turkey Day Bootcamp...Do you know what that means? It's almost our THIRD YEAR ANNIVERSARY ! Stay tuned, amazing things are coming your way as we get ready to celebrate three years of BodyFit on January 11th.)
Want a $25 BodyFit Credit?
Write us a testimonial! That's it.
NEW Happy Hour Classes

Announcing Happy Hour at BodyFit! Tuesdays and Thursdays at Noon T&A will be offering one hour Group Apparatus classes on the reformers and classic Pilates classes. $25, drop-in only, and active now! Such a deal.

Work this workout into your work day for the perfect midday desk break, or thank the stars there are now these 12pm drop-in times when hectic mornings and evening plans try to derail your daily workout self-time. XOXO
Switch it Up...With YOGA!

T&A have a confession...we are feeling greedy, like we are keeping to ourselves all of the best clients in Santa Cruz, when we have TWO kick-ass instructors you all can be experiencing. Michelle teaches a killer yoga flow on Monday’s at 6:45am. Emily teaches two killer yoga classes Sunday’s at 8:30am and Wednesday evenings at 6pm. Since it is the season of giving, we feel like we should share. SO you all should switch out one of our classes for the blissful challenge of a yoga class at BodyFit before the year ends (or even better, just add one of theirs in!).
Studio Policies
A reminder that (ALL) clients who wish to cancel a class must do so online through their MINDBODY account, a minimum of 24 hours prior to the class start time. Emails, calls, and texts aren't accepted. A $25 no-show fee is now in effect, as is a $20 late-cancel fee, and clients with packages will be docked a class.

For real, we're serious, but please don't make us be this serious, so please just don't no-show or late-cancel (barring emergencies of course!). Thanks ALL!
Ankle Weights...

...Bring your own! That's our encouraging suggestion, at least. They are fairly inexpensive and can be purchased online. The studio's are 2.5 pounds. Get that weight, or more if you want to up your game, and bring them with you to class. Your ankle pores will thank you; those things are made of cloth, after all.
Upcoming Closures
BodyFit will be closed:
  • Monday, November 12
  • Thursday, November 22-25
  • Monday December 10 
  • December 24-January 3

(December 23rd yoga class scheduled per usual thanks to the wonderful Emily!)
Contacting the Studio

From now on T&A will be responding to emails only for all studio-related concerns, questions, notifications, (jokes, compliments) etc. No(!) voicemails or texts will be answered. So PLEASE add our email, info@bodyfitsantacruz.com, to your email address book! Thank you all for your understanding on this one...While we love communicating with you all, you can imagine how much our phones get blown up when all of you lovelies are texting/calling (blame Boomer and Bamboo for complaining about the rings and the pings: #keepthefamilieshappy).
See you at the studio!
E-mail | (831) 465-4728 | Website