Register now for 2021 National Olive Industry Virtual Conference
Registrations are now open for the 2021 AOA National Olive Industry Virtual Conference. Running from Tuesday, 12 October to Friday, 15 October, the event will consist of four two-hour sessions held each day at 3:00-5:00pm (AEST). Held via Zoom, the sessions will feature informative presentations from experts with delegates invited to ask questions and contribute comments live.
Registration is required, and you can register for all sessions or sign up separately for each.
Cost: AOA Members - Free; Non-Members - $30 plus GST per session or $100 plus GST for all sessions.
Tuesday, 12 October – The Big Picture (the economy, trade, export, local markets) – register here
Wednesday, 13 October – Biosecurity (Xyllela, fruit fly, other threats) – register here
Thursday, 14 October - Factors Influencing Olive Yields (frost, biennial bearing, canopy management) – register here
Friday, 15 October - Olives & Olive Oil in Food - (table olives, cooking with olives, health and wellness) – register here
Followed at 5:30-7:00pm by 2021 Australian International Olive Awards Virtual Gala Presentation – FREE registration here
Full week of sessions - register here
John Hannaford of Hannaford Olive Oil just outside Taralga, near Goulburn. Photo: Supplied.
If you’re looking for the good oil then look no further. In just 10 years Australian olive oil has transformed from a cottage industry to large agribusiness placing $1.5 million in growers’ pockets. This transformation has come about, quite simply, by Australians buying Australian.
Promoting both the quality and value of local EVOO over imported – great to read!
A new on-farm biosecurity check-in means everyone can play their part in protecting Queensland agriculture from the spread of plant and animal pests and diseases. ‘Farm Check-In’ was developed to assist visitors manage and understand biosecurity risks before they enter agricultural properties.
The portable Tigercat 6050 Carbonator used by Peats Soil & Garden Supplies to burn the feral olive trees. Photo: Peats Soil & Garden Supplies.
A group of wine industry environmentalists are turning feral olive trees removed from Fleurieu Peninsula national parks into a biochar product to boost the health of McLaren Vale vineyards.
There’s still a wait for affordable biochar technology but prunings to biochar could be the future for our groves.
Regulators ramp up quad bike safety checks
Nearly 85% of quad bikes assessed by Australia’s consumer law regulators were compliant with the first stage of a new national safety standard that came into force in October last year, new figures from the ACCC reveal.
The ACCC and state and territory consumer protection agencies have co-ordinated national market surveillance to determine whether quad bike suppliers have complied with the stage 1 requirements of the Quad Bike Safety Standard.
Eye opener: Orchard manager Jason Shields said more than 20 per cent of staff at Plunkett Orchards were required to isolate at the same time.
Two weeks ago, Plunkett Orchards near Shepparton had about 65 employees working on-farm.
But the coronavirus outbreak in the town quickly saw more than 20 per cent of the workforce going into isolation, as well as the orchard's two main tractor drivers and two of its four managers.
More proof that we’ve all got to plan for contingencies these days …
COVID restrictions: stay informed
Continuing lockdown regulations in many states reminds us all that it’s important to keep up with the changing status of pandemic regulations across the board. You can access state-specific information on COVID-19 from the links below:
Winners of the 2021 Royal Tasmanian Fine Food Awards announced
The winners of the 2021 Royal Tasmanian Fine Food Awards Olive Products category were announced last weekend with local producers taking the top gongs. The Champion Award went to Ashbolt Farm for its First Harvest EVOO, (Extra Virgin Olive Oil), with Reserve Champion awarded to Freshfield Grove for the Freshfield Grove Community EVOO.
There was a 10% increase in entries this year, including EVOO and infused oils, and pitted and flavoured olives and flavoured olives, with entries from Tasmania, NSW and Victoria.
View the full results here.
Annual levy returns due today
Hort Innovation members who pay a statutory or voluntary levy are required to complete an Annual Levy Return form to secure voting rights for the 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM) and any other general meeting of members held between 1 October 2021 and 30 September 2022.
All completed Annual Levy Return forms must be received by today, 10 September 2021.
The quickest way to submit your form and ensure it meets the deadline is online via this link. You’ll need your unique member number and PIN, which have been provided to you recently via email and post.
If you have questions about completing your Annual Levy Return or are unable to find your member number and/or PIN, please contact Link Market Services on 1800 660 083.
The flooded Tambo River flows under the highway bridge at Bruthen. (ABC Gippsland: Peter Somerville)
They've battled droughts and fires in recent years, but some East Gippsland farmers will now have to wait a month until floodwater recedes from their land.
Got something to sell? Or want to buy? Go direct to your target market – olive growers and producers
If you’ve got something industry-related to sell, you can reach your target market directly with Olivebiz Classifieds. Our online Classifieds service is an easy and inexpensive solution to advertising your unwanted equipment, and if there’s something you’re looking for, it’s the ideal way to get the message out loud and clear to your peers and industry associates – the most likely to have what you need.
Olivebiz Classifieds cost just $40 for AOA members ($100 for non-members), including a text ad and link through to either your web page or images hosted on our site. And you don’t need to be a tech-head: just send us your info and we’ll post it up for you.
Increased exports, drought mitigation and new foods are at the centre of $150 million in research spending by governments and Australia's farming industry.
2021 WA Olive Awards entry extended
The entry period for the 2021 WA Olive Awards has been extended until Monday, 13 September, providing a few more days to have your EVOO and flavoured oil entries included in this year’s judging.
Delivery options to make the judging deadline are still available: please contact Chief Steward Ellen Slobe at if you haven’t organised delivery yet and still want to have your olive oil(s) included.
Winners will be announced at the WA Olive Awards Night on Thursday, 21 October 2021 – and celebrated in the December ‘Awards’ edition of Olivegrower & Processor.
Timelines also extended for Hunter Olive Show
The current NSW lockdown has seen the Hunter Olive Show committee make some changes to the schedule for this year’s competition, to ensure it can proceed smoothly.
The judging date has been moved to 23 October, when it is expected that lockdown restrictions will be eased enough to enable a COVID-safe judging day. This has also enabled a three-week extension of the closing date, with entries now accepted until Friday, 24 September.
HOA treasurer Alan smith said the organisers are very pleased with the entries received to date, ensuring another great competition this year, and confirmed that all entries are being safely stored at 16 degrees in a dark room to preserve product quality.
Access full competition details and enter here.
World’s biggest virtual olive oil tasting event: sign on and help break the record
The focus will be firmly on the Australian olive industry in October, as Cobram Estate hosts a bid for the largest olive oil tasting session ever held - anywhere.
In May 2009, 12,909 people gathered in Spain and set a Guinness World Record for the biggest olive oil tasting event. Cobram Estate is now challenging Australians to break that record by hosting what it hopes will be the biggest olive oil tasting ever held across the globe.
With COVID restrictions calling for a virtual event, participants will join Dr Joanna McMillan, chief oil maker Leandro Ravetti and Cobram Estate co-founder Rob McGavin online for a mass tasting session. They’re aiming to have more than 13,000 Australians take part, ensuring the Spanish record is well and truly beaten – and creating a buzz around Australian EVOO.
AOA members’ 50% discount
This is a great promotional event for our industry, putting Australian EVOO on the world stage in a completely different arena. And it’s something we can all get behind, by taking part in the tasting ourselves (a great way to exercise your EVOO palate) and spreading the word to our networks.
To make that easier, there’s a 50% discount for AOA members to purchase tickets for themselves, friends and family – just use the promo code AOA when registering to get your tickets at just $5 each.
Cobram Estate Go for Gold virtual EVOO masterclass and tasting
Thursday, 28 October @ 7.30-8.30pm AEDT
$10 $5 using AOA promo code - includes delivery of tasting pack
Find out more and sign up here before Thursday, 30 September to ensure time for pack delivery.
Last day to enter Olives NZ EVOO Awards
Entries close today for the 2021 Olives NZ EVOO Awards, the country’s premier extra virgin olive oil competition.
The winners will be announced on Saturday, 9 October at the 2021 New Zealand Extra Virgin Olive Oil Awards Dinner, being held at the Rydges Wellington Airport Hotel, Wellington.
More information and register here to join the celebrations.
Britons who enjoy a Mediterranean feast could face shortages of Italian pasta, extra virgin olive oil and tomato sauce as a result of Brexit bureaucracy issues, Italian producers have warned. Imports of Italian pasta to the UK fell by 28 per cent in the first five months of this year, while olive oil fell by 13 per cent and Made in Italy tomato sauce by 16 per cent.
We’re sure Australian and New Zealand EVOO producers would be happy to pick up the slack!
The Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries has approved a new set of laws and regulations governing olive oil quality standards for the first time in almost 40 years.
403 Kochs Road, The Gap, Frances SA
60,0000 olive trees, made up of:
Barnea - 30,895; Frantoio - 12,098; Pendolino – 4970; Picual – 3511; Koroneiki – 2820; Coratina – 2507; Arbequina – 2112; Picholine – 1200.
The olive grove is 19 years old and has been well maintained.
For terms and conditions and further information please contact Ben on 0422850699 or Greg on 0407599409, or email
NEW MEDITERRANEAN Pty Ltd - 75 Agincourt Road, Marsfield NSW 2122
Too much fun in the sun? Don't panic. You can use olive oil for hair that is feeling particularly dry and brittle to quickly bring it back to life. Your strands will thank you.
And don’t we love the advice that “It's always better to use unrefined, cold pressed extra virgin olive oil for all textures.”
The Turkish Ministry of Commerce has again permitted bulk olive oil exports after banning them in March. The Turkish government initially decided to prohibit bulk exports over concerns about price speculation and shortages in the domestic market.
Friday Olive Extracts – send us YOUR news
We’re now more than half-way through 2021, and Friday Olive Extracts (FOE) continues to bring all the latest industry news and events to your Inbox every week. THE place to share olive industry news, event details and reminders, our industry e-newsletter keeps growing in popularity and we now have nearly 4000 subscribers across the globe. If you’re not one of them, you can sign up here.
And please remember that FOE is YOUR e-newsletter, so we’re keen to receive your news and help spread the word. Just email your information to Editor Gerri Nelligan at - it’s free, and the best way to reach your fellow industry members!
The project, funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC MED program, launches a new application management system which aims to improve business management, innovation and knowledge exchange.
Following the Mediterranean diet was linked with the normal development of an important part of the nervous system in depressed patients.
10 September
Entries close Olives NZ EVOO Awards – New Zealand
13 September
Entries close, 2021 WA Olive Awards
24 September
Entries close, Hunter Olive Show
28 September
AOA Technical Webinar - Table olive cultivars
5 October
AOA Technical Webinar - EVOO storage considerations
9 October
Olives NZ EVOO Awards Dinner – Wellington, NZ
15 October
Results announced, Australian International Olive Awards
12-15 October
2021 Virtual National Olive Conference - Online
20 October (TBC)
Results announced, 2021 WA Olive Awards
World’s Biggest Virtual Olive Oil Tasting
Friday Olive Extracts is Published by:
Olivegrower Communications:
Olivegrower & Processor
June Issue
Australian and New Zealand
Olive Industry Directory