IPUL's E-News for June 5, 2020
Here are the highlights of our recent activity online. Not all everything is included due to timeliness. If an advertised event already took place, we've left it off.
IPUL Is Here For You!

The best method to reach us is through our website request form:   

We are still monitoring our   intake phone line   several times a day, and will try to respond to any request there within 24 hours. 

For questions that are  not  about something in our  scope of work , you can still leave a phone message as above, or send us an email at   - this account will be monitored daily, but is not as heavily monitored as the main intake systems.
We keep constantly updating our COVID-19 page with new information as it becomes available:
IPUL is Still Needing Your Help!
a screen capture of our survey
Idaho Parents Unlimited is the statewide Parent Training and Information center (PTI), and we are preparing our next five-year plan for providing services with you in mind, both parents of children with disabilities and youth with disabilities.

We want you to let us know what our priorities should be. To make that easier, we've created a short, anonymous family needs assessment survey, designed to help us focus better on meeting your needs for the future, and would love it if you would take a few minutes to fill this out.

needs assessment in spanish
Idaho Parents Unlimited es el Centro Estatal de Capacitación e Información para Padres (siglas en inglés PTI), y estamos preparando nuestro próximo plan quinquenal para proporcionar servicios con usted en mente, tanto para padres de niños con discapacidades como para jóvenes con discapacidades. Valoramos profundamente la información que UD. comparta con nosotros para enseñarnos cómo proporcionar la mejor asistencia y apoyo a todos los que la necesitan. Su aporte y orientación en este proceso de diseño es esencial, y esperamos escuchar de usted acerca de cómo podemos mejorar nuestros servicios para las familias de Idaho que están criando niños con discapacidades.

It Was Public Health Genetics Week! 
We shared this information from the Western States Regional Genetics Network -

We're one of those collaborators! We love to be a part of such a great network assisting families with genetic resources and information while supporting our professional partners!

Our Western States Regional Genetics Network is made up of so many incredible collaborators - from our state genetic teams, to our family advocate leaders, newborn screening programs, maternal and child health programs, and more. #publichealthgenetics #phgw

Get in touch and look around our website to learn more about the great work everyone is accomplishing.

Students With Special Needs Struggle to Learn Remotely
We Shared this news story that we know has been something our families have been dealing with - there's a lot of bright spots mentioned in the article as well:

The Idaho Council on Developmental Disabilities Also Needs Your Input!
Idaho Council on Developmental Disabilites logo
Dear Friends of the DD Council:

The Idaho Council on Developmental Disabilities needs to hear from YOU!

Every five years the Council seeks your opinions to decide what is the most important work we will do to improve the lives of people with intellectual/developmental disabilities and their families.

Please take a few minutes to fill out our online survey. Please share this survey with other individuals and families you know. The survey will be open until June 30, 2020.
If you need help with the survey or want a paper copy of the survey, please call 208-334-2178 or email

Thank you for letting us know what is important to Idahoans with intellectual and developmental disabilities!

Survey in English:
Survey in Spanish:
Dancing While Deaf
Antione Walker stands with his arms raised
Antoine Hunter is a powerful dancer, who also happens to be deaf.

As an artist, performer and teacher, he feels music like very few others can.

Ask an Expert - Service Dogs in Idaho
The June 2020 Statewide Training
workshop flyer for june 2020
Do you have questions about service dogs in Idaho?  If you do, then you are in luck! Idaho Parents Unlimited will be having Cheryl Bloom from Advocacy Idaho live with us to answer any questions you may have regarding service dogs. 

Our Monthly Training is being held via Zoom. Registration is required.

Idaho Parents Unlimited will be hosting this workshop on 
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
@ 6:00 PM MST. 
Register Here: 
Phone: 208-342-5884