June 2019 -- Issue #21
A Word from the CEO

We recently handled a situation where a deceased plan participant failed to update their beneficiary information after a divorce. The ex-spouse was the named beneficiary and entitled to the proceeds of the account. We were able to resolve the situation, but it reminded me how important it is for each of us to check our beneficiary designations. When did you last check your beneficiaries? Our article, "8 Mistakes to Avoid When Naming Beneficiaries," offers useful tips to consider during your beneficiary review.

The Social Security Trustees recently released their annual report on the financial health of the system. The Trustees announced that they expected the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund to run out of money in 2034. To understand the implications of the report, read our article "What the Social Security Trustees' Report Means to You."

This issue of the Financial Pulse also introduces an occasional series of articles from the JRB's investment consultant Cammack Retirement Group. The series offers a perspective on the financial markets that we believe can make you a better investor. Cammack's article focuses on diversification and the role that fixed income investments play in your portfolio.

To identify your JRB plan beneficiaries, discuss the implications of the Social Security Trustees' report or review your asset allocation, please call me at 888-JRB-FREE (572-3733).

8 Mistakes to Avoid
When Naming Beneficiaries
Review the beneficiary designations for your JRB retirement plan and life insurance with these 8 issues in mind.
What the Social Security Trustees' Report Means for You
The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund is expected to be depleted in 2034. This article explores how this may affect your retirement income.
Fixed Income Provides a Buffer Against Equity Market Sell-Offs
The JRB's investment consultant, Cammack Retirement Group, offers perspective on the ability of bonds to provide a buffer during a stock market sell off such as occurred during the 4th quarter of 2018.
Make an appointment to speak with Mitch to discuss how to achieve your financial and retirement goals.
In Case You Missed It. . .
From the JRB Learning Center

This information is for general purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax, or investment advice.