November 28, 2019
Summarizing a mountain’s worth of stories, current events,
creative ideas and stuff that makes us lol.

weekly survival tip:
The snow is flying and you could get caught out there.
Here’s how to be prepared to survive the night.

trail matters
The United Nation’s latest report on global greenhouse gas emissions is not promising. In short, they continue to rise at a troubling rate, despite ongoing warnings by scientists that reducing emissions is imperative to avoid catastrophic effects of global warming. The finding comes on the heels of last week’s announcement by Coldplay that they would not tour their new album, “Everyday Life,” out of concern about the impacts that flying and large concerts have on the environment. The news is timely with the holidays – and holiday travel – upon us. Air and car travel are significant contributors to carbon dioxide emissions. So if you’re keen to lessen your impact as you venture out for the holiday festivities, check out these tips

trail talk
As a parent, if you’ve ever thought your head might explode from too many rounds of the kid song “Baby Shark,” you’re in good company. We’ve literally all been there. But there are solid reasons children like what some of us might call “bad” music. According to music and child development experts there are five pillars that underscore the songs children favor: catchiness, adaptability, repetition, relatability and transgression. Turns out, these are much the same things that actually make “good” music so good. So how to get your little ones to listen to more than the family of sharks? This New York Times piece offers some suggestions straight from rock stars themselves. 

trail mix
Getting your kids out the door and onto the trail is a victory unto itself. And then you’re on your way, enjoying the views and the fresh air and the chirping spirit of your little one reveling in nature. Until… “I have to go poop!” Which is when the panic sets in. Don’t let it. This handy guide is a great primer on how to help your children do their business in the bushes in the safest and healthiest way. If they seem skeptical, just tell them they’re gonna learn about “poop soup.” What more enticement do you need? 

yard sale
Thanksgiving '97. The day everyone's favorite purple dinosaur blew up.

before you go
