Too good to miss...
Chamber endorses RECONNECT with York Tech
York Technical College hosted an information session at the Chester Center about their new program RECONNECT with York Tech. This program targets adults who attended the school in the past but did not complete a degree. Funds are now available for participants to attend tuition-free. Click here to learn more about this amazing opportunity.
Crescent Creations celebrated the Grand Opening of their new location at 179 Columbia Street. Get ready for Back To School shopping. Check out
We enjoyed attending the Business After Hours with our community's new ENT specialiast Dr. Jacob Ossoff and his staff at SCENT. For more information on their office hours & services (they're near the hospital), check out their website at
Shannon Wilder , a Lewisville High School English teacher, participating in a summer internship program through the Department of Commerce. Shannon spent 25 hours working for the chamber--helping us with our Stay Local My Friends campaign. Thank you, Shannon!
Amy Carnes with SC Works and York Tech Chester Center's Director Stacy Scott show off a manufactured hailstone at a recent tour of IBHS in Richburg. The Institute for Business and Home Safety uses science to find better ways to construct homes and businesses to keep them safer from fire, wind and hail!
Battered But Not Broken celebrated 10 years of service in Chester County. They held a wonderful luncheon to thank their many sponsors, including many chamber members.
TWENTY YEARS without a lost-time injury. Way to go GAF employees for making safety a priority in Chester County! The company will hold celebration events this month.
What would we do....
We love seeing friends wearing our Stay Local t-shirts. Thanks to everyone at Ring Container Industries for supporting our Stay Local campaign by sporting these new shirts. Here's a thought...what would people do if they couldn't buy Duke's Mayo in the containers Ring folks make right here at home!? It would be bad--like the end of summertime tomato sandwiches bad. Who knows what chaos would ensue? Thanks for keeping us safe all summer, Ring! 
#StayLocalMyFriends & #ChesterCountyLoyal
JONES-HAMILTON CO. TO EXPAND PLANT – Jones-Hamilton Co., an employee-owned manufacturer and marketer of specialty chemicals, announced plans to expand its plant in Chester County, South Carolina. The Walbridge, Ohio-based company is the world's largest producer of sodium bisulfate and a major supplier of hydrochloric acid to the North American market. Jones-Hamilton Co. President, Bernie Murphy, said “the expansion is in line with the original site design to accommodate more production as our business outlook was realized.” The expansion began in June 2019 with construction expected to be complete in September 2019. The plant is currently staffed by 20 production operators, and warehouse, maintenance and administration personnel. The expansion will create approximately four new jobs.
Special Request
Our friend and former intern Evan Austin, who co-created our What's In Your Backyard series two summers ago, was very seriously injured in a car accident this past week. He just graduated from Coastal Carolina in May and took at job at the Lancaster County Chamber of Commerce. We ask that you keep Evan, his family and many friends in your thoughts and prayers during this uncertain and difficult time.