January 21, 2021
Pandemic restrictions on sport in effect until February 12
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, public health orders restricting sport in Saskatchewan remain in effect until Feb. 12, 2021. The restrictions suspend all team/group sports for all age groups. Athletes under 18 can practice or train in groups of eight or fewer with requirements for mask use and at least three metres of physical distancing.

These restrictions are likely to remain in place until the end of March. Please continue to follow sasksport.ca for further updates.

For more information on restrictions and requirements for sport, visit the provincial government's Sports and Activities Guidelines.
In partnership with the Coaching Association of Canada, the Coaches Association of Saskatchewan is encouraging all learning facilitators to take the Inclusive Language For Coach Developers webinar on Tuesday, Jan. 26 at 7 p.m.

Through the webinar, facilitators will learn how to use inclusive language that respects and better reflects the diversity of the coaches and athletes they are developing.

Email gena.cook@sportmantioba.ca by Jan. 25 to register.
NCCP training gives coaches the skills and self-confidence to excel, and to create that confidence in athletes. Ultimately, that's what the NCCP is all about: developing responsible coaches, inspiring future leaders, and celebrating our potential both on and off the field of play.

The Coaches Association of Saskatchewan has multiple NCCP courses scheduled January through March.
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