June 2019
Debbie Dadey's 128th newsletter
It was HOT AND HUMID at the Knoxville Children's Reading Festival, but I had to wear this black T-shirt my daughter gave me for my birthday. It was too much fun.
The Narwhal Problem
is here!
Kiki wants to the be the narwhal's buddy, but she has to win a code contest first!
Join me for the Book Release Party on June 22nd at 1:00 at the Sevierville Book Warehouse . Check out narwhal party fun , the teaching unit , and narwhal summer reading fun .

Hurrah to my friend Wendy Greenley on her first book, Lola Shapes the Sky . If you study clouds you'll want to pick one up for your class.
Hope you'll join me June 8th at 1:00 Eastern for my next Facebook Live discussing the dreaded revision! Feel free to stop by to ask me any questions. Check out my other Facebook Live videos on writing here.

Check out this third grade teacher who combined writing, art, and kid-designed stuffed animals for a winning lesson that her students will never forget!

So long to the 10-ten-year old (at least) picture of me. I'm finally getting it updated for next month.
Who doesn't love freebies? Check out these Mighty Women free posters!

Need an audio book for bedtime, here are some great choices. Of course, your library has them for free! (Just saying)

Here is the most comprehensive list of chapter books I've ever seen.