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November 2020
November 23, 2020 | Issue #129
Thanksgiving 2020: A New Vision?
Thanksgiving is normally a time of year where we’re gathered together around loads of food, family, and friends. This year will look and feel a little different for all of us. Some of us might be staying with our immediate families and not traveling this year, others might be spending time with others with extra precautions. Either way, Thanksgiving can still be fun and delicious for everyone! As we mentioned in our October newsletter, we are trying to make the most of what we can do in 2020, and are creating new holiday traditions as we go!
We want to help you keep Thanksgiving both tasty and simple. We encourage you to focus on the things that you do have control over and the fact that you might be able to try something new that you normally wouldn’t be exposed to:
Thanksgiving Meal Ideas:
    A new way to potluck! No need to worry about how you’ll find time to make all your favorite dishes or whether you have adequate oven space. Coordinate with nearby neighbors, friends or family for a COVID-safe potluck. Sign up in advance to each make a dish (or 2), then coordinate drop off or trading times and share heating instructions. This is a great way to cut down on the amount of leftovers you have and expose yourself to different culture’s thanksgiving dishes. This should be a low risk activity as long as everyone is following standard food safety and sharing recommended cooking instructions. Bonus idea: Dine together virtually to enjoy all your collective hard work!
    Get kids and other family members involved in the kitchen! This is a perfect time to invite those who might not normally help in the kitchen to get their hands dirty. Offer up a few dishes/tasks and let them choose (as appropriate of course): to help plan the menu, chop, grate cheese, make dinner rolls, or clean vegetables.
    Rethink the main! Don’t like turkey? We give you permission to skip it and do all sides...or roast a chicken or tofurky instead!
    Leftover strategy. Plan out and cook more of any food you WANT to have leftovers of for the remainder of the long weekend. Think: extra turkey (to be used in soup, sandwiches, and casseroles), extra stuffing (to make stuffing waffles of course!), extra veggies (we can always find something to do with extra veggies!).
Regardless of which direction your cooking and eating plan takes you, it hopefully leaves you with time to relax and maybe even get outside. Here are some activities we plan on enjoying:
Thanksgiving Movement Ideas:
    For those of us that usually take part in a Turkey Trot or other outdoor event the morning of Thanksgiving, it may not be happening this year-but don’t let that stop you from having fun! If your current budget allows, consider supporting a virtual event sponsored by a charity or your usual Turkey Trot, to help them to survive this difficult year and enable them to continue their tradition for years to come. This year you can branch out and invite out of town friends/family to join in the virtual fun!
    If you are more of a strength training/cross fit enthusiast or even someone who generally prefers to stay inside and watch the parade on tv, may we interest you in a virtual Thanksgiving WOD (workout of the day) before you get cooking?
  • The basic idea is to do a challenging but fun workout for 20-30 minutes. All you really need to do is to blast some music and get moving; Go at it alone or zoom with your friends if they’re up for it! One version of zoom HITT workouts we have enjoyed from home is to alternate each person selecting a workout move for the group to do for 40-60 second, followed by short (20-30 seconds) rest. Alternatively, you can simply follow along with our WOD below. Challenge yourself within your own ability and aim for 4-5 rounds for a total of 20-30 minutes or as is appropriate for your current level of fitness.
  • The Turkey Day AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible):
  • 15 Jumping Jacks
  • 10 Push-Ups (Modify to knees or elevated with hands against a sturdy surface such as a box or bench or wall as pictured)
  • 15 Jump Squats (see side photo)
  • 10 Walking Lunges (each leg)
  • 15 Burpees (see photo below)
  • A burpee is essentially a push up followed by a squat with a leap in the air. To modify for lower impact, try doing a squat hold for 10 seconds and go back down to the pushup.
    If neither of these ideas appeal to you, Go on a walk or bike ride with family and friends to collect fall leaves or to simply enjoy the weather! Have a big enough crew? Toss a frisbee or football around.
(photo credits: womenshealthmag.com; muscleandfitness.com)
Thanksgiving Indoor Fun:
    Virtual volunteering: now more than ever, we want to connect and give back to our community. This is still possible from home; here are some ideas:
  • Reach out to someone you know who might be in need of some company and have tea or story time together.
  • Offer to read (virtually) to older adults or younger kids (whose parents might really need a break!). StoriiTime is a completely virtual option.
    Thank you notes - create a little time capsule with what you’re thankful for and plan to read it next year -or even 5-10 years from now! This can be done solo, or in group, and virtually in a shared document or Google jamboard, or physically with participants mailing their notes to one person who takes responsibility for storing.
In this crazy and challenging year that is 2020, We at Nutrition Energy, are all working on being thankful for what we have and the memories we can share together! Join us in celebrating the positives of the season. We wish you all a wonderful holiday season!
November is National Diabetes Awareness Month!
National Diabetes Awareness Month is sponsored by the American Diabetes Association and we see as a time to discuss what life is like with diabetes as well as risk factors, prevention and more. Since we began in 2003, we have worked with hundreds (if not thousands) of healthy active individuals and athletes who have diabetes. Diabetes doesn’t have to and should not stop you from reaching your goals or hitting a new PR, but it does require some understanding of and planning of your nutrition. Here at Nutrition Energy, we hope to equip you with the tools you need and empower you to individualize your nutrition and exercise routine in order to help you understand and manage diabetes. Let’s discuss the different types of diabetes and what you can do to help yourself or a loved one manage their diabetes.
Type I Diabetes is a condition in which the pancreas produces little to no insulin (a hormone produced by the pancreas to regulate blood glucose). In T1DM, no foods are off limits, but it is important to learn the carbohydrate content of foods and how your body responds to different types of carbohydrate. You’ll also want to learn how your blood glucose and insulin sensitivity are affected by things including exercise, stress, illness, and menstruation. Working with a CDE (Certified Diabetes Educator) RD can really help you learn how to balance your insulin needs throughout the day. With time, practice, and some trial and error, you will be able to make informed decisions on both carbohydrate intake & insulin adjustments in a wide range of situations.
Type II Diabetes is a condition where insulin resistance occurs; either your body doesn’t produce enough insulin or the insulin doesn’t work optimally to regulate your blood glucose. We are here to say that even if you have T2DM you CAN enjoy your favorite foods-no foods are off limits. It’s not about special “diabetic friendly” foods or eliminating all of your favorite things. Diabetes management IS a matter of understanding your body and eating/living in balance. As with T1DM, a large part of taking control of your diabetes is understanding which foods have carbohydrates, how they impact your blood glucose, and how to balance your meals with adequate protein, fat and fiber to help stabilize your blood sugar. Again, working with your physician, and a CDE/RD will help you balance your intake and empower your decisions!

Fueling with Type 2 Diabetes:
As you might know, exercise can play an important role in helping you manage your blood sugars and diabetes. Generally speaking, your blood sugar should come down slowly and gradually with a brisk walk, but may drop too low if you happen to miss a meal or change the time of day of your workout. No matter the intensity of exercise, proper fueling is an important part of managing blood sugar, and carrying a snack (or glucose tabs) is always a great idea. Another important note is that just because it is important to manage carbohydrate intake, that does not mean to reduce carbohydrate intake drastically, especially surrounding exercise, and athletes and active individuals require ample calories and carbohydrate for optimal performance. In addition, intentional fueling is important, and you’ll likely want to eat a mix of carbohydrate + protein and or fat pre and post exercise, to keep your energy and blood sugar stable. A good place to start is to aim to eat ~15 g of carbs before short duration/moderate intensity exercise, and ~30 g before a high intensity or longer workout. Some experimenting with your diet will likely be necessary as you find the meal timing and training periodization that works for you.
Fueling with Type I Diabetes:
Individuals who have T1DM will need to learn to adjust their insulin to fit their training and sports nutrition plan. While all normal sports nutrition guidelines still apply, there’s an extra layer of adjustment for blood glucose management. As carbohydrates are still (and always!) a key part of all athletes' fueling plan, those with T1DM need to learn how to adjust their insulin (injection amount or pump settings) for various workout types. Learning what BG range you feel best starting a workout at, how much of a basal rate reduction you might need before or during different workout session types and matching insulin to fueling during training, racing and games are all key components of an athlete’s success. Many athletes find it helpful to wear a CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitor) for easy repeated viewing of their blood glucose-specifically before, during and after exercise.

At risk of sounding like a broken record here, one of the most important takeaways is not to restrict carbohydrates. Withholding carbohydrates and/or insulin can result in dangerous side effects; including not only poor performance, but more importantly hypoglycemia (BG < 70 mg/dL) or hyperglycemia, dizziness, lack of coordination, agitation and elevated HR-none of which are an athlete's friend. Consistent carbohydrate intake during and after exercise is ALWAYS a good strategy for any athlete, and is also a good strategy for athletes with T1DM. We have worked with a wide array of amazing athletes (from tennis players to runners, ultra runners, soccer players, swimmers, dancers and triathletes) who have successfully learned to manage their BG to perform at a high level and we know you can too.
Final Thoughts
Fueling for exercise with diabetes might initially sound daunting, but it is something everyone with diabetes can do once they learn a few basic concepts and do some trial and error experimentation (ideally under the guise of an MD and CDE). Planning and timing meals and exercise is one key to success. Of course, recovery is always important- so please make sure you take adequate rest between activities, include ample sleep, hydration and adequate total nutritional intake to ensure you can reach your full potential in your sport and beyond.

Note: Before starting any new intensive exercise routine, please speak with your MD and/or Dietitian/CDE about the possible effects on your blood sugar and what to look out for. 
Recipe of the Month: Turkey Noodle Soup
Expanding on the articles above, here is a great recipe idea that turns your leftover Thanksgiving turkey into a tasty and satisfying new meal.
Note: This soup recipe can be adjusted to your liking using different veggies and herbs that you might have leftovers from Thursday!
Apx. 8 Servings

-      2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
-      2 cups chopped leeks, or yellow onion
-      2 cups chopped celery
-      2 cups chopped carrots
-      1 ½ teaspoons kosher salt
-      ½ teaspoon pepper
-      8 cups unsalted broth (chicken or turkey)
-      4 cups water
-      1 Parmesan rind (optional, but adds great flavor)
-      4 cups shredded leftover turkey (rotisserie chicken works great too!)
-      3 tablespoons lemon juice
-      3 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
-      2 tablespoons chopped fresh chives or herb of choice
-      1 tablespoon chopped fresh tarragon
-      8 oz whole wheat pasta of choice (fusilli or penne works best)

    Heat olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add leeks, celery, and carrots with the salt and pepper. Cook and stir until the vegetables are softened and cooked down, about 8-9 minutes.
    Once veggies are soft, add all the broth, water, and parmesan rind while increasing heat to high to bring to a boil. Once boiling, reduce to medium-high and add the pasta and cook for about 9-10 minutes until desired doneness. One pasta is done, add in the fresh herbs and lemon juice, then stir. Add in shredded turkey and cook until warm and then serve!      
Adapted from www.eatingwell.com
A Note From Lauren
The holidays have begun! Thanksgiving is just a day away, and while it will look a little different this year, the smells of tasty holiday favorites will fill our kitchens and homes. Remember this year more than ever, Thanksgiving is a time to be grateful and to remind ourselves of what we DO have this year. While this will be different for each of us, some things I am grateful for this month/week/holiday include; an able and well-fueled body that allows me to get outside into the fresh (and now cold!) air to walk, run or cycle on a regular basis. My immediately family of 5 who I have been basically quarantined with since March as we have all lived, worked and learned remotely over the past 8 months. The freedom and ability to make and eat foods with my children and husband, including everything from overnight oats to jack-o-lantern stuffed peppers to homemade chocolate chip cookies. And to my friends, family and Nutrition Energy colleagues who keep me laughing (mostly on zoom calls) and motivate to be grateful every day.

What is something you are grateful for this year? Do you or your family have any fun Thanksgiving traditions that you're adjusting for 2020? Tag us in your social media updates or let us know on Twitter @NutritionEnergyInstagram, or Facebook!

Lauren Antonucci
Nutrition Energy