Message from the Editor
We hope you had a great July 4th this year and that you were able to see friends and family whom you may have had to keep distant over the last year or so. We took the month of June off to catch up and take a break. This month marks the beginning of the 7th year of Alla Breve On-Line.
We have new singers who are ready to join the Rockbridge Chorus and we are hoping for a return to rehearsals for the fall. The RCS Board of Directors and our artistic director are working to figure out how we can get to singing again. Our youth chorale director is getting ready to start up with rehearsals in August. To keep tabs on where we are on these fronts and more, please check out our website at
School is right around the corner and we know the kids will be glad to be back in class with their friends and back to in-person rehearsals. Enjoy Summer while it lasts!