April 9, 2020

Below is the beginning of a letter from Pastor Jeff that was originally sent on Sunday about the CARES Act. To read the entire letter click the button labeled "Letter." To vote using a secure Google Form, click the button labeled "Vote."

Dear Friends, 
The OBC Finance Committee, in conjunction with our Personnel Committee, Day School Committee, and the endorsement of our Fellowship of Deacons, recommends and seeks approval of the OBC Membership to participate in the CARES Act as outlined below. [...]
There are many ways people are continuing to be the presence of Christ in their communities, even from a distance. Each week the Update will include three ways for you to be the presence of Christ in Rock Hill.

Over the next week we encourage you to do one or more of the following:
  • Project Hope, our local food bank, has remained open! Consider making a donation to ensure that they are able to continue serving those in our community who find themselves without food. To make a monetary donation, CLICK HERE.
  • Using chalk, decorate your driveway, or the sidewalks near your house with scripture or uplifting words and pictures. Or consider decorating a neighbor's driveway with uplifting words!
  • FREE STYLE: Consider a specific talent you have and how you can use it to serve overs. An excellent example is below in "Covering OBC."
Covering OBC

Many of you have already been the recipient of a beautiful mask made by Dan and Kay Cox. To date they have made and delivered 99 to family, neighbors, and OBC members. Dan has assured us that they will not run out of fabric, and they want to make sure everyone from OBC who wants a mask gets one. The masks are sized for adults. To request one, click the button below.
Maundy Thursday

On Maundy Thursday we remember The Last Supper that Jesus shared with his disciples. Our Maundy Thursday Worship Guide and Worship Service is available on our website, or by clicking the button below. During the service you will be invited to share in Communion. Before beginning your worship experience, we encourage you to prepare communion elements, be they bread and grape juice, crackers and water, or even a powdered doughnut and gatorade. The actual elements are not nearly as important as sharing in the remembrance of Jesus' final meal. While the service is available now, if you are able, we encourage you to worship at 6PM, as we would have if we were together. Might it bring peace knowing that we are one body, even when we are apart.
Good Friday

On Friday, April 10 at 7AM, you will receive an email with a Good Friday worship experience. This template will guide you through a time of prayer and reflection, as you prepare your heart to sing Alleluia on Easter Morning.
Worship on Sundays

While we are unable to worship together in these days of social distancing, it is important that we still pause for a time of worship each week. Everything you need for Worship and Sunday School will be available on our website by 7AM each Sunday. You will find links to a Worship Guide, a recording of Worship, and Sunday School material for children, youth, and adults by clicking below on the button labeled"Worship." You can access the links to prior weeks by clicking below on the button labeled "Worship Archive."
Holy Week Devotions

Our 70th Anniversary Committee has created a Holy Week Devotional for you. Each day, from Palm Sunday until Easter Sunday you will receive an email with a devotion written by members of OBC. To read today's devotion click the "Holy Week Devotion" button below.
Prayer and Encouragement
Wednesdays at 6PM

You are invited to join our ministers online on Wednesdays for a time of pray er and encouragement. You can connect through your computer by using a Chrome, Firefox, or Edge browser to open the following link: meet.google.com/knr-vaxk-xez . You can connect with your phone by dialing 1-516-654-4631 and then entering the following PIN: 487 500 557#
Other Opportunities to Connect

ADULTS: Sunday School classes are video conferencing and teleconferencing each Sunday morning. If you are not currently in a class, or your Sundays are generally spent teaching children and youth, we invite you to participate in one of our online classes. Email Leigh (lreynolds@oaklandchurch.com) and we will get you connected.

YOUTH: Join Leigh on Zoom each Sundays and Wednesdays at 7:30PM. We will check-in with each other, have a devotion and prayer. If you haven't received the meeting ID, email her (lreynolds@oaklandchurch.com).

CHILDREN: Kim is reading stories and providing devotions periodically on the OBC Children's Ministry Page.

Unfortunately, this is likely a marathon rather than a sprint. Our staff will continue to do everything we can to utilize technology and keep us all connected. If you have ideas, feel free to share them with us! You can email ideas to Leigh (lreynolds@oaklandchurch.com)
The Good and Beautiful Community
study postponed

We had planned to begin our study of James Bryan Smith's The Good and Beautiful Community on April 26. We have decided to postpone the final book of this three part series until the Fall. While we are doing our best to create community from a distance, to fully engage in this book we need to be together. Alternate Sunday School material will be distributed to teachers in the coming weeks.
We Are Here For You!

If you need to speak with someone, please reach out to a minister or your deacon. Also, you can still use the minister on call number (803-328-3864, Ext. 0). We are here to listen and help in ways that we are able.

For those in need of grocery assistance, we have set up a delivery system. We understand that elderly and vulnerable individuals may not feel comfortable venturing to the store. Please let the church office know if you are in need and would like groceries delivered to your home.
Connecting through Facebook

If you are interested in creating a Facebook account but are not sure where to start, here are a few YouTube tutorials that could be helpful.

Do not let these videos overwhelm you. It is not necessary to immediately upload a profile picture or fill in information, such as your high school gradation date. The important step is signing up so that you can join our OBC Facebook Community.

Once you have created a profile, click here to connect to our page. Under each post there is a box that says, comment here. We encourage you to comment! We want to hear from you as we seek to continue being a community from a distance.

Have you connected with us on Breeze, our Church Management software? If not, click the button below and connect today! Breeze gives you easy access to people's phone numbers and emails. It also allows you to give online and easily view our events calendar (which is currently empty).
Deacon Elections

Deacon elections will be moved forward one month. Nominations will take place in May with an election Sunday to be determined in June.
The Ministry Center drop box is closed until further notice. Please hold your donations until our volunteers are able to be back together to receive and sort them. As always, thank you for your continued support of this great ministry.
Registration is now open!

Join us June 15-19 for Vacation Bible School, as we take a ride on the Rocky Railway and learn all the ways Jesus' power pulls us through. VBS will begin at 9AM each day and end at Noon, and children currently in grades 4k- 5th grade are invited to register for this exciting week. Classes for Nursery and 2/3 year olds are available for parents helping during VBS. To sign your child(ren) up, click the "My Child Can't Wait" button below.

Volunteers are needed! If you can help lead children during VBS, please sign up by clicking the "I'll Help!" button below or by contacting Kim Shaw at kshaw@oaklandchurch.com
Save the date for a special ONE Worship and luncheon on July 12 as we celebrate 70 years of Oakland Baptist Church being the presence of Christ at the crossroads of life. Rev. Dr. Jay Kieve, Coordinator of CBF SC will be preaching. Please click "Sign Me Up" below if you plan to join us for lunch.

Sunday School: 9:30AM
Worship: 10:30AM
Lunch: Following Worship
Retreat With Us!

We hope you will take advantage of opportunities to retreat with your church family this year. Below are three opportunities. Please mark your calendar and let us know if you plan to attend.

  • Soul Training Retreat: POSTPONED
It's a stay-cation retreat. We will gather at OBC on Friday evening and Saturday morning for food, fellowship, and faith development. James Bryan Smith's  The Good and Beautiful  trilogy is intended to be a catalyst for lifelong change. Throughout the weekend we will work on our own soul training plan which will guide us as we live as those in whom Christ dwells.

  • Marriage Enrichment Retreat: September 25-27, 2020
Join us for a weekend of renewal as we worship, fellowship, and study. Our sessions will be led by Rev. Dr. John Roy who is the senior minister at Pelham Road Baptist Church in Greenville, SC . We will be staying at the beautiful Terrace Inn which is surrounded by mountains and overlooks the lake. We have NINE rooms left . Sign up today to claim one of the remaining rooms. The cost is $350/couple. Please submit a $50 deposit to the church office to secure your spot.

  • Women's Retreat: October 23-25, 2020
Our 2020 Women's Retreat will be at Montreat Conference Center. We will be staying in the beautiful and historic Assembly Inn, enjoying the food, shopping, and nature that makes Black Mountain special, making new friends, strengthening relationships with old friends, and most importantly growing in our faith. The cost of this retreat is $150/person.

Please click the button below to sign-up for the retreats you plan to attend.

We invite you to help share our story this year by posting pictures from events (Sunday School, Worship, Bible Study, Meals and more) and including in your caption #growingatobc. We would also love for you to tag us on Facebook and Instagram @obcrockhill when you post pictures from OBC.
Thank you for helping us be the presence of Christ at the crossroads of life through your financial contributions. Click the button to give online.  You will be directed to a secure link which allows you to use your debit or credit card to make online contributions.
April 12: Roman Counts
April 13: John Parker Cason, Mallory Cason
April 14: David White
April 16: Bob Gay
April 17: Kelly Estes, Sam Womack
April 18: Libby Gilbert, Phil Sharpton, Lucia Petrovich
Click the button below to see what's happening at OBC this month.
April 5, 2020

Budget Total Receipts: $14,631.00
Budget Needed Weekly: $18,389.00
Budget Required YTD: $257,446.00
Budget Received YTD: $231,413.80
Over/(Under) Budget:$(44,032.20)
Expenses YTD: $200,959.35
Got News?
If you have an announcement for the Weekly Update, please send it to the church office by Monday at noon!  obcoffice@oaklandchurch.com
Minister On Call

If you have an emergency or need to speak with one of our ministers after office hours or over the weekend, please call 803-328-3864 and press 0 to leave a message for the on call minister. Your phone call will be returned quickly.