Support Our Socrates Family
The Annual Fund Campaign is our primary opportunity for families to participate in the continued success of our school by helping to bridge the gap left by state and local funding. Your gift supports existing educational programs, new curriculum development, improves facilities, and essential needs of our school.

A heartfelt thank you to all of the families who supported our school family during the Boosterthon fundraiser. We appreciate you more than you know!
Covid Vaccination Clinic for 12 and Older at Socrates Academy

Save the date - Vaccination Clinic for 12 and older at Socrates Academy
October 13th
More information to come
Save the Date!

Our Middle School scholars will be thrilled to learn we are planning a dance for them! The MS Dance will be held outdoors on Friday, October 22nd. Tickets will go on sale the second week of October.
More information to follow.
If you have not paid for your student, but would like for them to participate in Jeans Day Fridays, you can find the payment link here >>
ONLY Students who have PE on FRIDAYS may wear Jeans on Thursday, instead of Fridays.
Staff members will be sent a list of students in their classes who have paid for Jeans Day next week so please pay for the year if your student plans to participate. This is one of our easiest fundraisers and all proceeds benefit the Socrates Academy Annual Fund!
Attention middle school student writers! 

Join over 300,000 writers around the world in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). It's a fun,
innovative creative writing event where the challenge is to draft an entire novel in just 30 days.
Novelists begin writing November 1 and must finish by midnight, November 30. 
Starting October 5th, you will meet weekly to set your own individual word-count goals and create characters, build settings, and hatch plots.
Learn more about the challenge here:

Interested? Contact Carrie Taft at
If you did not purchase a yearbook for the 20-21 School year, now's your chance. Students may purchase a yearbook by bringing in cash or check made out to Socrates Academy for $30. We only have a few left!
If you have not filled out your Beginning of the Year Forms online, please take the time to complete them. Next week, teachers will be reaching out to families who have not completed the forms, so please save them the time! These forms are used to ensure we have correct contact information for families in the event of an emergency.
The inventory in the Uniform Closet has been refreshed, patches have been delivered and all students should be in uniform each day when they arrive at school.
You may learn more about our Uniform Policy on our website.
NEW! Spiritwear Blankets!

Outdoor dining is a breeze for our scholars with the PFI's limited edition spiritwear blankets! We have exclusive, promotional ordering open now. Don't miss your chance to provide the coziest al fresco meals at school starting at just $15.
8:30 am -10:30 am

Closet Hours can also be found on our website's Uniform Page

To earn volunteer hours at the closet sign up HERE
Saturday Enrichment Programs

SEP is an academically challenging program with an emphasis on inquiry-based learning. The program is not meant to replace the regular school curriculum; rather, it recognizes the importance of allowing able children to explore additional specialized areas of science, mathematics, humanities, and the arts. There are fall virtual courses available in the areas of engineering, music, STEM, coding, writing, social science, and many more. Visit the website or view the flyer for more information and to register

  • We need a volunteer who is handy with tools to repair the little lending libraries out front of the Elementary and Middle School building. The doors will need to be replaced and the boxes will need a coat of paint. This is a wonderful family project and even the kids can earn some hours helping! Email for more information.

  • Volunteer to help out with picture day. Email:

  • LOVE TO GARDEN? ADOPT A SPOT! Earn volunteer hours by caring for and watering a small flower bed on the campus. Limited spaces left for “adoption”. Learn more by emailing:

This Week at Socrates Academy
Fun Run: Our scholars ran their hearts out on Friday and earned our school over $40 towards our annual fund. It was so refreshing to see them enjoying a group activity and being together. We ALL needed this!
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