News & Updates
May 27, 2021
Help ONC Define Health Interoperability Outcomes 
for the Next Decade
What health interoperability outcomes would you like to see before/by 2030? ONC is looking for your input for “Health Interoperability Outcomes 2030”. You can submit your interoperability outcomes by July 30, 2021 by visiting or sharing with us on Twitter using #HealthInterop2030.
OCR Provides Technical Assistance to the State of Arizona to Ensure Crisis Standards of Care Protect Against Age and Disability Discrimination
As a result of this work, Arizona has issued an updated CSC plan that incorporates the prohibition of categorical exclusion criteria, the use of a patient's long-term life expectancy and the use of resource-intensity and duration of need as criteria for the allocation or re-allocation of scarce medical resources. The updated plan also incorporates the inclusion of reasonable modifications to the use of clinical instruments for assessing likelihood of short-term survival when necessary for accurate use with patients with underlying disabilities, new protections against providers "steering" patients into agreeing to the withdrawal or withhold life-sustaining treatment, and language ensuring that long-term ventilator users will be protected from having a ventilator they bring with them into a hospital setting taken from them to be given to someone else.
Learn More About Medicare Promoting Interoperability Program Requirements and New Resources for 2021
Changes for 2021 include:
  • Maintaining the Electronic Prescribing objective’s Query of Prescription Drug Monitoring Program measure as optional and worth five bonus points.
  • Modifying the name of the Support Electronic Referral Loops by Receiving and Incorporating Health Information measure, included in the Health Information Exchange objective, to Support Electronic Referral Loops by Receiving and Reconciling Health Information.
  • Increasing the number of electronic clinical quality measure (eCQMs) data reported from one self-selected quarter to two self-selected quarters of data.
Clinical Laboratory Pays $25,000 to Settle Potential HIPAA Security Rule Violations
OCR’s investigation found systemic noncompliance with the HIPAA Security Rule, including failures to conduct an enterprise-wide risk analysis, implement risk management and audit controls, and maintain documentation of HIPAA Security Rule policies and procedures.
Informational Forum for the 999, Implementation Acknowledgment for Health Care Insurance (007030X335) and the 824, Application Reporting for Insurance (007030X321)
X12 will conduct an informational forum related to the above technical reports on Monday, June 7, 2021 at 2:00 PM Eastern Time.
ONC Mentors + Computer Science Graduate Students + Inferno = Campus on FHIR
One group of students focused on developing support for client-side FHIR testing in Inferno to allow developers to route client-server interactions through a proxy tool to record interactions and evaluate the interactions with a FHIR implementation guide’s CapabilityStatement. A second group of students focused on a tool that dynamically generated a FHIR server based on a FHIR implementation guide’s CapabilityStatement and populated it with example data.
Apply Now for AHRQ Funding to Improve Quality at the Point of Care
The digital healthcare ecosystem is rapidly evolving, and there is a need to build the evidence base on how digital healthcare innovations can be effectively, efficiently, and safely deployed at the point of care.

The FOA: PA-21-164 “Using Innovative Digital Healthcare Solutions to Improve Quality at the Point of Care (R21/R33),” seeks health services research that explores the use of innovative patient-centric digital healthcare solutions to improve services at the point of care. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis; the next due date is June 16, 2021.
Prior Authorization Subworkgroup
The next Prior Authorization Subworkgroup meeting will be June 1st from 1:30-2:30ET. The group has been developing the PA Guiding Principles paper.

WEDI workgroups provide thoughtful leadership and common-sense approaches that enhance the exchange of clinical and administrative healthcare information. They collect input, exchange ideas, and make recommendations that inspire impactful and far-reaching change in our industry.