June 2019

Dear St. Mary School Rising 7th Grade Parents,

Our 7th Annual Washington DC Trip is scheduled for Monday, March 16-Thursday, March 19, 2020 We have partnered again with the prestigious tour company, EF Explore America, to plan and organize this trip.  This  trip has proven to be a fabulous educational, spiritual, and social growth experience for the students.

The cost for each student traveler is  $1,070 based on 55-59 students traveling and having two buses.  As soon as the whole group is enrolled, the tour company is able to confirm all activities and make the necessary reservations.  Please enroll by September 30 to allow for adequate planning time to reserve hotel, activities, & restaurants.  
Enrolling early allows you to maximize your # of monthly installments if that option is selected .


We are planning a Fall Mum Sale for students to participate in to help offset a portion of the cost of their trip.  Some student sellers have earned up to $400-$500!  When all the accounting of the sale is completed, the money earned by each student will be deposited directly into their EFExplore DC travel account and your remaining monthly payments would be adjusted accordingly.  Thank you to Aviva Rich (helping with the accounting) and Kate Harold (coordinating the mum pick-up day.)  Mum Sale information will be distributed to students the first week of school.

Our hope is that every 7th grader will travel with their class.  Please let Miss Rosemond know if this trip will be a financial burden and we will do our best to work with you to extend your payments to make it happen.

At the Jr. High Back to School Night, Thursday, August 29, there will be an Explore America informational booklet and the above flyers available in hard copy in the 7th Grade Homeroom Classrooms.  Mr. Laudeman & Mrs. Moody will also speak with you about the DC Trip experience during your scheduled time in their classrooms.  The 7th Grade Social Studies Curriculum covers American History and Language Art Classes will be reading novels on the Holocaust in preparation of their visit to the Holocaust Museum. 

In the meantime, if you have any questions please feel free to contact any of our "seasoned" DC chaperones:

Sean Laudeman -
Jennifer Moody -
Beth Mock -
Meghan Cassady -
Fr. Ken  -

Thank you.  We look forward to a great 7th Grade DC Trip in 2020.  Have a blessed summer!