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June 18, 2019
Welcome to the Christ Church e-Communicator.  This weekly publication is designed to give you the most up-to-date information on events here in the parish. Please feel free to forward it to a friend. If you wish to contribute or have comments about its content, please contact the parish office at  [email protected].  
This Week at Christ Church
Campfire Christ Church
Summer fun for all ages
It's summer...and it's back! Everyone is invited to come roast a hot dog and make s'mores at Campfire Christ Church this Thursday, June 20 at 6:00 p.m. in our courtyard. Please bring your camp chair, friends, family and beverage of choice. Christ Church will provide the food, the fire and of course the fun. 

Sunday Forum this Week
June 23 2019 @ 9:00 a.m. - Hinde Hall
We will have a representative from St. Paul's Senior Services with us this Sunday, June 23, at a morning forum. He will discuss all of the services that are offered under the St. Paul's umbrella.  Come and learn about this rich resource for San Diego seniors and the myriad of programs and housing options they provide

St. Paul's Senior Services has been caring for San Diego Seniors since 1960. With the changing needs of today's older adults, our services have expanded to bring innovative choices to those seeking resources for active retirement living, personal care, memory support, and medical oversight.   St. Paul's website
Be sure to check out this year's annual summer fundraiser, LUV Summerfest, at Humphrey's by the Bay, Saturday, August 24. More information here or drop by the table in the courtyard this Sunday.

Mark Your Calendar
Pride San Diego
Fearless Love - No Exceptions
Christ Church represents!
Mark your calendar - come be a part of the diocesan contingent at the San Diego Pride parade, Saturday, July 13. Our Episcopal presence has increased year after year and sends a wonderful message to the community that "all are welcome at the Episcopal Church." Young and not so young, clergy and laity, men, women and children of the Episcopal church march the parade route together; and if you can't walk the route, there is a trolley you can ride. Groups from parishes across the diocese will once again march together behind the diocesan banner of "Fearless Love" to show that God Loves exceptions. Join the Christ Church contingent - contact Charlette Preslar if you're coming; she may help with carpools.

Celebrate Independence Day
Christ Church - Sunday, July 7 
Independence Day prayers
Cap off your holiday celebrations with the Christ Church annual Independence Day service - Sunday, July 7 at 10:00 a.m.  Active duty/retired members of the military services are invited to attend in uniform.  Everyone else, wear your best red, white, and blue!

Book Sale Bonanza
Right here at Christ Church
Parishioner Kathryn Bunch will bring her traveling book ministry, K-B Books, to Christ Church Sunday, July 7
A member of the Episcopal Booksellers Association, Kathryn has extensive knowledge and a wonderful inventory of religious and inspirational books - fiction, non-fiction, Bibles, prayer books, and more. You'll be delighted to peruse her display and will surely find something you love. If you have a special request she needs to order for you, contact her directly at [email protected].

Let's Celebrate Rev. Anne
Y'all are invited...

We're celebrating the ministry of the Rev. Anne Bridgers at Christ Church. There will be one service at 9:00 a.m., Sunday, July 28, 2019 which will be followed by a celebratory parish brunch in the courtyard. If you have not yet sent your RSVP to this event please do so here:

Everyone is invited to bring a card of thanks. Donations on Anne's behalf may be made to Vida Joven de Mexico. A special fund has been created specifically for your donations - you may use the link below to donate online.

Self Compassion &Yoga Retreat
Be in the Moment
A unique opportunity awaits at a two-day retreat focused on "compassionate self care" led by Heather Smith, a Yoga Alliance Certified trainer and certified Boundless Compassion facilitator. You may recognize Heather Smith as the long-time face of outreach programs at St. Mark's, City Heights. 

The goal of the Self Compassion & Yoga Retreat is to help us recognize how our attitude and approach to self affects our ability to be a compassionate presence with and for others. We will explore what it means to be compassionate toward oneself, become aware of the continuum of compassion fatigue and strategize plans for compassionate self care.

Join Heather July 12-13 at Christ Church for this unique opportunity. Register here. Space is limited to 25 participants.

Summer Family Read-Aloud
A favorite classic
This summer, we invite you to read Charlotte's Web as a family. There are lots of ways to connect our faith to this wonderful story! Then join us in Hinde Hall on August 15, at 6:00 p.m. for a conversation about our Summer Read-Aloud, Charlotte's Web, and a screening of the movie. Please bring your beach chairs or a blanket. You are welcome to bring a picnic dinner if you would like too. We'll provide the popcorn, water, and a special book-themed snack for everyone in attendance. Oh! And one other perk, Hinde Hall is air conditioned!

Parish News
A Message from the Senior Warden
Transition at Christ Church
We all have many questions and perhaps even anxiety regarding the transition we are facing as a parish in identifying and calling a new Rector. Here is a brief overview of the process ahead of us. You will receive much more information as we move forward and have many opportunities to express your own thoughts and feelings. The entire parish will be part of the process.

Two weeks ago the Vestry met with Rev. Laura Sheridan-Campbell, the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego Canon for Transition, to discuss the Calling Process. We begin our journey on July 28 with a celebration of Rev. Anne's ministry here at Christ Church. We have been richly blessed with her presence in faith, her inspirational leadership, and her unceasing commitment. We wish her and Dixon every blessing on their new life in retirement. There is much to celebrate and even room to grieve a bit. A healthy goodbye will help to support a healthy transition.

Following Rev. Anne's departure, with initial clergy leadership in place, we will, as a congregation, begin initial reflection on the past and prayerful discernment for the future. Your Vestry will lead and support this phase. Your feedback will be invited in a variety of ways. 
The Diocese will conduct a Business and HR review to assist. We will begin to gather a Call Committee, the members of which will reflect the diversity of Christ Church. 

After an initial time of transitional clergy leadership (and this could be several months), we will work with the Diocesan team to call an Interim Rector. The Interim Rector will be in place until a new Rector is called. We are told to be prepared for this to take up to 12-18 months, although it doesn't necessarily have to.

Christ Church has many strengths. We are a strong and vibrant community of committed Christians participating in an expansive range of ministry and outreach. We have a dynamic youth ministry and Day School. I have no doubt that we will attract many qualified applicants for this exceptional post. Our task will be to discern the one that is best qualified to lead Christ Church into the future.
God bless and keep all y'all,
Yours in Christ, Paul

Camp Create!
Lend a hand
If you would like to help with Camp Create! , July 15-18, there are many opportunities:
  • Make a donation to the Camp Create! scholarship fund-contact Charlette Preslar or the parish office
  • Help provide hospitality during lunch (service with a smile 11:30-1:00).
  • Lend a hand with art and/or music and drama projects.
  • If on-site participation is not your thing, what about making homemade cookies for the children?
  • Bring in empty paper towel rolls
  • Attend the performance on Thursday, July 18 at 1:00 p.m.

Traveling Mercies
Send us your photos
Visit the Episcopal church on vacation
If you're lucky enough to travel this summer, you're bound to find an Episcopal church nearby. We'd love to share in your travel adventures by seeing a photo of you and the family at Episcopal churches throughout the nation. Just snap a pic and email it to Christ Church. We'll feature you in the weekly eCommunicator.

Church Parking at Walgreens
Parishioners please take note
Summer is here, town is busier than ever and parking for church can be tricky. Please note that we no longer have a reciprocal parking arrangement with Walgreens. We encourage you to find parking elsewhere or pay for the time you are in their lot or risk receiving a citation.

Yoga at Christ Church
Relax at the end of the day
woman_yoga_back.jpg Christ Church features two yoga practices. Weekly on Tuesday evenings at 5:00 p.m., Rebecca Nagorksi leads a faithful group. 

In addition, Nereyda Varias is back for restorative yoga,  Thursday- June 27 at 4:30 p.m. Both classes meet in Hinde Hall - a $5.00 donation is requested.  

Back to School Backpacks
Collections begin Sunday, June 30
Backpack  suppliesSummer has barely arrived, but it's already time to begin our annual backpack drive June 30. Service Ministry members will be accepting donations each Sunday through July 21. 

As with most things, there are economies of scale. We've found our dollars can go much farther when we purchase pre-packed backpacks from a company called Blusource. This year there is an increased need for more costly packs for middle and high school students vs. elementary.

If you still wish to purchase a backpack yourself and fill it with supplies, there will be lists available at the Service Ministry table. Backpacks will be blessed on Rev. Anne's last Sunday, July 28.

Pie Social Proceeds
You've done it again
RefugeeNet campers win!
A huge round of applause for everyone who baked, bought, and ate all of the delicious pies last Sunday. Your generosity resulted in a total of $1,014 that will go directly to RefugeeNet to purchase supplies campers will need for their Camp Stevens adventures this summer. These are items that families with a limited income would be hard-pressed or simply unable to purchase. 

In addition, last Sunday's plate cash will go to Camp Stevens to help fund camperships for RefugeeNet campers. How ironic is it the the total collected on our Pie Social day was...$314!

The Service Ministry would like to thank one and all for another successful outreach event. #bridgingloveandservice

Food Collection - St. Mark's
Neighborhood Food Pantry
Cooking oil
June is cooking oil
St. Mark's has designated a specific food item for collection each month this year. June's food item is  cooking oil.  July will be peanut butten and jelly.

You may access the entire year's list on St. Mark's Outreach page . Of course, basic non-perishable items are always needed such as: soup/stews, cereal and oatmeal, granola bars, peanut butter, pasta and sauce, rice, canned protein, canned vegetables and fruit, and single-serve items for their unhoused visitors. Bring your contributions on Sundays or to the parish office Monday-Thursday. 

The Diocese and Beyond
Seating of Our Fifth Bishop
Sunday, June 30 @ 5:00 p.m.
Bishop Susan Brown Snook
Bishop Susan Brown Snook will knock on the doors of St. Paul's, our cathedral, and be seated as our fifth bishop. This historic event is a rich part of our Anglican heritage. All are welcome.
Camp Stevens
Summer registration is open
"Camp Stevens inspires, challenges, and empowers personal, social, and environmental transformation."

The Camp Stevens' homepage says it all. Anyone who has had the privilege to attend summer camp knows the experience can be life affirming and life changing. Camp Stevens in Julian offers youngsters exceptional outdoor adventures, grounded in the Episcopal Church values and tradition.

Registration is now open for a host of exciting summer sessions that begin June 30. Check out:
Camperships are available - contact Camp Stevens with any questions or for more information.

What's Happening...

Mark Your Calendar 

June 27
Restorative Yoga with Nereyda

July 3-4
Parish Office closed

July 7
Celebrate Independence Day at Christ Church

July 12-13
Boundless Compassion Retreat

July 13
Pride Parade

July 15-18
Camp Create

July 21
Bishop Susan Brown Snook visits Christ Church

July 28
Rev. Anne's last Sunday
Backpack Blessing

August 4-September 1
Sundays @ 9:00 a.m.

Weekly Events

Tuesday evenings @5:00 p.m.
Hinde Hall 

Men's Bible Study
Tuesday mornings @6:30  a.m. Hinde Hall  

Thursday @ 10:00 a.m.
Healing Service  

Friday evenings @6:00 p.m.
Hinde Hall


Serving This Sunday...
8:00 a.m. - Carla Fargo
10:00 a.m. - TBD

Chalice Bearers
8:00 a.m. -  Carla Fargo, Suzie Heap
10:00 a.m. - Kathryn Grosnoff, Jo Hunsaker

8:00 a.m. - John Sturges
10:00 a.m. - Bill Huck

8:00 a.m. - Suzie Heap
10:00 a.m. - Nancy Funk, Bethany Windle

8:00 a.m.  - John Sturges, Marty McCullough
10:00 a.m. - Arie & Bonnie Van Vugt

Welcome Center
Bob Koop

8:00 a.m. - Susy Patterson
10:00 a.m. - Dixon Bridgers

Byron Miller, Glover Ferguson, Don McCleary

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