Stewardship Skill Building Opportunities for Your Annual Campaign

Dear Colleagues,
Through our generosity we create; turning our awe and wonder, our hopes and dreams, into programs and ministries, places of welcome and transformation. Tabernacles in our own settings where God can be experienced.  
I have organized 3 programs (see below) to equip pastors and lay leaders for the work of generosity.  Please consider joining in one of these programs in preparation for your annual campaign in support of your congregation. These programs will help invite everyone to make a gift to your congregation.
Together we can make generosity part of the heart of our discipleship.
Yours in faith, 
Rev. Andrew Warner, Wisconsin Conference Director of Development
Annual Campaigns 101 Webinar
August 7, 2019, 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Designed for pastors and lay leaders planning an annual pledge campaign, we will explore ways to create an effective campaign using the materials provided by the national setting of the UCC. The webinar will include developing a campaign calendar, key messaging, recruiting advocates, engaging lay leadership in making early pledges, and thanking donors.
Invite others in your congregation to join in this webinar too, and gain a good foundation for planning a pledge campaign that will be stronger than ever. There is no fee for participating in this webinar, however registration is required so we can send you the link to join the webinar.    
From Good to Great Annual Campaigns: A Stewardship Bootcamp   
Sunday, August 11, 3:00 - 7:00 pm
First Congregational UCC, Eau Claire 
Insights from the best practices of philanthropy can revitalize congregational annual campaigns. This workshop will look at three practical steps:
  • Engaging key leaders in developing a "case statement" for the congregation. A case statement creates an overall vision for a campaign that includes reasons to give, motivations to give, and what impact giving will have; it serves as a core planning document.
  • Planning for ways to communicate the case in the lead up to Pledge Sunday and throughout the year afterwards
  • The importance of gratitude throughout the process
You will leave this workshop with a good foundation for planning and implementing a stronger annual campaign, while enhancing communication and expression of gratitude towards your congregation members. There is a $10 per person fee for this workshop, which includes a meal.
Extravagant Generosity as a Spiritual Practice
Webinar Series - 5 Online Sessions 
Planning Session August 6, 10:00 -11:30 am,
and four additional sessions October 8, 15, 22 and 29 at 10:00 - 11:30 am 
Generosity doesn't just touch our wallet but engages our soul. We can more deeply consider the spiritual implications of giving, moving beyond a short blessing in worship or celebrating that "God loves a cheerful giver." How do we think about growth, challenge, crisis, and transformation in our giving?  Through a series of four webinars, we will discuss the Book of Ruth and John 10 in order to plan an off-lectionary sermon series for a stewardship campaign. Each webinar will help participants plan for a Sunday of the campaign. This sermon series will root the pledge campaign in a broader focus on the spiritual practice of generosity.
The August 6 webinar will be a planning session designed to help pastors plan out their fall campaign using the theme, and to develop ways to support each other collaboratively in the creation of messages, prayers, and letters for a fall stewardship campaign. (The session will be recorded in case you aren't able to participate in August.)  
There is no fee for participating in this webinar, however registration is required so we can send you the link to join the webinar.  

Read the thank you here and find out the church's followup plans
Summer Happenings

  • Rev. Kyle Carnes ended his ministry at St. Stephens, Merrill June 23. He and his family are moving to MI to develop their family business,
  • Rev. Lisa Bodenheim began serving Prescott UCC on June 1.
  • Eagle River called Rev. Jane Courtright as their new pastor. She began her ministry with them on June 30
  • Rev. Paul Veldman began as interim at Elcho Kempster UCC July 1.
  • Patti Steevens' service to St Paul's UCC in Marshfield will end Aug. 1,
  • Rev. Sharon Osborn's last Sunday at the Namekagon Congregation Church, Earl, WI. was July 7. Below, picture from her farewell Sunday.
Movie Night at Trinity UCC, La Crosse
Worship on Wednesday, First Congregational UCC, Menomonie
Food and fellowship on the 4th - First Congregational UCC, Wisconsin Rapids.
First Congregational UCC, River Falls invited Saint Paul's UCC, Ellsworth, to join them for VBS. God's Creation, Preschool - completed grade 5, Monday, July 29 – Thursday, August 1, 2019 9:00 – 11:30 am.   
First Congregational UCC, Rhinelander
Coming in August we are having a worship service outside at the Hodag Park. Service will be at 10:30 am on the 25th, and right after service (approx. 11:30) we will enjoy a pot-luck picnic with all that are willing, contributing their favorite dish to the smorgasbord! Hope you can be there!
Twenty-eight youth and eigth adults from First Congregational UCC, Eau Claire traveled to Heifer International in Arkansas for a week of service.
Learn more on their FB page
Camp Kindness! Held at Cable United Church of Christ July 9,10, & 11. Tuesday - Thursday. Ages 5-12. 12 until 3pm (optional bike club for ages 7-12 until 4:30 pm. Camp Kindness is a FREE day camp with an emphasis on acts of service and treating our earth, our community, and ourselves with kindness. 
Pittsville UCC, Summer Worship
NWA/NEA Fall Clergy Retreat, Oct 6-8, 2019: the Pensions Board will do a wellness retreat