BEC's mission is to protect and defend the land, air and water of Butte County and the surrounding region through action, advocacy and education. Our monthly newsletter is designed to keep our community informed about local issues that impact our region's environmental quality and bring you opportunities to become involved.
Did You Know BEC is Almost as Old as Earth Day Itself?
This April, we are looking back in reverence to our founding members, those who laid the bedrock for BEC to accomplish 45 years of positive environmental impact for the communities of Butte County. As all longstanding non-profits do, BEC has traversed many changes in environmental campaigns, programs and leadership since 1975.
Today, 45 years later, we stand as a vanguard for a new environmental decade and we are committed to the adaptation it takes to remain at the fore front of environmental and climate leadership in Butte County.
There Hasn't Been a Better Time to Become a BEC Member!
You can become a Sustaining Member of BEC by donating anywhere from $3 to $30 a month.
We truly rely on people just like you to keep up the dynamic work we do for our region's environmental health and education. From removing literal TONS of waste from our creeks, to educating K-12 classrooms about endangered species or recycling and composting, to hosting free public forums mobilizing citizens on current issues.. BEC is unmatched in long-term positive impact on behalf of our environment.
Help us make it 45 more and click the button below
As a
Thank You
from us and our partners at
Klean Kanteen
, if you become a Sustaining Member or Angel before the end of April, we will send you a FREE vintage BEC logo Klean Kanteen in the mail.
Help Us Increase the Vital Urban Forest of Chico!
Chico is know as the
City of Trees.
In addition to the iconic Bidwell Park, Chico's Urban Forest is made up of over 32,000 trees and provides us with vital ecological benefits like: reduction of C02 emissions, conservation of water and soil erosion, shade and mitigation of energy costs, and increase in wildlife and plant diversity.
BEC has partnered with the City of Chico to increase our urban forest by over 700 trees in the next three years, and we will need the help of our community (you!) to get it done.
Click the 'Register to Volunteer' button and join us on May 2nd and 3rd to help deliver tree saplings to Chico residents with your vehicle.
Your safety as a volunteer is the first priority for us during this time, please read the section of the form that explains our safety precautions within COVID-19 mitigation guidelines for this event.
*There are still a limited number of FREE trees available to Chico residents wit
this neighborhood area
, click
and enter promo-code "BEC102"
to order and have them delivered to you by our amazing volunteers on May 2nd and 3rd!
Environmental Action Alert
Read Full Public Announcement Here
Cleaning our creeks and supporting our community is what we do.
BEC Programs and Environmental Education Online
Even though some things are changing with our annual events, we are still working hard to provide the education they offer.
You can find
downloadable resources for at-home education on endangered species and recycling and composting as well as current Butte County environmental issues we are watch dogging.
Earth Day From Afar
Article by Neil Bajaj, Local High School Student & BEC Member
With the outbreak of COVID-19 and the lock down order for all residents of Chico, the Butte Environmental Council is ready to celebrate Earth day from afar. While it seems impossible to do much while staying at home, I want to discuss some ways we can still do something and help our Earth. We can still get together from afar and celebrate the Earth, starting with the Earth Day 2020 theme of Climate Action,
click here
. We could all take time to eat fresh vegetables, fruits and produce from our county or our garden. And in honor of Earth day, let us honor these vegetables by eating them without meat, as meat, particularly beef is a very unsustainable form of food. Take a picture of your meal and share it on social media with a short message. Spring is in the air and the weather is beautiful. Let's start growing some herbs, fruits, vegetables, or trees. I recommend growing plants that require low maintenance but have high yields, like bell peppers. Try composting or using reusable bottles/straws instead of plastic. There are so many ways and we would love to see how you celebrated your earth day, so be sure to take pictures and share them. Please send images or videos of what you are doing to celebrate virtual Earth day to #BECEarthday2020. -Neil Bajaj
Thank you for your continued support. We wish you safety from all of us here at BEC!
General Manager
Butte Environmental Council