This Week's Activities
Hello friends!

We hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather we have been having.

This week you are getting 3 pre-recorded Parkinson's Fitness Strength classes with Kim. This week there will be no live virtual classes on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, as Kim will be moving her daughter into Gettysburg for her freshman year. In addition, the link for Dianna's Friday class has changed. Links are toward the end of the email in the blue box.

Below are also some great articles and videos we've found. Stay healthy and be kind to yourself. Miss you all very much!
-Linda & Keith
Brian Grant: Taking Charge of PD
Voices of Parkinson’s is a virtual series highlighting some of the most important voices of the Parkinson’s community. The series is brought to us free from the authors of the book, Ending Parkinson's Disease.
Hear from NBA great Brian Grant about his Parkinson's story and how he is taking charge of PD. For more information, visit

APDA Balance Webinars
The APDA is offering a series of Zoom webinars focused on balance and PD.

To register for the remaining webinars on August 12th at 1pm (Assessing balance with a Physical Therapist) and September 16th (Evidence-based treatment to improve balance) at 1pm, Click Here to Register
Recognizing OFF Periods in Parkinson's
On Wednesday, August 19th from 2-3PM, listen in on a Live Webinar with featured speaker Jill Giordano Farmer, DO, Director, Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorder Program Assistant Professor of Neurology.

This event is sponsored by the makers of INBRIJA, a prescription medicine used when needed for OFF episodes in adults with Parkinson's treated with regular carbidopa/levodopa medicine. INBRIJA does not replace regular carbidopa/levodopa medicine.

Plan Ahead: APDA Virtual Good Start Program
Start planning ahead to attend this two part program provided by the APDA on Wednesday, September 23rd and September 30th from 6-8PM. Presented virtual via Zoom by a team of Parkinsons specialists, Session 1 on 9/23 topics include a welcome, What is Parkinson's Disease and the Role of Rehab and Exercise. Session 2 will include information on Medication Management. To register Call 800-651-8466 or email
Recipe to Try:
Kim's Pesto Pasta Salad
  • 1 pound bag of dried pasta. I recommend something like a Cavatappi or Farfalle that will hold the flavors in each little cranny.
  • 1 cucumber, peeled and diced to about 1/2 inch pieces
  • 1 red bell pepper diced to about 1/4 inch pieces
  • juice of one lemon
  • 1 small jar prepared pesto
  • 1 cup of arugula
  • 1 jar of artichoke hearts
  • 1 cup of edamame
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 1 shallot finely diced
  • pine nuts
  • goat or feta cheese if desired

Serves 6-8.
  1. Cook pasta according to directions.
  2. Rinse the pasta under cold water.
  3. Stir together everything but the pasta and arugula.
  4. Chill the pasta and the remaining ingredients in separate bowls in the fridge.
  5. After about a few hours, toss the pasta in with other ingredients.
  6. Serve chilled with pine nuts and goat or feta cheese on top.
Don't Stop Moving! Try one physical activity each day.
Below, you can access live fitness classes, pre-taped classes and additional videos you can do at home. As always, be sure you only do what feels best for your body and clear the area around you so your arms and legs can move freely. Take it easy when you need to. Drink plenty of water.
Virtual Parkinson's Fitness Classes:
Click on the links below to do a recorded class whenever it suits you!

Balance in Motion with Dianna Friday at 1pm
Meeting ID: 824 0247 5688
Passcode: 12345

Strength with Kim Saturday at 1pm
Meeting ID: 869 2288 6897
Password: 083263

Parkinson's Fitness Videos with Dianna Daly:
Hip Stretches and Balance with Dianna
These are a couple of seated exercises focusing on the hips and a couple of standing balance exercises that we have done in our Zoom class on Fridays. As always, have a clear space around you and only do what feels best to you in the moment. Click to View:

Here is the Link to Dianna’s channel where you can find current and past videos. Do one, do all or mix and match.
More Exercise Videos to Try:
We welcome donations to Parkinson's Fitness at any time of year–maybe to celebrate a loved one's birthday or special event. You can do so online DONATE HERE. You can also mail a check c/o Keith and Linda Hall to 46 Brittania Circle Salem, MA 01970. Thank you!