
If you've been reading my PGGs for a while now (remember I've been at this over 10 years!) you know that from time to time I'll change my tune slightly to address current events in a way that might appear a bit harsher or seemingly more political than my normal fare. Well, today is one of those days....

What we are going through right now is so incredibly extraordinary, we must realize the need to navigate such times in a way that does not alienate or divide us further than we already are . If you've read PGGs like Radiohead , State of Our Union , What Lies Beneath , and Batteries, Bunkers and Bonding , Zombies, Xenophobia and Xanax , or Bubble Burst you'll see I'm always trying to address the underlying issues of how we got here.

In other words, this is not just a "disease" we are battling. We are fighting for our own inner authority, common sense and sense of duty towards both self and the collective, and our ability to come together as a nation to fight any enemy, invisible or not, manufactured or organic, foreign or domestic, from within or without. It's imperative we stay awake, develop and maintain our highest awareness and responsibility as citizens of our country and as members of the human race.

This is the whole point of personal growth, because, as you know, my motto is that personal transformation is the key to social transformation.

I hope today's new essay helps you see your part in that. And for today's PGG Video of the week I talk about how to think about this time as a detox to realign your values, and in this week's Instagram post I remind you about the process of transformation.

ALSO: I did my very first Instagram LIVE interview Wednesday night with Zanade Mann of The Grand Reset . It's a deep 1 1/2 hour conversation (think podcast length!) so if you like that sort of thing and have the time, there are some juicy moments. It has some rambling and technical things on my part that could be better, but for my first at bat I think it's decent and offers good insights for you to get through this time. You can watch Part One here and Part Two here on YouTube.

And as a reminder, I've been posting messages regularly on my Instagram/IGTV and YouTube channel, so if you need a little digital human interaction, please be sure to follow or subscribe so you know when they're posted (fyi this is the dedicated YouTube playlist ). Let me know what you think, and/or what you'd like to see me talk about - I'm here to help!

As always, please feel free to contact me with any comments about anything I'm doing.
Big hug <3 Kristina

P.S. Need a little guidance and one-on-one support at this time? Take advantage of my March Madness Coaching Offer (extended to April 30th) - scroll down for details. For info about working with me check out the website for my coaching services .

P.P.S. In case you missed them, you can read my two PGG's that specifically address the current crisis: Quality Control: How to make the best of these times of quarantine and questioning and How to cope with (and benefit from) what you can't see during the time of corona. Feel free to share those links (or any others) with anyone who could benefit <3
Follow me on social media for article links, motivational videos & inspirational posts!
" I love your PGG newsletters - one of the only ones I actually read in its entirety. They are excellently written, and spot on. Thanks for being so inspirational and reflective!" ~ Tom D .
United We Stand

It’s vitally important for us to check our bias /the lens through which we are viewing and processing the current situation.

We have been conditioned for a while now to look at things as black or white/ good or bad/ red or blue / us or them.

We've also been told to trust scientists and data at face value as if they were god/ gods/ panacea/an absolute to be heeded and worshiped.

In politics or on Madison Avenue – where data/polls/ads in mainstream media are used to influence us – graphs, numbers and presentations can be manipulated and framed to create any story they want . That's their tool to drive behavior.

And that’s why with every “scientific study,” you need to see who is FUNDING it and what is the outcome they are trying to push or prove. What is the narrative they want to focus on, for what gain and for whom? Who is financially supporting the experts, institutions and media outlets and what is their agenda (i.e., just like politicians)?

Don’t get lost in the spin from either side – whether it looks like obvious spin, facts or fake news. Stay neutral and open so we can be more clear-minded and united.

We are living in a world of bank robbers, drug dealers, gang turf wars, rogue actors, impostors and mercenaries fighting battles with each other, with us as collateral damage and commodities to be gained or lost. That is the underlying plot of this movie we’re experiencing right now.

I am so very grateful for the truly good, sincere people doing their best to fight for all of us. And I’m beyond thankful for all the people who are left to deal with the horrific mess and results of the main protagonists of this script's actions and plans.

I am deeply concerned about the collective trauma being experienced by our society but likely won’t even be recognized for months and years to come, especially from those on the front lines. I am beyond sad about those who are dying alone and without a proper send-off to the other side, and for all those who are affected by such a loss.

People want definitive answers – yesterday. We want a pill or an app to fix everything for us. We want a villain and a hero. And we want a savior. This, I think, is one of the most dangerous places to be as a society, because that kind of thinking keeps us disempowered and divided. It usurps our own agency and ability to think and act for ourselves in an insightful way and to see the whole picture.

Therefore, the most important thing we can do right now is work on building ourselves up INTERNALLY in body, mind and spirit so that we can make educated, unbiased, intuitive, discerning decisions for ourselves that come from a place of STRENGTH, not FEAR. And not from being spoon-fed what we are being told in each of our “bubbles."

We need to sharpen our critical faculties and find the inner authority to navigate this situation and look at all aspects through a wider, nonpartisan lens. And a holistic one. (I.e., why aren’t the media or governments talking about ways to boost your immunity??)

In other words, most of the time things are gray and complex; sometimes the supposed villains are the heroes, and those we put on pedestals are the ones causing the problems. Sometimes people can be both at the same time. Sometimes up is down and down is up. Sometimes things are not at all what we think they are. And sometimes, things we never assumed or imagined to be connected indeed are.

So I encourage you to keep an open mind and not let your vitriol for “the other side” color your assessment of what’s happening and the solutions being put forth. That is the only way we are going to get through this crisis with the least amount of damage and loss , not just of life and income, but of our rights, integrity and sanity.

We must each take responsibility for a more balanced and sober approach to understanding and getting to the truth of all this as much as possible. We can then do what is right for ourselves – which will not be one size fits all – from a place that is not based in fear or believing what is told to us unquestioningly, nor policed by each other or peer pressure.

We are living in the Wild West right now and need as many underdogs and nobodies to step into their power and embrace their gifts to the world – we ALL have something to contribute, even if it’s just our own conscious, healed life. This is just the beginning. There are more of us than there are of them . We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

I’ve been focused on spreading positivity and helping folks get through this time from a personal-growth perspective. Part of that is about helping us stay aware and be empowered to think for ourselves and make the best of this situation with the least amount of suffering, and without losing our innate humanity – both toward ourselves and others – or our essential freedoms. That will take effort and focus. Please don’t forget that and do your part, in addition to washing hands and wearing masks.

By having the courage to evolve or change our mindset and perspective and have more respect for ourselves and each other, we will be better off in every way, in every area of our life, in our country and the world at large.

Looking for some quality content while social distancing?
Be sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook and subscribe to my YouTube channel :)

* * * * * * * * *
If you like what I write, you'll love what I have to say in person!
***Scroll down for special offer extended to April 30th***

Remember, you can always see PGGs from any month or year going back to 2010 on my website at and visit my social media pages for more inspiration throughout the week! Want to share my PGG? Use my Medium page for friendliest posting version.

If you're looking for some compassionate candor and a dose of tough love, Kristina is the coach for you.... I came into this really lacking clarity and walked away with a sense of relief. Can't recommend her enough. ~ Kevin R.


The world is going a little cuckoo, but you don't have to! It's your lucky month because I'm offering everyone on my mailing list a discounted opportunity to check in, get centered with yourself and find the clarity, balance and direction you need right now.

One Hour Stay Sane Phone Session just $175 ( reg. $225)
Essential Self Consultation Package just $650 (reg. $725)

* * * Must be booked and scheduled by 3/31 * * *
Offer only valid for those currently on my mailing list


"Kristina patiently helped me to discover and embrace my true north. I was stuck in a past identity that blocked me from the person I wanted to become."

Monday, March 16th 5:15-6:45pm @ Yorkville
Spring Cleaning for the Soul

Staying Motivated Throughout the Job Search Process

Authentic Branding: Letting the Real You Shine in Any Situation

Who Are You & What Are You Supposed to Be Doing with Your Life?

and more... (click on titles)

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Read Kristina's Career & Personal Growth Articles:

"Since I last spoke with you, I've had some pretty dramatic changes - New Job, a Big Move, Healthy Dating Relationship. It's been pretty awesome. Emotionally, I've done a 180, and my life is certainly a reflection of that. My last session with you spurred a lot of wonderful life changes. "   ~ Palanda B.
"I can honestly say that speaking to you was one of the most important events in my life. It is almost unbelievable how a 2-hour conversation can have that effect." ~ Bozhanka V.

Thank you again for opening my eyes to a new future ! ~ K. Handa

Kristina’s coaching expertise is phenomenal — all-encompassing, inclusive of the mind, body & spirit, nonjudgmental, insightful and deeply involved in providing solutions and tools to be a better version of yourself. ~ Audrey N.

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