Lay Servers at In-Person Mass
The Reopening Committee has been working hard to plan for our reopening and to prepare the forms requesting permission from the Bishop to reopen. I can not at this time give you a date, but we should be able to resume in person worship soon.
As you can imagine, the Mass will look somewhat different. One difference will be that we will only be able to have one Lay Server due to social distancing and other safety protocol. The duties of the Lay Server will be as follows:
- Read the Lesson
- Lead the Psalm
- Lead the Prayers of the People
- Ring the bells during the Eucharistic Prayer
If you would like to serve as a Lay Server as we regather for public worship, please send me an email and let me know of your desire to serve. A training session will be scheduled before we reopen and new servers will be required to attend the training before they begin serving. You may serve as a Lay Server if you have previously served as a Lay Reader, Intercessor, or Lay Eucharistic Minister. You may also serve as a Lay Server if you have never served at the altar before, but you feel God calling you to begin serving in this way.
Thank you all for all that you do for God and the parish.