The Egret Corner
January 2021 | Issue 7
Here is a Snowy Egret taking off above the water in Area B of the Ballona Reserve.
Photo by Jonathan Coffin, edited by Lisa Rachal.

Dear Ballona Wetlands Advocates,

Happy New Year! May all your goals and aspirations for the year be fulfilled. This month we are featuring a wildlife photographer, the blue-gray gnatcatcher, and lastly an article showcasing some ways to find more gratitude in the New Year. But first, let's go over some project updates!

Project Updates:
  • our educational Zoom classes have resumed, if you're interested fill out this form
  • creation of more educational videos is on the way
  • if you'd like to fund an online nature class contact us by replying to this email or donating

Please enjoy the rest of the newsletter, for previous issues visit our newsletter archive. If you have any questions or concerns email

Thank you for your ongoing support.


The Ballona Wetlands Team
Diversity in the Field: Presenting Joseph Saunders
Joseph Sanders is a professional photographer, co-organizer of Black Birders Week, and paraplegic.

Sanders's photography work often features amazingly detailed macro images of reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates as these animals are often undervalued and underappreciated. If you check out Aperiology, his Ologies interview he also discusses issues with mobility, highlighting the importance of access to natural spaces for everyone.

I highly recommend checking out more of his work, here is his website or social media.
Bird of the Month: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Interesting Facts
It uses the whites of its tail and fast hopping speed to entice and catch prey.

Habitat - various wooded habitat near water
Diet - insects (plant bugs, spiders, caterpillars, grasshoppers, etc.)
Nesting - nests built on side branches in the upper section of living broad trees

Photo: Jonathan Coffin, edited by Lisa Rachal
Facts from

The Two Minute Morning Act For Having A Great Day with Neil Pasricha
There is a lot going on in the world and it is necessary to make sure we take care of ourselves. Whether it's taking a walk in nature, meditating, journaling, or anything to take you out of your current headspace. Neil Pasricha suggests taking 2 minutes each morning to reflect/ write down 3 things:

  1. I will let go of…
  2. I am grateful for…
  3. I want to focus on…

Writing down these things has helped him focus and start his day more positively.

Give it a try. Even if it's not for you I hope you do something for yourself today.
Your Contributions Further Our Efforts!
Contributions collected are used to advance our efforts to advocate for the greater Ballona Wetlands ecosystem. Any contributions are greatly appreciated.
The Ballona Wetlands Land Trust is a non-profit community organization
dedicated to advocating for the greater Ballona Wetlands ecosystem and to facilitating access to this ecosystem for education, stewardship, and public outreach.