January 2021 --- Volume 59, Issue 1
Winter Fun ---- Photo Porsche
From The Editor
Mike Willis
Thanks to all of you who voted in our 2021 Board elections. With your voting and support we will and can have a full board for 2021 even though at this time we have two elected officers. See other articles below for more details.
Another thank you to all of you who helped with The Drifter for 2020, with all of this support we were able to produce a timely and informative issues. Along this same area we need someone who can produce our event "flyers" They are usually produced as a image file to be used in The Drifter and Web Page.
We continue to look for a Webmaster starting for 2021. In addition as will be covered below we are now looking for 2021 Board Members to fill the vacant positions. Please send an email to President@svr-pca.org
When sending me a video it needs to be on a webpage and not as a stand alone as there is a size limit for this of 5MB.
This issue contains the following as you scroll through.
Also remember that all advertisers are linked to their web page.
Editor Comments
President's Column
SVR Calendar
Vice President Calendar Information
Chips For Kids
Berry Creek School District
SVR Logo Contest
Oktoberfest Charity Auction 2021
In The Zone
SVR Membership
SVR Board Minutes
SVR Classifieds
SVR Store
SVR Board Members (link)
Vacant, Flyers
Rik Larson, Proof Reader/Tickler
Vacant, Advertising
Ed Parra, Reporter
Skip Quain, Contributor
Niello has agreed to offer the following
sponsorships to SVR for 2021
- March 28th (Sunday), AX school at Porsche Rocklin service bay
- April 3rd (Saturday) - AX school at San Joaquin Fairgrounds
- May 21-23rd ---- CRAB 38 (assumed to be at CAM)
- Nov 5-7th --- Mendocino Tour
- Concours ---------- TBD
- XMAS Party ------ TBD
President's Message
January 2021
Eduardo Ortega, Jr. SVR President
Hello SVR Members
We start 2021 with many challenges. We can look forward to seeing each other at events in the near future as a result of the COVID-19 vaccine inoculation process beginning. We may still be wearing masks toward the end of the year but we will hopefully be approaching normalcy by then.
SVR Election Status
Based upon the election results we only have two elected directors (out of six elected directors). Treasurer Bob Peake and I held a special board meeting on January 7th with the objective of filling the remaining five positions (Vice President, Secretary, Membership, Social, and Past President [2020 SVR President Steve Barker has declined to serve as 2021-22 Past President]). Several volunteers have stepped forward and we are pleased to announce that Ken Shahoian will serve as Membership Director, Mike Willis will serve as Past President, and Rik Larson will serve as Secretary.
Volunteers Needed
If you are interested in serving on the board of directors or as a chair (or co-chair), please contact Rik Larson at secretary@svr-pca.org
Special Thanks
Bill Fargo (former SVR member) has volunteered to serve as our webmaster while we search for a new webmaster. Thanks Bill.
Parting Action
This is a true parting action. Due to personal reasons, I am resigning my position as 2021-22 SVR President effective January 10, 2021.
Safe travels!
Vice president is open and SVR needs a volunteer
to help the region with events.
We are working on the SVR calendar for the next year and hopefully will be able to schedule some events as Covid winds down. You can submit your ideas etc. to vicepresident@svr-pca.org which is being monitored while we are looking for a Vice President.
Below are a few SVR events that are scheduled at this time.
- AX School at end of March (Sunday at Niello) and then course work on Saturday at Stockton in April
- registration dates for the Treffen and the Parade (Feb and January I think...........will need to look those up)......both of these have links up.
- Zone 7 AX's by SVR and Redwood Region in April at Thunderhill
- Werks Reunion -- August 13th in Monterey (link is up..........but no info yet for the August 2021 event)
- Mendocino Tour in November5-7, 2021.
-CRAB 38 dates in May but my guess is that the event will not occur in 2021..............way too many ifs!
Our 2021 track season is shaping up along these lines:
• April 2-3-4: Thunderhill Raceway DE and Club Race (3 mile)
• May 22-23: Buttonwillow Raceway DE and Club Race
(CCCR will host its DE on Friday, May 21)
• July 3-4: Sonoma Raceway DE and Club Race (1ST GGR hosted weekend at Sonoma since 2008)
• August 28-29: Sonoma Raceway Club Race only (with NASA)
• September 25-26: Thunderhill DE and Club Race (3 mile)
(Diablo Region will host its DE on Friday, September 24)
• October 9-10: Sonoma Raceway Club Race only (with NASA)
Yes, there is no Laguna weekend for GGR as of this writing. However, to get your “PCA Laguna” fix, our friends at Diablo Region will be hosting a one-day DE at Laguna on Friday, March 19, and our friends at Central Coast Region will be at Laguna on Monday, October 18.
New helmet requirements, the Snell 2010 helmets will expire on December 31. (2015 helmets are good for another 5 years.) Snell 2020 helmets are now available at your favorite racer supply stores.
PDK (Pretty Darn Kwik)
Rik Larson, Secretary
Registration Opening for PCA events
The 65th annual Porsche Parade registration (Phase I) opens on Wednesday, February 10th at 9 am Pacific Time. This is for getting your entrant number and also info about making hotel reservations. The week long event is being held in French Lick, Indiana from July 11-17. Info available at www.porscheparade.org and also in the December PANORAMA (starting on page 96). And if you are interested in caravanning back to the event, Terry Zaccone of Golden Gate Region, is organizing a multi-day trip. You can reach him at tzaccone@pacbell.net
The next PCA Treffen event is being held in Scottsdale, Arizona. I have heard that a number of SVR folks are planning to attend. Registration opens on Wednesday, February 24th at noon, Pacific Time. This event usually sells out in one hour. The event is being held May 5-8. Details are at the website treffen.pca.org
Formula E Starts Up
Things keep changing but it looks like the first 2 races will be held on February 26th and 27th using a street circuit in Diriyah, Saudi Arabia. TV coverage is being handled in the United States by CBS Sports (usually live --- 90 minutes worth). Tag Heuer Porsche has 2 cars entered. The two German drivers are Andre Lotterer (#36) and Pascal Wehrlein (#99). There are two American teams: BMW i Andretti Motorsport and Dragon/Penske Autosport. It will be a rather short season, probably ending in July. There will be one race in the United States…………using a street circuit in Brooklyn in July. This is the 7th season for these electric cars.
356CAR & SVR Toy & Food Drive
By Kim Nelson
Hello to all members of our Sacramento Porsche Clubs, I had 16 people helping from the 356 group and then Greg and Leah who are also 356 members showed up and hepled.
When SVR decided they shouldn't have the event I jumped on it for 356CAR and then turned around and invited SVR. To my astonishment they were all on board. Honestly, with the way we did it, SVR would not have had a problem.
The toys were loaded in the CHP Vehicles and others to be deliver to the CHP Sub station.
The food was delivered on Monday and was at least a couple of hundred pounds.
Thanks to all the 356CAR & SVR members that came out with their donations.
SVR Autocross Schedule
Watch this space for 2021 Schedule
SVR 2020 Charity Recap.
By Dick MacFarlane
Dick MacFarlane delivers food, clothing and a check to Pioneer Union Elementary School District superintendent Patsy Oxford.
Superintendent Oxford gives a Big THANK YOU to all SVR members for helping to brighten Christmas for 33 families at Berry Creek Elementary School.
SVR applied for a $750.00 PCA charity grant and were accepted and was matched by SVR with another $750.00.
Many SVR members also donated on their own additional funds.
Be a part of SVR History
by Dick MacFarlane
After nearly 60 years of loyal service to our SVR members we are retiring our logo and grill badge.
The entire SVR membership has the opportunity to redesign our logo and grill badge for the next 60 years.
Watch the Drifter for details in the coming months
Start working on your creative ideas.
Thank you
Your Redesign logo/badge committee
Dick MacFarlane……………. Chair
Melinda Roles…………………Secretary
Rachel and Kim Nelson
Mary and David Borden
Charity Auction 2021
Charity Auction Committee
Dick MacFarlane ...Chair
Lois Roberts
We are 12 months away for our Charity Auction, but if your have any cool auctions items you would like to donate, I can get them now and store them until the event.
You may be moving, organizing, downsizing or just have an auction items you want to find a new home for.
1. Books
2. Posters
3. Models
4. Time share
5. Car parts
6. Apparel
7. Wine
8. Memorabilia
9. Artwork
10. You get the idea
Also, if you would like to join Lois and me on this not many meetings fun committee let me know.
Thank you,
In The Zone
January 2021
By: Collin Fat, Zone 7 Representative
Sacramento Valley Region
Photo Collin Fat
Happy New Year:
Wishing everyone a happy and prosperous New Year and looking forward to a New Year that will mark the end of the corona virus. With vaccines on the horizon for all of us, the future looks much brighter with a return to normalcy by this summer. Just in time for the Parade 2021 in French Lick, Indiana!
Each of your region’s board of directors should be working on a calendar of events that considers current pandemic restrictions as well as well as for events once the vaccine has been widely distributed. During the first two quarters of 2021 most regions will be scheduling autocross, tours, DE and club racing events. With new lead/follow guidelines published for driver education events, first time and novice drivers will be able to enjoy a track day. It is doubtful that club dinners, concours, tech sessions or car and coffee events will be able to be conducted at least until June. Your club’s board of directors will be looking for members to suggest and chair events so if you have a favorite restaurant or mountain road or destination, please volunteer.
Region Leadership Changes:
All regions in Zone 7 have probably completed their annual board of director elections and based up what I know, we will be welcoming 4 new club presidents to Zone 7. For Loma Prieta region, Peter Ridgway will be their new club president. For Sacramento Valley region, Eduardo Ortega Jr. was elected as their new club president and for Monterey Bay region, Natasha Zelig will be assuming the helm. Ben Davoren will be the new president of Redwood region. Thank you to John Reed, Steve Barker, Steve Taty and Chip Witt for your service!
The Zone 7 annual Presidents meeting will be held on March 13, 2021. At this event all the region presidents will have a chance to hear the latest updates from one of PCA National’s Executive Council members as well as several PCA National chairs on their upcoming events. In addition, we will review social media practices and issues as well as liability concerns by the club as it relates to the club’s insurance.
PCA National Update:
Your leadership team at PCA national has been very busy. Last year, national has had to deal with the consequences of Covid 19 on our club’s national events such as club racing where at least 16 events had to be cancelled in addition to Spring Treffen and the Parade in Palm Springs. National hopes that their planning for Treffens, Werks Reunion, Parade and a host of other events scheduled for this year can continue as planned. Your national leadership team has been diligent in being flexible in their planning and in developing policies and procedures to enable large national events such as Parade to continue, but with a twist. For instance, at Treffen Greenbriar which was held last year, the banquets continued but with a twist. The Treffen team with the assistance of the management team at the Greenbriar devised a way to provide food service for the several hundred in attendance by providing a served buffet compared to the normal plated dinner service. Table size was reduced from 8-10 persons per table to only 6 and spaced out the tables to provide for social distancing. I think we can see this approach being instituted for Parade at French Lick.
The winter national staff meeting originally scheduled for February 6th in Jacksonville Florida has been cancelled due to concerns with Covid and instead will be conducted virtually. This meeting gathers all the national committee chairs, Zone Representatives, Executive Council members and national headquarter staff to share plans for the year as well as to provide updates on their committee. Updates are generally provided by the chairs of Parade, Treffen, Werks Reunion, Club Racing, Policy, Audit, insurance and social media to name just a few.
Travels with Terry Zaccone (to the Porsche Parade):
Longtime Golden Gate Region PCA member Terry Zaccone is planning on attending his 45th or so Parade and to drive Marcel. Marcel has some 400,000 miles on its odometer and part of the reason are these long-distance journeys to Parade. He is looking for a copilot to drive out with him or to possibly join a caravan to French Lick. Send Terry an email if you have an interest, tzaccone@pacbell.net. A few years back, my son and I joined Terry and several other Sacramento and Golden Gate Region members in a fun caravan to attend Parade in Keystone, Colorado. It was quite the trip!
Events of Interest:
1) Zone 7 Presidents Meeting, March 13
2) PCA Spring Treffen at the Marriott Scottsdale, Arizona; May 5-9; treffen.pca.org; Registration opens February 24, at 12 noon Pacific Time and sells out very quickly (like in 50 minutes)
3) Loma Prieta Region 50th (plus 1) Anniversary Gala, June 19
4) Porsche Parade at French Lick, Indiana, July 11-17; porscheparade.org
6) PCA Fall Treffen at the American Club, Kohler, Wisconsin, October 3-17; treffen.pca.org
7) PCA Spring Treffen at the BROADMOOR, Colorado Springs, Colorado, April 27-May 1, 2022
8) Sacramento Valley Region 60th Anniversary Celebration, May 7, 2022
Note that past Treffens have sold out in as little as one hour due to their popularity. Registration for the Treffens typically opens 3-4 months prior to the event.
Ken Shahoian, Membership Director
A couple of the reports are in transition
for the December Reporting
New Members - December 2020
Since we use e-mail for most of our communications, it is necessary to keep our e-mail address current with SVR and PCA. To update your information, go to www.pca.org and login. You can then make any updates (address, car, e-mail etc.). Also, even though we receive the information from PCA monthly, you can send the same updates to: membership@svr-pca.org. New Member badges will now come with a removable colored sticker to encourage introductions at club events. They can be removed at any time. Welcome to the Sacramento Valley Region of the Porsche Club of America.
SVR - PCA Member Services
Not a Porsche owner but interested in the PCA? Try the PCA Test Drive program. For information, go to: www.pca.org/pca-test-drive Need to update your PCA information? Update your PCA record at www.pca.org
Do you have 2 e-mail addresses? Want Club info sent to a second email, work, home, spouse, friend...? It’s as easy as e-mailing your second e-mail address to the Membership Director, Ken Shahoian at: membership@svr-pca.org
How can I contact the SVR-PCA by mail?
Sacramento Valley Region-PCA,
Post Office Box 254651,
Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
SVR Board of Directors Special Meeting Minutes/Notes
Thursday, January 7, 2021
Location: Using ZOOM
Time: 7:00 P.M.
Call to Order at 7:26 P.M.
Board Attendees: Eduardo Ortega, Jr., Bob Peake
Introduction of guests: Rik Larson, Mike Willis, Collin Fat, Ken Shahoian
1. Meeting Purpose
a. Identify and fill vacant board of directors positions (Eduardo, Bob)
i. Discussion
1. Need to identify and full vacant board positions (Vice President, Secretary, Membership Director, Social Director, and Past President. There is a need to have four board members (quorum) to conduct business per the new SVR Bylaws that became effective January 1, 2021.
2. Volunteering to fill vacancies
a. Past President -- Mike Willis
b. Secretary -- Rik Larson
c. Membership Director -- Ken Shahoian
ii. Motion made by Bob Peake and seconded by Eduardo Ortega, Jr. to accept the volunteers to fill the vacancies. Motion passed.
iii. Actions ---there are now five 5 board members.
2. Final Comments by President
a. Eduardo Ortega, Jr. announced that he was resigning as SVR President for personal reasons, effective January 10, 2021.
3. Board Discussion (item added because of resignation of Eduardo Ortega, Jr.):
a. It was agreed among the 4 board members that the position of President would be filled by Rik Larson.
4. Adjournment 8:00 p.m.
5. Next Meeting: TBD (meeting to be called by board of directors - per the bylaws, board meetings do not have to be held monthly)
a) Date and time of regular board meeting; announcement to membership
b) Volunteers, filling of vacant positions (board and chairs)
c) Transition of items from 2020 SVR Board and Chairs (electronic; storage shed; assets; year-end awards)
d) Membership files received monthly from PCA to be forwarded to Membership Director
e) Completion and submittal of continuity form to National (due Jan 31)
f) 2021 Calendar (SVR, Zone 7, PCA)
g) CRAB 38
h) New logo
i) 60th SVR Anniversary ---- May 7, 2022
j) Bob Peake----- stuff at his house as received from Gregg and Rebecca Plourde
k) Bob Peake---- has storage shed key (some 2020 board items there)
l) January DRIFTER ---- announce resignation and board vacancies
m)Bill Fargo has volunteered to be the SVR webmaster temporarily
Submitted by Note taker: Rik Larson
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TrackMasters Racing is a leader in the High-Performance Driver Education events in Northern California and invites SVR-PCA drivers to participate in these events. For the complete schedule click the link below.
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PCA Members may place non-commercial classified ads for no charge. Photos will be published on this web page at no charge. Non-PCA members may place ads on our webpage, on a space available basis, as follows: Ads without photos $20.00; Ads with photos $35.00. All ads run for two months unless canceled. There will be no refunds for paid ads.
Ads must be submitted electronically with attachment to classified@svr-pca.org. PCA members must include your PCA membership number on all submissions as proof of membership.
Paid ads will not be published until payment has been received. Checks must be made payable to PCA-SVR, and mailed to: Porsche Club of America; Sacramento Valley Region; PO Box 254651; Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
Sacramento Valley Region Web Store
Sacramento Valley - Red House® - Mini-Check Non-Iron Button-Down Shirt
Sacramento Valley - Eddie Bauer® Ladies Hooded Soft Shell Parka
Sacramento Valley - Element 095
Submitting Material to the Drifter
The Drifter is Produced online monthly for its members. Written contributions are welcome and should be e-mailed to the editor. The deadline for submissions is the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication. Submissions in WORD or TEXT are preferred.
Photos are always welcome. Photos should be sent separately from the text. (You may also use a downloadable link to the photos.)
To change your email address or street address, please email our membership director to insure uninterrupted delivery.
Ken Shehoan at
All material in this newsletter is protected by copyright.
However, newsletter editors of other Porsche Club of America regions may reprint any article provided that credit is given to the author and Sacramento Valley Region and that The Drifter is cited as the source.
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