April 2019
Agreement Reached on $175.5 Billion Executive Budget 
The start of the new fiscal year began with news of the passage of Governor Cuomo’s $175.5 billion FY 2019-20 budget. It marked the Governor’s ninth on-time budget.

"This is the broadest, most sweeping state budget that we have done and for the ninth straight year it was both timely and fiscally responsible," said Governor Cuomo.

Among the items featured in the Executive Budget is legislation extending DASNY’s authorization to provide design and construction management services to the State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and the Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation (Parks) for two years. DASNY has been working with DEC and Parks since 2011. Notably, DASNY has collaborated with Parks by managing $70 million in projects to update Niagara Falls State Park, the oldest state park in the nation.

DASNY also partnered with Parks to help open the Humphrey Nature Center at Letchworth State Park, establishing a year-round educational facility at the “Grand Canyon of the East.” 
Terence Cardinal Cooke Health Care Center Finances 
$25 Million Through DASNY

Residents and staff at the ArchCare at Terence Cardinal Cooke Health Care Center in Manhattan will soon have their meals prepared in a new, modern kitchen. And that’s not all. 

In April, the nursing home closed on a $25 million financing through DASNY . The tax-exempt financing will enable the Manhattan-based skilled nursing facility to further enhance fire safety systems and upgrade elevators throughout its campus for the safety and convenience of residents and staff. In addition, the center will install a new generator and modernize its kitchen. 

“DASNY is pleased to provide its health care partners with the financing solutions they need to improve patient care,” said Dr. Bushell . “With this financial flexibility, Terence Cardinal Cooke can enhance its facilities to better serve its patients.”

“Delivering the highest quality care to people of all ages and faiths, especially the poor and vulnerable, is to us a sacred responsibility,” said ArchCare President and CEO Scott LaRue . “We are grateful to the Authority and Sterling National Bank for giving us the means to update key parts of our facility and care for our patients in a safe, comfortable environment far into the future.”  

“The Terence Cardinal Cooke Health Care Center has an illustrious history of providing holistic care for its patients. We’re proud to provide financing for this important project and support the Center in continuing to deliver the exceptional patient care they’re known for,” said Thomas Geisel, President of Corporate Banking at Sterling National Bank .
Sterling National Bank is purchasing the bonds.
DASNY Selects Investment Bank Partners
for 2019 Public Finance Diversity Fellowship
Graduating college students will once again have the extraordinary opportunity to gain valuable experience within the financial services industry thanks to DASNY’s Public Finance Diversity Fellowship.

The two investment bank partners selected for this year’s fellowship are: Jefferies LLC and Siebert, Cisneros, Shank and Co., L.L.C. The firms were chosen by lottery under the supervision of DASNY’s auditing partner KPMG.

The fellowship, which helps build a more inclusive workforce, is a full-year position, running from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. It consists of two six-month terms. During the first term, the fellows will serve as analysts in Public Finance, working out of DASNY’s Albany office. In the second term, each fellow will work alongside one of DASNY’s investment bank partners in New York City. 

Dr. Bushell Delivers Keynote Address at Higher Education Forum
DASNY is in the infrastructure business, financing, designing, developing, and constructing social infrastructure for higher education and health care institutions throughout New York State. Attendees of the Third Annual Commercial Observer Higher Education Construction Forum at the CUNY Graduate Center in New York City learned about that and more as Dr. Bushell delivered the morning keynote address on April 11. 

“For 75 years, DASNY has fostered social infrastructure projects throughout the state,” Dr. Bushell said, citing 50+ year relationships with the State University of New York (SUNY) and City University of New York (CUNY). 

Dr. Bushell also gave insight into how DASNY is supporting Governor Cuomo’s groundbreaking life sciences initiative by advancing the growth of a new, world-class research cluster that stretches from Northern Manhattan down to Brooklyn, and will soon be making its way into the Capital Region. 
Northeast Construction Managers Association of America Welcomes Dr. Bushell
DASNY is intentionally presenting itself in a different way in its 75th year, advancing innovation, social impact, growth and inclusion. By continuing to adapt to meet the ever-changing needs of its clients, DASNY is finding creative and meaningful solutions that make doing business with New York’s developer even easier.

These were the topics of discussion on March 21, when Dr. Bushell addressed the Metro New York/New Jersey Chapter of the Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) . The audience consisted of construction managers from firms large and small in the northeast region who have worked with DASNY. 

Dr. Bushell touched on how best to work with DASNY, as well as DASNY’s ability to use alternative delivery methods, such as design-build, within our SUNY portfolio and the importance of two impending DASNY projects – SUNY Oneonta’s zero-net energy-ready residence hall retrofit and the construction of SUNY Polytechnic Institute’s new design-build, zero-net energy-ready residence hall in Utica. 

These projects are part of SUNY Chancellor Dr. Kristina M. Johnson’s plan to achieve greater energy savings across SUNY’s 64-campus system and dovetail with Governor Cuomo’s Green New Deal to put New York State on a path to economy-wide carbon neutrality.

“We are driving continuous improvement throughout our organization and we need you, our construction managers, to help us continue to introduce new solutions,” Dr. Bushell told the audience. “Only by providing the highest level of service, creating efficiencies, and offering inventive solutions to challenges, will we deliver more for all New Yorkers.”
DASNY Hosts Women’s Leadership Event:
The Women Building New York
A packed-house at the Fashion Institute of Technology’s (FIT) Katie Murphy Amphitheatre helped DASNY honor Women’s History Month in style.

More than 200 guests were welcomed on March 19 as DASNY hosted a women’s leadership event, “ Driving Change and Getting Results: The Women Building New York .”

There the audience had the opportunity to hear from several extraordinary women who are leaders in their fields and conduct business with DASNY.

DASNY’s Managing Director, Public Finance & Portfolio Monitoring, Portia Lee served as Master of Ceremonies and provided opening remarks. What followed was an engaging interview between DASNY President & CEO Dr. Gerrard Bushell and FIT President, Dr. Joyce F. Brown. Over the course of a wide-ranging conversation, Dr. Brown offered insights into her exceptional career as a leader and educator, and what advice she would give young girls. 

“I think we should start with telling them they don’t need permission, and they don’t need approval.” Dr. Brown said. “They need confidence. They need to believe in themselves. And I don’t think there’s any greater motivator than competing with yourself.”

The discussion was immediately followed by a panel of inspirational women in finance and construction. Moderated by M. Cornelia Cahill, Deputy Managing Partner of Barclay Damon, the panel included: Kym Arnone, Managing Director and Joint Head of Municipal Finance at Jefferies LLC., Cheryl McKissack Daniel, President & CEO of McKissack and McKissack, Suzanne Shank, Chairwoman, CEO and Co-Founder of Siebert Cisneros Shank & Co., LLC., and Elizabeth Velez, President and Chief Contract Administrator of the Velez Organization. 
Harlem Serving as Hub of Scientific, Economic Growth
“Harlem is a center of activity, where health care, higher education, and scientific innovation are opening more doors for our next generation of leaders.” That theme permeated Dr. Bushell’s message to the Board of Directors for the Greater Harlem Chamber of Commerce on March 14 during a presentation on DASNY’s work and impact in Harlem. 

There he discussed projects DASNY has completed in Harlem and the surrounding communities, including the $265 million patient pavilion at Harlem Hospital, CUNY’s Advanced Science Research Center , and the financing of the Jerome L. Greene Science Center on Columbia’s Manhattanville Campus. He also touched upon DASNY’s work at CUNY’s Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education, where we delivered $12.6 million in interior renovations to create much-needed specialized training and office space. These projects have generated economic multipliers, improved workforce development, and created opportunities within the community. 
Employment Opportunities

Want to be part of the DASNY team?
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply.
DASNY is currently searching for:

  • Electrical Engineer (Downstate Design) New York City. The Engineer manages the design process and administers professional services contracts for consultants providing design services to the Authority and conducts formal reviews of consultant prepared design documents throughout all phases of building design. Learn more.
  • Environmental Specialist (Code Compliance) New York City. The Environmental Specialist performs a wide variety of environmental review, inspection, and analysis of existing facilities and projects under construction. Learn more.

DASNY is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer
committed to excellence and diversity.