To honor the many small businesses in Blount County as well as recognizing the importance of the tourism industry to the area's economy, you are invited to a special day of recognition at the Blount Partnership (201 S. Washington St., Maryville, TN) on May 8 from 3:30-5 p.m.

These acknowledgements are part of National Small Business and National Travel & Tourism Week taking place nationwide May 5-11. National Small Business Week is the Small Business Administration's annual celebration of entrepreneurship and innovation, while National Travel and Tourism Week celebrates the contributions and accomplishments of the U.S. travel industry. This year’s theme is “Travel Matters,” a recognition of the innumerable ways in which travel enriches lives and strengthens communities. 

Additionally, the Blount Partnership is inducting four individuals as lifetime Blount Chamber members based on their many contributions to the organization and the community.

So, make plans to join us for this special reception and networking event with a delicious menu prepared by RT Lodge .
Are you coming to our event?
Blount Partnership, 201 S. Washington St., Maryville, TN

05/08/19 3:30pm - 05/08/19 5:00pm

Come celebrate National Small Business and National Travel and Tourism week.
I'll be there!
I can't make it