Your weekly news & updates
September 16, 2021
A Special Message from Our Rector
My sending parish Trinity Episcopal Church in Baton Rouge was blessed with the self-proclaimed "oldest acolyte in the Episcopal Church." His name was Cheney Joseph, and he was the ageless acolyte.

Cheney was dear to me. He was a childhood friend of my dad who would eventually sit on my discernment committee and approve of me for the priesthood. 
Of course, Cheney was on the acolyte rotation. However, his service did not end there. Anytime there was an acolyte absent or a need for a stand-in, Cheney was the first to robe up and carry the cross for the procession. It was always a delight to see this Lawyer in his late 80's and a well-respected man in the community robe up and assume the role of what we often contribute as the "children's duty" on Sunday morning. 
One morning I asked him, "Hey Cheney, why are you still an acolyte?" His response was just as remarkable as his aged agility.  Cheney said, "Well, I was baptized as a child of God. To be a servant forever."

What greater gift do we have than to serve our God? Further, to serve God in a way that benefits the people.  We often seek righteousness in our daily lives. Through our professions. Through our influence in the community.  But as seen in the life of my dear friend Cheney, the gift of righteousness comes when we robe ourselves in servanthood and remember that we are always a child of God who is called to serve.

Might we ask ourselves are we striving to be the greatest or most righteous in unsustainable ways. Or are we content, as Jesus told his disciples in Mark 9, 'to be first by being last of all and servant of all?
Fr. Stephen

Talent at St. Andrew's
This year during stewardship season, in our newsletter, we will highlight the talents of many of our parishioners and the gift they are to St. Andrew’s and our community. This week we are highlighting Tracy Donley. Of course, many of you know Tracy as a lifelong member of St. Andrew’s and a devout minister of our children. But did you also know that Tracy has recently published two mystery novels! Her first book is titled Murder in the Meadow and is on sale now!  Tracy, thank you for sharing all your talent here at St. Andrew’s. 
The altar flowers for this Sunday are given to the glory of God in loving memory of Owen Keddal on his birthday by Mark and Sally Keddal; and in thanksgiving for Joyce Lee by her family.
The flower chart has some spots open! If you would like to donate altar flowers on any given Sunday you can sign up on the flower chart found in the narthex or contact the church office at (830-372-4330).
Meet us in the courtyard after the 8 am or the 9 am service this Sunday for the St. A's Ministry Fair, a Parish Breakfast, and the 2022 Stewardship Kickoff! Breakfast tacos, juice, and coffee as well as sign-up sheets for various ministries will be available in the courtyard in between the
8 am & 9 am services as well as between the 9 am & 10:30 am services. Then plan to join us on October 17th when Canon Caroline Mowen from the Diocese will be our guest speaker to talk about "Every Perfect Gift" at all 3 services!
Join us next Sunday Sept. 26 at 9:15 am in McKeogh Hall as we continue our Adult Christian Formation classes. Fr. Stephen and Rev. Patricia Riggins will begin taking turns leading us as we begin the study of "Family Theology: Finding God in Very Human Relationships" by Bishop Carol Gallagher. You can purchase a copy here, or if you need help purchasing one, please let the office know . Be sure to join us!
St. Andrew's- Blessing of Animals

Has your pet been to church this year? No? Then grab your pet and a bag of dog or cat food and meet us in the St. Andrew's Community Garden on Saturday, October 2 at 9 am for our Blessing of the Animals service. All furry, scaly, and feathery friends are welcome! Pet food will be donated to the Seguin City Shelter pet food pantry and the Starcke Park Feral Cat Program. See you there!
A pictorial directory is a powerful tool in our church to help each of us know each other better, and it is time for a new one. Please make an appointment to have your picture taken on our church’s website. We will also include the link on our Facebook page and we will send out an email with the link provided. If you have any issues making your appointment, please call the office and we will help you. Your participation will help the church and yourself. So please, sign-up today! Every family photographed for the directory will receive a copy of the directory and an 8x10 portrait at no cost.
The Christian Closet (old nursery) for TruLight 127 is in need of volunteers to help either Tuesdays from 2pm-4pm or Thursdays from 5pm-7pm so foster families can come and get some clothing, etc. for their families.
Click here for our new Annual Events Parish Calendar! The calendar serves as a general overview of the life of the church.  In a sense, it is a “living calendar,” events may be added and removed, and of course, not all church events will be listed. 
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has two peer-led support groups that meet twice a month. One group is the NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group which is for any adult who has experienced symptoms of a mental health condition that meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6:30 pm via zoom. The other is the NAMI Family Support Group which is for any adult with a loved one who has experienced symptoms of a mental health condition that meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 6:30 pm also via zoom. The meeting dates for September are as follows...

NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group-
September 6th and 20th-REGISTER HERE

NAMI Family Support Group-
September 1st and 15th- REGISTER HERE

If you are a part of the tech team click the link above to assign yourself a piece of equipment for the 10:30 am service on a Sunday or two. If you would like to be part of the St. Isidore Guild Contact Aaryn, Gil, or Charlene.
Anyone interested in helping with maintenance in the Community Garden Contact Alan Cockerell. Thank you for your help to keep our campus beautiful!
All interested in receiving at home communion or becoming a Lay Eucharistic Minister, please contact Mickie Teagarden at 830-433-0017 or or the church office.

Twelve Step Recovery

AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) meets at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings in the Youth House on Crockett Street.
Please remember to wear a mask covering your mouth and nose while indoors at St. Andrew's. 
Anyone speaking or reading during the services(lay readers, guest speakers, preachers) will be allowed to remove their mask while speaking or reading. If you do not have a mask an usher will provide you one at the door. While I am sorry to reinforce this policy, it is the responsible action for us as a community to take at this time.
-Fr. Stephen
Hospital Staff Snack Drive continues

Thank you to all who have donated to help reenergize the doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff at GRMC! If you haven't donated yet or you want to donate more, you can bring any drinks and/or snacks that they can eat/drink during their breaks to the church and place it on the table in McKeogh Hall.
Weekly Schedule
8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite I (Chapel)
9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II (Church)
10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II (Church)

10:30 a.m. Women’s Bible Study (McKeogh Hall)
12:00 p.m. Service for Healing (Chapel)

8:00 a.m. Brotherhood of St. Andrew's (McKeogh Hall)

At this time, we have three in-person services. They are held each Sunday, one at 8:00 am in the Chapel which is our Rite I spoken service, one at
9:00 am in the Sanctuary for a Family Service and our Contemporary service at 10:30 am in the Sanctuary.

If you are uncomfortable with physical return, you can still be spiritually present with us by joining us via live stream! CLICK ON ONE OF THE IMAGES BELOW to join us virtually on Sundays at 10:30 am as we worship Our Lord. All services are available any time after that on Facebook (click on Video tab), YouTube, and our web page under Sermons.
If you are joining our service online and would like a way to donate, click the button below. Thank you for your help to fund the mission and ministry of St. Andrew's
Current Diocesan Guidelines
Vestry and Diocesan approved guidelines Plan for Phased Reopening: Phase 2(d) will help you know what to expect when considering attending worship. 
Ministers in the Lord's Service
Fr. Stephen Shortess

Vestry of the Week-
Kelly Follis

Lay Reader-
8am- Barbara Upper
9 am- Gary Bethel
10:30 am- Mark Williams

Colin Spencer-Dibble

Altar Guild-
Lynnette Jackson
Kelly Olson
George Ann Fuqua
Theresa Casey

Offertory Tellers-
Jeanene Smith & Anne Galaway

Paul & Carlotta Coffman

Johnana Clark- Organ
Samuel Gaytan- Violin
Bill Gibbons- Guitar
Gil Merkle- Guitar

Leo Garcia- Choir Director/Cantor/Soloist
Ellie Follis- Soloist
Kayla Hinton- Soloist

Aaryn Perry
Gil Merkle
Jack Merrell
Warren Wundt
Betty Anderson
Will Follis

Jim Anderson
Nick Costas- September 23
Lee Droescher- September 24

Gary & Susan DeHart- September 19
Tom & Martha Bruns- September 24

If you have a birthday or anniversary next week and it's not listed, please call the Parish Office and leave a message for Charlene to add it to the list.
Bible Studies and Prayer Groups
If you or another member of the parish are sick or in the hospital and would like a contact from Fr. Stephen, please notify the Parish Office. We don't want anyone to get missed! Contacting the office will ensure that Fr. Stephen is notified.

If you would like to add a name, etc., to the prayer list, send an email to If you have a pastoral situation that needs attention, please contact the parish office. 

If a member of your family is in the armed forcesplease send their name to Charlene via email at or by phone (830-372-4330) so they can be included in the Prayers of the People each Sunday.
For more St. A's events CLICK THE CALENDAR BELOW
St. Andrew's dares to embrace its Episcopal Heritage by living out the Great Commission of Christ through the intimacy of community, discipleship, and service.

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church is a parish in the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, a congregation of The Episcopal Church, and a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church| (830)372-4330 | 201 E. Nolte St. Seguin, TX 78155| |