The Heart of Every Lover:
Weekly Offerings

June 5, 2020
ecppc photo collection
" My center is the heart of every lover. 
Every lover with a heart that loves Baba is a center. "

Meher Baba 
At Meher Center, 1956

Dear Friends & Family of Meher Center,

Much love in Meher Baba to you all. This past weekend, Meher Center’s board of directors met to deliberate on the questions of when and how to reopen the Center.

After careful consideration, the board decided that, given the current state of the pandemic, we simply don’t have enough information to feel like we could reopen the Center safely – even opening the trail system in a limited way seems a bit too risky at this time.

Given the sudden opening of Myrtle Beach over Memorial Day, there is great uncertainty and apprehension about the possibility of the virus spiking here and other places in the US. 

The critical questions remain: Can we reopen with minimal danger to staff, volunteers and guests? Is it worth the risk right now? Currently, we don’t feel there is enough clarity to answer those questions affirmatively.  

We wish it were clearer and safer now so that all could return to His home. We intend to reevaluate over the next month to see how things stand at that time.

In His love and service,

Buz Connor
For Meher Center staff and board
Lovers' Offerings
Annie Fahy

Amanda Collins

Julie Rust
"It was difficult to always obey Baba"
Rano Gayley was an artist, and one of Meher Baba's early Western disciples who became a resident Meherazad Mandali until her death in 1981. Here she talks about the intimate times at the ashram, and Baba's instructions to those living there; time spent in Myrtle Beach; and details of Baba's 1952 automobile accident.

Audio, 44:14
Used with permission from Jim May
Meher Center Tour with Darwin Shaw and Daughters Leatrice and Renae
In this informal recording, Darwin Shaw, who was instrumental in the development of the Center, and his two daughters Leatrice and Renae, identify places that played a special role during Meher Baba's visits in 1952, 1956 and 1958. They intersperse stories of their time with the Master as they show us the many spots around the Center where He gathered His lovers, and even the trees He rested under.

Video, 45:21
Meher Center, November 16, 1997
From the Meher Spiritual Center, Inc. Archives