Hi Families, 

We hope this finds you safe and your children and grandchildren happy to be out of online school. We share with you that we miss the children so much! We have been thinking of them and praying for them in this difficult time-and you, too!
In our desire to connect with the kids, Children's Ministry folks have made a video just for them. It has been a project of joy for us and we hope they will enjoy it also. The video is attached to this message so just click on the link to view.

Here it is:

Thanks go to musician Tanner Boyd, producer Michael Jennings, and segment participants Sally Boyd, Jenny, Emily and Sarah Bosworth and Pam Jennings. We also appreciate the pictures we have received from you and hope to have even more next time! Please send pictures and/or short videos of your kids to Michael at [email protected]. Our goal is to have every baby, child and youth in at least one of the summer's videos.

Caring Cards Needed
One thing we know about children is that they have big hearts and like to help others. During the month of June we will be collecting drawings, cards, letters and messages of encouragement for those residing in the Frontier Retirement Home in St. Charles. Those folks really enjoy receiving warm messages from children. So, let the creative juices flow! No limit on number of items. Please have your child put their first name on the page. Then, please mail or email your Caring Cards to me and I will collect them and get them to Frontier. Thanks for your help and the help of your children who are certainly going to bring smiles to many faces. 

Please send by June 24 to:
Pam Jennings 18536 Bridlegate Dr., Wildwood, Mo 63069-3129
Computer items can be sent to [email protected].

In the video I invited children to call, email or text me. I would be happy to communicate with them (or you) any day, any time. I miss them!
Pam's Phone: 314-960-7973
Pam's Email: pamkjennings @gmail.com

Please tell your children hi for us. Stay safe and enjoy the warm weather.
Blessings to all of you,
Pam Jennings, Children's Ministry New Song Church

Pam 314-960-7973 [email protected]
New Song Children's Ministry