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The Bridge
October 22, 2021

The Mission of St. John’s is to be a community of God’s people who heal brokenness, build bridges, and exemplify borderless kindness.

St. John’s requires masks at all indoor worship services. Masks are optional at all other events on the St. John's campus. Based on the CDC guidelines, all persons who are not fully vaccinated are encouraged to wear masks while indoors.
Austin Public Health is encouraging everyone to take precautions according to their vaccination status and level of risk due to underlying conditions. With that in mind, if you are not vaccinated or you are at high-risk because of medical issues, we encourage you to come to the 10:30 service via Zoom. The Zoom link is also provided further down below.
Becoming Beloved Community
Sacred Ground Dialogue Circles

Over the last few years, the killing of black men and women and other certain events triggered a reckoning about racism in this country. The murder of George Floyd was the incident that made so many of us realize that racial injustice and white supremacy could no longer be tolerated.

Here at St. John’s, we started with conversations in the Thursday Morning Bible Study. In August, we explored our Baptismal Promises in the context of systemic racism. Twenty people decided to learn more about racism and white supremacy by using the Sacred Ground Film-Based Dialogue Series on Race and Faith. This program gave us the opportunity to study intensely our racial history in the United States. We reflected on how this history has shaped us as individuals, as a community, and as a nation.

We learned some things that we wish were not a part of our history. We mourned for the people who were damaged by the trauma of slavery and traumatic forms of genocide. We became angry at the way people of color are treated in the prison system and are prevented from pursuing economic opportunities. We searched for hope and the courage to make a difference. We don’t want to lose the momentum of this deep work. We will start exploring how we can turn what we learned into action.

We are completing this intensive study this month and will celebrate the accomplishment of the Sacred Ground participants and facilitators on Sunday October 24th at the 10:30 service. Please make a point to come to this service, either in person or via Zoom, to support the incredible commitment they have made for the pursuit of racial justice, equity and reconciliation. 
Deacon Victoria Mason and the Sacred Ground Facilitators
Worship at St. John's
To participate in our virtual Sunday services, you do not need to have a Zoom account or download Zoom. Simply click the link to join.

You may also join the service by telephone -
dial (346) 248-7799 and enter the meeting ID when prompted.
Meeting ID: 879 9502 6837
The video recording of the 10:30 a.m. English service will be posted on the St. John's Facebook page, YouTube, and the St. John's website later in the day. Additionally, recordings of the English and Spanish sermons will be available. Links to the recordings will be posted on our website (
Virtual Coffee and Fellowship

Our virtual coffee "hour" provides a time to greet those who do not feel comfortable attending in person. Stay on Zoom when the service ends or click on this button to say hello:
Coffee Hour and fellowship outdoors would be so enjoyable now that the temperature feels more like Fall! If you are interested in hosting this opportunity to spend time with friends after the 9:00 a.m. or 10:30 a.m. service, please let Fay know!
The Installation of a New Rector
The long-awaited formal installation of Mother Minerva as the Fifth Rector of St. John's was held on October 16. Here are some pictures!
2021 Stewardship Campaign
Our stewardship journeys are as varied
as all discipleship journeys. Here is a message from Anne Faithful: 
Jesus said, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ Matthew 22:7 NIV This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ Matthew 22:39 NIV
In the beginning verse and the ending verse, the word Love is repeated. We know that whenever two or more are gathered in His name, there is Love. 1st Corinthians 13:7 tells us that Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres.
I am going to tell you a short story about Love and how it relates to “Generosity Changes Everything”. A few years ago, by the Grace of God and His deep love, my heart and eyes were fully open to Stewardship. I am not going to bore you with why it took so long, just know I made it. Once I fully understood Stewardship, I needed a church home. Familiar with the doctrine and service of the Episcopal Church, I found St. John’s. I had a visit with Fr. Matt, and he invited me to Good Friday services in 2018.
I came to that service, and I fell in love with St. John’s. Because of that love, there was also the desire to provide time, talent, and treasure.
St. John’s is the most welcoming and loving congregation that I have ever known. Even though many of us have grey or greying hair, we still have so much joy and love to provide to our congregation and all newcomers. For St. John’s to remain a strong presence of love on the corner of Parkfield and Braker; time, talent, and treasure are needed.
There are many opportunities to share time, talent, and treasure. Do you have one hour or more to spare? Your time would be welcomed. How about your talent? Do you sing or play an instrument, we need that? But are you able to wash a dish, rake a leaf, set up or clean up after outside activities, tech savvy, the list goes on?
Maybe there is a committee or group that you have an interest in, let Mother Minerva know. She will find a place for you. Your talent would be welcomed. As you think about the use of your time and talent, sit with your calendar and St. John’s calendar, the weekly bulletin or Bridge. Let your love for St. John’s be your guide. 
And now, treasure, deeply personal, right? Yes, the Stewardship Campaign includes treasure. This is a decision that you will have to make with God’s help. Trust is key here. Like with the calendar, sit with your personal budget. Let your love for God and St. John’s be your guide. Once your decision is made, make your pledge. Let God do the rest.
In closing, please remember these three things, Generosity Changes Everything. Stewardship Changes Everything. Love Changes Everything. 
Our stewardship journeys are as varied
as all discipleship journeys. Here is a message from Sandra Alonso: 
I am very happy to be here today. My name is Sandra, and I have been a member of this church since we first had a service in Spanish -a long time ago! I would like to start with a question, do you know what "stewardship" is? Stewardship is usually associated with the tradition of tithing. It is a practice that comes from the bible in which one returns to God 10% of what one earns. But beyond a tithe, stewardship is about the gratitude and responsibility we have for the gifts (time, talent, and treasure) that God gives us. The stewardship season is a very important season for the church, but also one of the most difficult because most of us go into a scarcity mentality as soon as the church asks for something. But throughout this season, what God really asks of us is that we maintain an abundance mentality, not only because the church needs it, but because giving is how we also receive.
If there is something to which we give energy, that is to say something that we want to do, something that we like to do, and we offer it to God, he turns it into a Talent - we all have multiple talents, but we don't put that "label" on it. That is why I invite you to think about it like this: where does my energy go, or where does it come from? I really liked music, and I played my violin in the church choir. That is a form of stewardship. And if you still have no idea what your talents are, you just have to do two things: 1) try various ministries as a volunteer and 2) pay attention to what makes you happy. Because from the happiness that God gives, that's where talent comes from.
If there is something to which we give our treasure, that is, we give something of value such as money, he turns it into blessings. Literally, I received a blessing, that I will never forget, from a homeless man, and if I had not stopped - at that red light - I would have missed the best words that I needed. I repeat it again so that you may understand me, he would not have missed my dollar, but I would have missed his blessing. God gives us what we need. Sometimes it will be the same or more money than we give, sometimes it will be in hugs from friends when someone we love leaves, sometimes they end up being job recommendations. Anyway, only God knows what we need. But if there is something, I am sure of, it is that he always gives us back much more than we give him. And it is not as difficult as one thinks, for example, I don't even have to be physically present to give my promise because my bank automatically sends a direct check to the church every month. And I can assure you that since I started doing this practice God has blessed me with an abundance of work.
Time - is the most important thing that God gave us in this world. Because nothing gives more time, but time does give everything. For example, money cannot give time, but time can generate money. If we give God time in church, ministries, and in prayer, that time grows our relationship and faith in God. But if not, nothing grows. If you don't believe me, stop spending time with someone important in your life and you will see how fast that relationship ends. Time in church is a blessing. And the best of all is that time does not require anything, we can come to church for a little while, regardless of whether we are rich or poor, young or old. Regardless of whether there is cancer, or we are healthy.
My prayer:
Almighty God open our hearts to dedicate time to your church and its needs. We thank you for our churches, for our families, and other gifts that we receive every day. I ask for a mindset of abundance, and understanding of the talents, times, and treasures that you give us. And for the ability to know how to take care of them for your honor. Amen.
Thank you
Consider This
“Each day may I remember the sources of the mercies Thou has bestowed on me gently and generously; each day may I be fuller in love to Thyself. Each thing I have received from Thee it came, each thing for which I hope, from Thy love it will come, each thing I enjoy, it is of Thy bounty, each thing I ask, comes of Thy disposing."
The Celtic Way of Prayer, Doubleday, 1997, p. 205
The Ingathering (collection) of giving cards for 2022 will be Sunday, October 31, at all services. If you have any questions about giving at St. John’s, please contact Mthr. Minerva.
St. John's Notices and Activities
The proposed Bylaws were approved by a unanimous vote of members present (in person and Zoom) at the called Parish Meeting on Sunday, October 17. Click here for the Summary of Changes.
We are wrapping up the Stewardship Campaign with a Talent Show!
October 24, 4:00pm

Join the St. John's Talent Show via Zoom! We will highlight our talents as part of our emphasis on stewardship this October. You can share a song, a poem or reading, a speech, demonstration of a craft, or something else of your choosing. 

What is your special talent? We would love to know! Participants of all ages are welcome.

If you are interested, please contact Philip Riley at 512-300-7397 or

Mark your calendars now and watch for the Zoom link closer to the date.
Donations for Afghan Refugees: We learned from RST that the immediate need is for VISA cards, hotel cards, and financial donations. For the moment, there are two ways to make a financial donation:
1)    Write a check or make an online donation to St. John’s and designate “Afghan Refugees”
2)   Use this link to the Refugee Services of Texas - Austin web page: Refugee Services of Texas, click on “Amazon Wishlist” and select the appropriate VISA card amount. For your convenience, click here to go directly to the wish list: RST Wishlist
A Call for Ushers!

As we move towards more open church, we are in need of folks who are willing to serve as Ushers for the 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services. The more we have, the less often you serve!

Please contact Anne Faithful so she can put you on the schedule!
St. John's Library

Many thanks to Fr. David Beer for his dedication to putting our church library into good form. He has gone through numerous books, sorting and categorizing and, yes, reading. This was a labor of love which didn't seem to be too arduous!

Didn't know we have a library? Wander through the hallway in the Parish Hall sometime and check it out!
And for a few weeks, we will have a cart for you to peruse - if there is a book on the cart which is calling your name, please give it a home.
Christian Formation at St. John's
Lectionary Bible Study - Zoom
Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.

All are invited to join our study of the assigned lectionary for the following Sunday.
Thursday Morning Bible Study - Hybrid
Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. - Hybrid

To participate in person, join us at 9:55am in the Parish Hall. To participate virtually,  enter Zoom meeting number 821 5253 7149 in the Zoom app or click this button to enter the waiting room for the meeting:
St. John's Gathering Policy: 
  1. Masks are required for all indoor gatherings.
  2. No food or drink in the buildings.
  3. No masks if you are at home zooming!

If you want more information, please contact Elaine Jackson.
(please refer to our website or to the Christian Formation email sent every Tuesday for more information and links)
Wednesday Morning Grounds Keepers

The Grounds Keepers and Weed Warriors welcome the cooler weather and shorter days which signal an end to the hard work of summer. However, there are projects to be done all year, and your participation would be very welcome! They start about 8:00 a.m. and finish about noon.
If you have questions about this ministry, please contact Hal Hughes.
Labyrinth Community Garden

As the Garden prepares to rest, work is still being done to prepare for the next season. If you haven't taken a look at all the improvements over the past couple of years, you are in for a pleasant surprise.
If you are interested in obtaining a bed for you and your family, please contact Patty Arnold.
COVID-19 Related Information
Austin-Travis County is currently in Stage 3

Community Precautions Urged
Cases and hospitalizations are slowing in Travis County, but new variants, such as the Delta variant, are still spreading throughout the community. During Stage 3, vaccinated people should take precautions at private indoor gatherings and while traveling. Additionally, vaccinated individuals who are considered high risk due to certain underlying conditions should continue to take precautions when dining.

Partially vaccinated and unvaccinated people should take precautions in private indoor and outdoor gatherings and while shopping, dining, and traveling. For partially vaccinated or unvaccinated high-risk individuals, private indoor and outdoor gatherings, shopping, dining, and travel should be avoided unless these activities are essential. 

As we obtain more information about the variants, we will update the recommendations.

Full recommendations and to see the new Risk-Based Guidelines charts regarding actions for vaccinated and unvaccinated/partially vaccinated individuals please visit the City of Austin COVID-19 website
COVID-19 Testing
Anyone with any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 should get tested, regardless of vaccination status or prior infection. If you get tested because you have symptoms or were potentially exposed to the virus, you should stay away from others pending test results and follow the advice of your health care provider.

Free COVID-19 testing is provided by CVS Minute Clinic and Walgreens (click on the name to access more information).
Community Notices and Activities
Helpful Resources:

Here are several resources related to Mental Health and Financial Health. Please use the links provided for more information.

(this seminar is Saturday, October 23)
Central Texas Interfaith and St. John's Episcopal Church urge you to vote on the coming election on Nov. 2. Early voting begins next week on Monday October 18 and will go until Friday October 29th. You can find the location of an early-voting site near you at You can apply for a ballot-by-mail through the Travis County Clerk’s Office until Friday, October 22. Once again, St. John's will be a voting site on November 2. Watch The Bridge for more information. Please consider getting all the eligible voters in your family to vote. Remember: your vote is your voice.

City of Austin residents will vote on several ballot propositions. Central Texas Interfaith has taken a position against Proposition A, a measure which would cost an estimated $271.5 million - $598.8 million over five years to the detriment of the other city services including EMS, firefighters, workforce development, parks, public health and schools. The City of Austin has already restored full funding of the police department as required by a new bill passed by the Texas Legislature this Spring. Proposition A would increase police funding far beyond that level and threaten other services. Central Texas Interfaith urges you to vote no on Proposition A.
Caring for Each Other
For Prayer and Pastoral Care
If you find that your situation is causing financial, spiritual, or emotional difficulties, or if you are in need of food, do not hesitate to call Deacon Victoria (512-297-5953) or email Mthr. Minerva (

We are a church family; when a family member needs assistance we want to try and help that member.
Our Gathering Policy
St. John's gathering policy continues to be updated as conditions change relative to the COVID pandemic. St. John's holds the health and safety of our community as a top priority.

Your understanding and cooperation are very much appreciated.
Our Vestry
Ms. Paula Foy, Senior Warden
Mr. Hal Hughes, Junior Warden
Ms. Sandra Welles, Treasurer
Class of 2022
Ms. Paula Foy
Mr. Hal Hughes
Sra. Rosalinda Rodriguez
Class of 2023
Ms. Jessica Glasebrook, Clerk
Mr. Steve Kriechbaum
Ms. Sandra Welles
Class of 2024
Ms. Maria Caballero
Sr. Alfonso Hernandez
Ms. Sandra Ward
Our Staff
The Rev. Minerva Camarena Skeith, Rector

The Rev. Victoria Mason, Deacon
Ms. Fay Jones, Director of Communications

Mr. Philip Riley, Choirmaster and Organist

Sr. Alfonso Hernandez, Spanish Music
Please visit our website (Austin St. John's)
for other ways to make a donation.
Stories and Photos for The Bridge

You are invited to send photos and stories about yourself, your family, and our parish for inclusion in The Bridge. As we come back together, let's share our experiences! Please send your ideas, stories, and photos to Fay Jones, (newsletter editor) by 12:00 pm on Wednesdays.

Running event announcements two weeks prior to the date is recommended.
Fay Jones, Editor (
St. John's Episcopal Church
11201 Parkfield Drive
P. O. Box 81493, Austin, TX 78708-1493
Sunday Services
9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite I
10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II hybrid (in-person & Zoom)
 1:00 p.m. Santa Eucaristía, Rito II
The Parish Office is open Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
from 10am - 12Noon.
For more information about St. John’s Episcopal Church, please visit our website at