Next #COVIDRelief Package Must Relieve Hunger
New tools to support your federal advocacy!
Senate and House leaders are negotiating a deal with the White House on the next coronavirus relief package. California's Senators, Diane Feinstein and Kamala Harris continue to publicly lift up the need for nutrition assistance. Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi has also been calling for a boost to SNAP. We need our congressional leaders to keep pushing hard over what could be several weeks of negotiations. And we need your help cheering on California Senators by asking them to continue lifting up critical hunger and economic relief provisions in the next recovery package. 

Help secure real #COVIDRelief. To support your advocacy we put together a toolkit tailored for use by California's nutrition and anti-hunger champions. 

Questions? Contact Gabby Tilley at

Help Keep Pressure On USDA to Extend School Meal Waivers
Sign-on by Monday August 10th

Earlier this month hundreds of education, nutrition, and anti-hunger leaders across California signed onto this letter, urging the USDA to extend critical child nutrition waivers through next school year. 

Help keep the pressure on! If you missed the earlier opportunity to sign on, you can still lend your support by adding your organization to a national letter organized by the Food Research and Action Center which asks USDA for flexibilities necessary to provide universally free meals to all children this upcoming school year. 
Sign-on to the form below by Monday (8/10).


CFPA Federal Advocacy in the News
Read recent reporting on our federal priorities!