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This Month's Topic: Insurance
This Practice Pearls is going to focus on a few important products and services for your practice. Topping the list is the employee benefit that is paid for 100% by the employee - voluntary benefits. Offer something to your employees and take advantage of tax savings. Then follow an all new group life and disability insurance, an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), and an association workers compensation plan! Finally, learn a little more about what a refreshed website and marketing campaign can do for your client traffic.
In a single health event, employees could be responsible for thousands of dollars of medical expenses. This risk exists for employees participating in a group health insurance plan, on an individual plan, and the uninsured.

As the decision maker for your practice, you can help by offering your employees the opportunity to purchase voluntary benefits through work. They will enjoy the convenience of payroll deduction and pretax-savings, while the practice helps reduce its payroll taxes without any additional expense.

FocusHRO works with nearly every major carrier, and for practices already offering voluntary benefits we can often improve benefits, reduce cost, streamline enrollment, and improve customer service.

To review your existing voluntary benefits package or to get information for the first time, please set up an appointment with FocusHRO.
You asked and we listened! pvmaAssure and FocusHRO are happy to announce the development of a group life and long term disability plan for PVMA members! These plans can be paid for by the practice, offered on a voluntary basis, or you can share in the cost with your employee – 100% flexible to your practice’s needs.

For more information and to get a quote, please submit a request and check “ Group Benefits .”
Keep an eye out – Customized Employee Assistance Program (EAP) On The Way!

If you are in the market for an EAP for your practice, please don’t push the button on another provider just yet! pvmaAssure and FocusHRO are ironing out a few last details on a “one-of-a-kind” EAP that can ONLY be attained through this partnership. This EAP program will offer counseling services, bench-marking tools, and more!

This will be ready to roll out in May – keep an eye out for the announcement to take advantage of this great program!
Our partner, FocusHRO, with the help from the PA Dental Association/Bell Insurance, has developed an association workers compensation plan for all PVMA members! Because dental and veterinary practices are so similar in structure and function, this plan should help practices save on their workers compensation costs.

Last month our first veterinary practice applied and saved over 25%! (Results will vary, but it only takes a quick quote to find out how much you can save!)

To get a quote for your Worker’s Compensation, please click the following button to begin. We only need a bit of information from you and for you to upload your declaration pages.
Do you know your current return on investment from your website? How many clients engage each month? How many pages back on Google was your practice when searching “veterinarian?" Finally, how many visitors reach out thanks to their first impression?

Our main objective at FocusHRO is to help support your business through a series of strategic pillars – insurances, benefits, HR services, payroll, and WEB. These services are paramount to success, but none more than the traffic into your practice. Take away the client, and you won’t need the other services.
Our web service is designed to freshen things up, increase your search optimization, and even support you with social media marketing campaigns. If you didn’t know already, today’s client is looking you up everywhere – your website, Facebook, Yelp, Google, all to see what your “reviews” say.  We want to help make sure those in need are choosing you.

To get more information, please complete the form and check “ Web Services ."
FocusHRO provides a complete " Business in a Box." Most everything you need can be handled by one team:
  • Insurance
  • HR/Compliance
  • Payroll
  • Accounting
  • Web/IT Services
Together, we give you the tools you need to "ASSURE" your practice is running smooth!