Q. Are all businesses eligible to participate in REP?
The Restriction Exemption Program does not apply to:
- businesses or entities that need to be accessed for daily living
- employees of businesses participating in the program
- children under 12
Q. Do I have to apply for the Restriction Exemption Program (REP)?
No, you will be automatically enrolled in the program.
Q. If I decide not to or cannot participate in REP based on the nature of my business, what restrictions will my business be subject to?
The timing and variation on restrictions for businesses not participating in REP are wide ranging. We encourage any business that is evaluating their participation in REP, to visit the Alberta Government’s website to view a list of full restrictions, timelines and industry-specific requirements.
Q. To be eligible for REP, do I need to require my employees to be vaccinated or provide a recent, negative rapid test result?
No. REP is intended to provide businesses with a mechanism to screen patrons for vaccination status. REP does not apply to employees of businesses participating in the program.
Businesses are still welcome and encouraged to implement vaccine requirements and/or rapid testing for employees, however, this is outside the current scope of REP.
Q. How will the government ensure businesses are implementing REP or complying with restrictions?
The REP will be enforced through audits and fines for non-compliance.
Q. How can my business check vaccination status of patrons?
Right now, there are several options patrons can use to prove vaccination status:
As of October 1, we expect a QR code option to be introduced with additional information for businesses on how to use this option.
Q. What can businesses expect from government to support implementation, including ability to check vaccination status using QR code technology?
We understand further guidance from the Government of Alberta will be available in coming days on what will be available for businesses to support implementation.
Q. How should businesses participating in REP work with those who are ineligible for vaccination (eg. children and people with medical exemptions)?
Children and those with medical exemptions are not subject to vaccination requirements through REP.
Q. How do I screen customers who are partially vaccinated?
From September 20 – October 25, proof of a single dose is acceptable as long as the dose was given more than two weeks before time of service.
After October 25, proof of double vaccination is required.
Q. Will employees be expected to provide and administer rapid tests to patrons who cannot or choose not to prove vaccination status?
This is currently unclear. We are working with the province to determine how rapid testing administration and verification will work.
Q. What are the metrics the province is using to assess need for continued restrictions? What metrics can I look for to better understand when restrictions will be lifted?
This is currently unclear. We have asked the province for clarification on key metrics needed to relax restrictions and business participation in REP.
We know there is still much to work through as businesses respond to the changes. We will continue to seek answers and share information on unanswered questions in the coming days and weeks.