Stations of the Cross Photos Needed
With Holy Week approaching we are working on several projects.
We are looking for photos of our local community or places that you have visited, etc. that can be used for a Stations of the Cross
presentation for Good Friday.
Please send photos to
by Tuesday, April 7 by noon.
This is a list of the types of photos that we are looking for.
  1. Jesus is Condemned 
  2. Jesus receives his Cross - Courthouse, Jail, other places associated with politics, the administration of justice, and the carrying out of court ordered punishment
  3. Jesus falls - hospital, nursing home, other places associated with weakness, sickness, exhaustion
  4. Jesus meets his mother - places where parents meet and try to comfort children - our homes, ...
  5. Simon of Cyrene takes the cross - places associated with those who have had burdens imposed on them - slave memorials, migrant and undocumented work places,  perhaps our grocery and health care workers and first responders who are bearing such a heavy burden for the rest of us these days.
  6. Veronika wipes the face of Jesus - places where we have witnessed acts of compassion and caring, where beauty is being brought out of suffering, pain, or ugliness
  7. Jesus falls - places where people suffer and may receive mercy - mental health facilities, parole boards, dementia care, ...
  8. Jesus meets women of Jerusalem - Women in our community, Project Horizon, mothers of soldiers, women who disproportionately bear the work of caring for the poor, the weak, the sick, the aged, children, Professional women who receive less pay than their male counterparts
  9. Jesus Falls - People who have lost hope, reached the limits of emotional or physical strain, active addicts, people in extreme poverty, the dying.
  10. Jesus is stripped - victims of violence, humiliation, abuse. Project Horizon, the site of a local lynching, a place where children were abused.
  11. Jesus is nailed to the cross
  12. Jesus dies
  13. Jesus is placed into his mothers arms
  14. Jesus is placed in the tomb - places associated with dying, death, grief, loss, burial.

Thank you!