A fascinating collection of concise stories about seventeen courageous, independent, and diverse women who shaped the history of Vancouver Island.

During this period of isolation we have focused on re-evaluating ourselves.                                             "What are we", "Where are we now" and Where do we want to go?                                                             How can we enhance and improve Seniors 101.
One idea kept recurring. 
Over the years we have been continually asked by our advertisers and our readers "Is it available in print?"
So we decided ' Why not !!!"
We are going to produce a print booklet, with an even narrower focus, Nanaimo.

Do you have a concern, a question or a problem regarding a friend or a loved one? 
Ask us, we may be able to help.

We would  really appreciate any comments, suggestions or questions 
you may have. Please contact us at [email protected] or 