Hi, Progressions Students and Families,

I hope this message finds you well! Earlier this week you received an email from Miss Janet with lots of links to all your orchestra songs, Suzuki songs, and some attachments of scales and rhythm sheets. It also included suggested weekly assignments in our EE books to keep us going while we are apart.

For this coming week, let's all focus on the May Concert Music List at the bottom of the blue sheets in your binders, as well as those EE pages.  When you practice, even though it takes extra time, always get out your music stand, so that you can stand or sit with the best posture possible.  This makes playing easier and more enjoyable. 

For 1st years - please focus on your note-reading and being able to play your orchestra music without writing in note-names or fingerings. And of course, work on your assigned solo from your Monday lesson teacher and your scales.

For 2nd years - you should focus on your Suzuki solo, scales, and pick your favorite 20-30 measures of one orchestra song.  It should be the one song that is your absolute favorite that makes you sound your best

Listening is a very important skill - for music study and to just be a good person and a good friend.  Please listen to one of the orchestra songs each day. Remember the links to these are in the email from Miss Janet. Pick a different one each day until you have heard them all. Give your full attention to listening. If you listen carefully, you can learn so much. In our music, listen for your own part. Listen to the role that your part plays in helping the music. Then listen to each of the other parts. Next, challenge yourself to hear the entire conversation. What is the music saying? Is it telling a story? Does it speak to something going on in your own life? Share your ideas with someone in your family about the music you are listening to.

It is also important to listen to something new, different, and inspiring.  Here's a neat video of a girl not much older than you playing "Over the Rainbow"  that I thought you would like:  
Let me know what you think of her playing and what the music is saying to you! You can email me at the address below.   

I will send a message like this each week until we are back together. Have a great week, stay safe, and thank your parents for their support of your music! 

Mrs. Michels
Progressions Orchestra Director
[email protected]
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