September 9, 2021
Weekly Update
A Message from Principal Simpson
Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a nice, long weekend. We are back into the swing of things at school, and it has been a good, albeit short week! I've been able to start popping into classrooms and have seen so many fun things happening. The fourth graders were busy creating PowerPoint presentations about Colorado state symbols. (Did you know that Colorado has a state dinosaur?) Second graders were learning about simple machines and got some hands-on experience using levers to make work easier. Eighth graders were discussing literature, measuring velocity, and learning about the Rosenberg Trials. Tomorrow, middle school students will listen to Student Council speeches and vote for their preferred candidate. 

I hope we can get away from providing COVID updates soon, but unfortunately, we have had additional cases this week. We've had four more cases in our two fifth grade classes that are quarantined. The quarantine should be preventing additional spread here at school. We’ve also had a half-day kindergarten and a second 6th-grade case this week. We are monitoring sixth grade closely, as the two cases from this week can be connected. 

I have had some questions about when it is appropriate for students to return to school after being sick. If students are experiencing symptoms for more than 48 hours, we require a negative COVID test for them to return to school. If you feel that a COVID test is unnecessary, they will need to be out for ten days. For your reference, here is the flowchart that we have to follow.

I’ve also had questions about where to get COVID testing done. Here is a resource with free testing sites in Douglas County. Please do not pay for a test, as testing is free at many places. There are drive-thru testing sites offering saliva PCR instead of the nasal one for people who don't tolerate the nasal swab well. 

We have seen increases in many other illnesses as well. The smoke in our air is not helping. Some of the best ways to stay healthy include getting enough sleep, exercising, eating healthy foods (add an extra serving of fruits and veggies), and washing hands frequently. Vitamins D and C also boost your immune system. 

This weekend marks twenty years since 9/11. May we all spend some time reflecting on the importance of this day and remembering how we all came together as one nation after the tragedy to support one another.  

As always, please email me with any concerns or questions.
I hope you all have a safe and healthy weekend!

Diana Simpson
Volunteer Recognition
BFA loves its volunteers, and we want to show our appreciation for all of your work. The PTO recognizes two volunteers each month. A volunteer will be chosen as the Volunteer of the Month, and will get exclusive use of the dedicated, reserved Volunteer of the Month spot in the parking lot for their respective month. 

In addition, each month a volunteer will be randomly chosen through a drawing to win a fun, surprise gift. All you have to do to be eligible to win, is log at least ONE hour of volunteer service in the month prior to the drawing.

Thanks to all our volunteers for your continued support of BFA!
Congratulations Becky Mayka!
For the month of September, Becky Mayka has been selected as the Ben Franklin Academy Volunteer of the Month. Becky is a co-chair of the Community Events Committee [CEC], and has spent countless hours coordinating their events, including the recent Back to School Picnic and Kindie BooHoo/Yahoo. Thank you Becky for all the time and energy you've dedicated to our community throughout the years!

Becky and her husband, Jason, have three boys at BFA: Ronnie (3rd), Lain (6th), and Colby (8th). When asked what she likes about BFA, Becky responded, “As a founding family, we were excited about Ben Franklin, but never knew how grateful we would be for this amazing school!! It’s academically challenging while also providing individualized attention to each kid. But what I truly love about this school is the community. From the moment you are greeted in the front office, to the smiling faces you pass in the hallways, you can feel the difference. The past 8 years at BFA have been like time spent with family, where we’ve been developing forever friendships. It’s probably why I love the CEC so much. I want to make sure everyone feels the love and connection that comes with being a part of this wonderful school community. I feel so blessed.”

Congratulations Becky--we appreciate all you do for BFA!

If you know an outstanding volunteer who should be considered for Volunteer of the Month, please email Denise Battista, PTO president.
Thank You Lance and Sara Klassen
This month, Lance and Sara Klassen are the winners of our drawing for their volunteer time in August. They volunteered in Mrs. Bauer’s classroom, and Lance is a member of the Finance Committee. They have won a $10 gift card to Gelato & Co. Congratulations, Lance and Sara! And, thank you again for sharing your time and talents with our community.
BFA News
Tours for Prospective Families
Do you know any families interested in sending their K-8 student(s) to BFA? If so, we'd love to show them our amazing facility! Please direct interested parents to our website or directly to the SignUpGenius.
PTO Virtues Awareness Program
The BFA Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) has an exciting program to help students learn about Ben Franklin’s 13 Virtues and put them into practice. Every month, teachers will recognize a handful of students in each grade for displaying the current month’s virtue(s). Then, those students get the chance to acknowledge other students that they see displaying the same virtue.
Students in grades K-4 will receive a virtue tag. In fact, they will receive TWO tags--one to keep and the other to give to another student whom they feel displays the same virtue. If your child comes home with a virtue tag, be sure to ask why they were recognized!
Grades 5-8 will be participating in a similar program. However, they will be given two virtue cards--one to fill out with their name, and another card to hand to fellow student displaying that virtue. The virtue cards will be entered into a monthly drawing to receive a gift card.   
If you want to learn more about the 13 virtues, click on our webpage to see the virtues assigned to each month and a description.
BFA Directory: Action May Be Required
Now that school is underway, it is time to update and add new families to the BFA directory! 

The BFA PTO uses Directory on Tap for our online school directory. It's an incredibly handy resource, that contains each family's class roster(s) and contact information, as well as the entire BFA directory. Directory on Tap is an app-based online directory. The free app is available for download through the App Store and Google Play, simply search for: Directory on Tap (DoT). Once this year’s directory is ready, you will receive an email from DoT with your one-time password. This year's directory will be available the week of September 27.

If you would like to update your family's information for the directory or opt out, you need to act today! You have until Friday, Sept. 17, to do the following:

  1. If your child goes by a nickname or shortened name, contact:
  2. If you have recently moved or changed an email address or cell number, update your information in the Douglas County School District database AND email the school registrar at:
  3. Go to the following site and complete the online form if you DO NOT want any or all of your personal information listed in the directory. You may OPT OUT completely, or partially, by filling out this form. If you take no action, your information will be included in the BFA Directory.

If you have questions, please contact Janelle Nichols, PTO vice-president.
Pints with Principals Tonight
Hey Dads! Come join Ben's Brigade from 5:30-6:30 p.m. today, Sept. 9, at Max Taps. It's a chance to get to know our Principal and Assistant Principals, as well as meet some other dads.
Choir Starts Next Tuesday
Ms. Johnson has planned another FUN after school musical choir opportunity. Students will learn the basics of singing, public speaking and performing as they prepare the riser musical "Secret Santa."

For details and to sign up, click here.
Franklin Fest
Franklin Fest Tickets Available NOW!
Make plans to attend the Franklin Fest (formerly the Harvest Fest) from 3 - 7 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 18, at BFA. There will be activities that test your endurance and agility, and you may even get the chance to dunk a teacher! Students will be able to take on friends or parents in giant tic-tac-toe, mini golf and/or rock climbing, so bring your ‘A-Game.’ It's sure to be a great time for kids of all ages and the whole family.
Tickets are on sale NOW through next Thursday, Sept. 16, on MySchoolBucks. Tickets are $10 per child, with a maximum of $30 for a family. Adults and siblings who do not attend BFA are free. A limited number of tickets will be available for purchase at the event (check and card only).
Families who have completed and logged their 30 hours of volunteer service (15 hours for single family households) for the current school year by midnight on Monday, Sept. 13, will be given free admittance to the event!

Volunteers are needed to make this event happen. We hope you'll consider volunteering to help staff the event, or donating a cake for the cake walk or other baked goodies. Thank you in advance for your help in making Franklin Fest a success.
STEM Opportunities for Parents
The Ben Franklin Academy STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Committee invites you to join their next meeting, at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 16, via this Zoom link. The STEM Committee is seeking creative minds with STEM experience or interest to join their team of parent volunteers. Everyone is welcome to join their first open meeting of the 2021-22 school year to help organize and support STEM in BFA’s classrooms and school STEM events, including the annual STEAM Expo.
Click Here to join the STEM mailing list if you are interested in:
  • Upcoming volunteer opportunities;
  • Becoming a member of the STEM Committee;
  • Contributing ideas for future STEM projects;
  • Becoming a STEM speaker for classrooms; and/or,
  • Participating in their monthly Zoom meetings.
The STEM Committee looks forward to your contributions, ideas and participation.
Music Notes
Grades 4-8 - Let's Play!
Band and Orchestra through TREIM
The Band and Orchestra program is open to BFA students in grades 4-8. Both band and orchestra will be offered through ThunderRidge Elementary Instrumental Music (TREIM). Check out their website for all the details.
You’re also invited to come to the Rental/Meet the Teacher event from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 15, in the
Middle School Commons.
They’ll bring two Music Stores (Golden Music and Music & Arts) and their instruments so you can take care of renting your child's instrument, etc. Your band and orchestra teachers will also be there so you can meet them and ask questions.
This is an optional, super-convenient way to get your questions answered, meet the Instructors, and get all the necessary supplies.
Community Events
Goodies with Grandparents Date Change
Save the date for CEC’s next event, Goodies with Grandparents at 7 a.m. on Friday, October 8, at BFA. This is a change from the originally planned date, so mark your calendars accordingly. Look for more details and volunteer opportunities in the weeks to come! 

If you would like more information about the CEC, please email the chair, Becky Mayka.
You Get Pizza, Parry's Gives Back
Parry's Pizzeria and Bar (9567 S University Blvd., 80126) will be hosting a BFA Spirit Night from 5 - 9 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 22. Parry's will donate 20 percent of purchases (dine in, carry out, or delivery) back to BFA. So, make plans for a pizza night and help BFA! Please remember to let them know you're with BFA.
Science Fair
Share Your Love of Science
The Elementary Science Lab could use your expertise! If you would like to talk to a class about your science passion, please contact Mrs. Ward to set something up. Following are some of the topics each grade level covers throughout the year.

If you have expertise on something not listed below, please email Mrs. Ward to see if your science knowledge would be a good fit with the curriculum.
- seasons
- 5 senses
- magnets
- plants
- human body
1st Grade:
- electricity 
- human body
- space
- Earth
- food chains/habitats
2nd Grade:
- magnets
- simple machines
- seasons
- water cycle 
- plant life cycle
- chicken life cycle
- frog life cycle
- butterfly life cycle
- insects
- human body
3rd Grade:
- animal adaptations
- human body
- light/optics
- sound/hearing
- ecosystems
4th Grade:
- matter
- chemistry
- magnets/electricity
- meteorology
- rocks/minerals
- human body
5th Grade:
- matter
- energy
- Earth's resources
- cells
- plants
- human body
national parks
Every Kid Outdoors
The government has launched its Every Kid Outdoors program, which provides an opportunity for each and every fourth grade student (and their families) across the United States to experience national parks, lands and waters in person throughout the 2021-22 school year for FREE. To obtain your pass, click here. Be sure to bring your printed out pass to the National Park you visit (electronic copies are not accepted) and exchange it for your free pass at the park.
Upcoming Events
BFA's Guiding Principles
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.

Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, the arts, and literacy. We will be a data-driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering social emotional development, character, sports, and nature.

13 Virtues:
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.