Dear YULA Girls Students and Parents,

Shavuah Tov and welcome to another successful week of learning!

Please see below for the YULA Girls BaBayit schedule for the next two weeks:
This is the last week of AP tests, and we know that some students have been unable to submit their response due to a glitch in the College Board website.

The College Board released an update this morning and have given students another option should they be unable to submit their responses this week:
Submitting Exam Responses:

We share the deep disappointment of students who were unable to submit responses.

  • Beginning Monday, May 18, and continuing through the makeup window, there will be a backup email submission process for browser-based exams.

  • This option will only be available for students who were not able to submit in the standard process—and they must then email their responses immediately following their exam.

  • These students will see instructions about how to email their response on the page that says, "We Did Not Receive Your Response." The email address that appears on this page will be unique to each student.

  • Any student testing between May 18–22 who can't successfully upload their response through the exam platform or send it to us by email, will need to request a makeup exam.

  • To protect the security and validity of exams, we're unable to accept submissions from students who tested May 11–15. However, these students can feel confident that the email option will be in place for them during the makeup exams.

I hope this will ensure that there will be no issues this week with AP exams.

As we are not having end of year finals there will be no black out week or a week of finals. Therefore regular classes will continue until Wednesday, June 10th .

The last day of classes will be  Wednesday, June 10th .

As always please contact me with any questions or concerns.
Wishing you a wonderful week,

Yehudis Benhamou
Director of General Studies  
Upcoming Events
YULA Girls High School | 310-203-0755 |