City of Cumming
January 2021
Cumming Police Department Honors Officers
During the December Work Session of City Council, Police Chief David Marsh presented three of the City of Cumming's finest with awards for outstanding service in 2020.

Sgt. Tracy Holbrook, right, and Officer Howard "Howie" Corrigan, left, were presented the Lifesaving Award for quick-thinking and medical action that saved the lives of two individuals this summer. Officer Corrigan was also presented with the department's Officer of the Year Award, and Sgt. Tony Hodgkins, center, was presented with the department's Supervisor of the Year Award.

Congratulations to these officers, and thank you to all of our Cumming Police Department for all they do for our community! Click here to learn to more about the awards and these outstanding officers.
Cumming Youth Council to Resume Meetings Jan. 5
The City of Cumming Youth Council, which is comprised of students from Forsyth Central High School and the Alliance Academy for Innovation, will resume meetings on Jan. 5 after the 2019-2020 year was cut short due to the pandemic. All of the 2019-2020 Youth Council members, with the exception of three members who graduated, were given an opportunity to return to Youth Council this semester. They all accepted, and the three remaining spots were filled by new members Yugeshwar Muralidhar, Emma Humphries, and Allison Oldani. Youth Council gathered in December to elect officers. The 2020-2021 Youth Council members and officers are, from left to right, top row to bottom row: Jake Dutton, YC Mayor; Caleb McWhorter, YC Mayor Protem; Emma Humphries, YC City Administrator; Riley Brumbalow, YC Clerk; Zach Furbush; Mary Beth Lowe; Yugeshwar Muralidhar; Alana Murray; and Allison Oldani. Youth Council meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month at 5 p.m. at City Hall.
Recycle Old Christmas Trees Through Jan. 30
Not sure what to do with that old Christmas tree now that all the decorations have been removed? Keep Forsyth County Beautiful invites you to Bring One for the Chipper!

This annual Christmas tree recycling event will take place at various locations in the City of Cumming and Forsyth County now through Jan. 30. Click here for a list of dates, time and locations that will be accepting trees.

All trees brought in for recycling should be natural, unbound and free of any decorations. They will be recycled into mulch or used as fish habitats. For more information, go to or call 770-205-7453.
Cumming PD Officers on New TV Series

Two officers of the Cumming Police Department - Captain J.D. Stephens and Sgt. Nicole Esquilin, who both previously worked for the Atlanta Police Department as homicide detectives - are featured on Discovery ID Channel's new series, "Atlanta Justice." The show, which premiered on Dec. 28, chronicles some of the Atlanta PD's more memorable cases. The next episode airs Jan. 4 at 9 p.m. Click here to learn more about the series! (Photo credit: Discovery ID Channel)
City Council Recognizes Forsyth Central High "Greatest Gift Week"
Mayor Troy Brumbalow and City Council presented a proclamation during their regular Dec. 15th meeting recognizing the week of Dec. 14-18 as "Greatest Gift week" in recognition of a Forsyth Central School High School DECA project.
During this week, Emma Humphries, who received the proclamation, and her DECA project partner Mary Beth Lowe (both of whom are also members of the City's Youth Council) organized and led various in-person and virtual activities to bring together general education students and special education students. The week allows students with exceptional needs to be recognized and celebrated, while also bridging gaps between various student populations at FCHS.

Also during the December Work Session and Regular Meeting, City Council:

  • Adopted the proposed 2021 budget. A public hearing was held on the proposed budget in November, with no one speaking in favor or against.

  • Adopted the 2020 budget amendment as required by State of Georgia audit regulations. The amendment accounts for any increases or decreases in revenue received or any unexpected expenditures.

  • Approved alcohol license renewals for 52 businesses for 2021.

  • Held a public hearing regarding a rezoning application for the property on Pilgrim Mill Road which, if approved, will house the development known as the Villages at Brooks Farm. The property owners, developers, and their attorneys made presentations in favor of the rezoning and development project, which includes just under 152 acres and is slated to include single and multi-family dwellings, as well as commercial facilities. Several community members spoke in opposition to the project, citing concerns such as increased traffic and strains on infrastructure and the school system. The City's Planning Commission held a public hearing on the rezoning in October and, following input received, had recommended approval of the rezoning with a list of 57 zoning conditions. No vote was taken by City Council following the public hearing in order for Council to have sufficient time to review all of the information. The rezoning request will likely be revisited by City Council in January.

  • Voted to award seven bids for various aspects of the Cumming City Center, including concrete work, steel fabrication and erection, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, and roofing. Six of the bids were awarded to Cooper & Company, while Tip Top Roofers was awarded the bid for roofing services.

Holiday Closure

Cumming City Hall and all other non-essential City of Cumming departments and facilities will be closed in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday on Monday, Jan. 18.
Youth Council Meeting - Jan. 5 at 5 p.m.

City Council Work Session - Jan. 5 at 6 p.m.

Planning & Zoning Board Meeting - Jan. 19 at 5 p.m.

Regular City Council Meeting - Jan. 19 at 6 p.m.

All meetings are open to the public and held in the third-floor Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 Main Street, unless otherwise noted. For all meetings after 5 p.m., please enter through the rear parking lot entrance.

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