Pacetti Bay Middle School Wildcat Weekly
Volume 55

Good evening Wildcat Families,

We are now in the home stretch of the first nine weeks. Final assignments and assessments are taking place and grades are being finalized as well. The number of students who are performing well is at a great number, however at PBMS we want to ensure ALL students find success.. I would encourage weekly checks in HAC. For students are struggling in classes, we now have Lunch and Learn up and running on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Feel free to inquire with your child or his/her teacher.

There is tons of information in this edition, so please take the time to go through the entire newsletter.

Over the past two weeks, I have been impressed by the character and behaviors exhibited by our students. Our kids worked together to eliminate the TikTok challenges and were rewarded for it during lunch Friday before last. With the passing of Ms. Mccay, our WEB leaders worked with our student body to make a banner in honor of her that was given to her family this past weekend. Students on bus 2063 got kudos from the SJCSD Director of Transportation for their behaviors on the bus. I can not be more proud of the behaviors of so many of our students, They are simply amazing kids!

Unfortunately, there are more TikTok challenges out there. I will not describe them in our newsletter, but you can look it up through any search engine and needlessness to say, these can not occur on a school campus.Unfortunately, some of these incidents have happened on other school campuses and have resulted in disciplinary actions and action taken by the SJC Sheriff's office. We have also seen an uptick in students using language that is not acceptable nor appropriate. Specifically, we have reports and incidents of students using racial and gender-based slurs. These will not be tolerated or treated lightly. Please take the time to discuss the negative repercussions of such language.

Once again, we are offering the PSAT after school at PBMS. Please see the information below on it. Seating is limited, so reserve your spot today as listed below.

Here are some important pieces of information for this school year:

  • Doors will open for students starting at 7:10am. We are not able to monitor students before 7:00am. Our office hours are 7:00am- 3:00pm.
  • Parent drop-off and pick-up are the second entrance on Meadowlark lane from Pacetti Road. Please do not use the parking lot as a drop-off location as it is unsafe. When pulling up, please pull up all the way to the oak tree at the entrance of the school.
  • Please make sure to review the student COVID questionnaire, COVID 19 Health Screening Form, each day with your child. If you can answer yes, please keep your child at home. Masks and other PPE are recommended but optional for students.
  • Please remind your children that cell phones need to be put away and off once entering the building and can be be turned back on at the end of the school day.
  • UPDATE: We will be using the locker room and dressing out for PE, but SJCSD is restricting dressing out until October 15th for the safety of all students. We will be resuming normal PE operations on October 18th.
  • Bottle refilling stations are located throughout the school for water bottles. Water fountains are currently disabled.
Please review the COVID questionnaire each morning with your child. If he/she are showing signs or symptoms, please keep them at home. Furthermore, please encourage your child to practice social distancing when possible and use hand sanitizer. Our news show "The Daily Roar" has been offering segments on keeping everyone safe on campus. We are taking steps at the school to mitigate the risks, but it will take all of us to reduce numbers. The school district is now sending individualized emails for all students in the district who are exposed to a COVID positive child during school. Details will be in these letters in accordance to the Governor's executive order. If you have any COVID-related health questions or quarantine questions, please call the new district hotline at 904-819-1101.

The faculty and administration wants to make sure that you have all of the information you need for your children to have great success and we believe this format will aid in the process. Please take a moment and register to receive the Wildcat Weekly at

Have a great evening, Go Wildcats!


Ted Banton, Principal
Upcoming Events
Events for this Week and Beyond
  • October 13th - PTSO Mom's Night Out - Southern Vibes
  • October 15th - End of 1st Quarter
  • October 18th - Teacher Planning No School for Students
  • October 20th - Unity Day- Wear Orange
  • October 24th-29th- Red Ribbon Week
  • October 26th - Report Cards available in HAC
Required Instruction & Character Chats
St. Johns County School District is required by statute to provide instruction for mental and emotional health education, substance abuse prevention, child trafficking prevention, and healthy relationships/dating violence prevention. Beginning in September, each school will show all students a 45-minute Character Chats lesson. These lessons will focus on the related Pillar of Character and one or more components of the state required instruction. Each lesson was developed by a team of district and school staff. The lessons have been designed to be interactive and include a teacher facilitation guide.  A monthly overview, lesson, and guide will be posted in Schoology. Character Chats were designed to be delivered monthly through April.
Testing Corner

Take the 2021-22 PSAT 
With the PSAT you can: 
  • get ready for the SAT 
  • access personalized college and career planning resources and get AP potential feedback in My College QuickStart 
  • request information from colleges and universities 
  • assess your critical reading, mathematical reasoning, and writing skills 
  • get suggestions on how to improve your academic skills 
Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2021 
Time: 1:15PM -5:00 PM 
Where: PBMS         
Cost: $20 – SchoolPay only 

Sign up through SchoolPay by October 15th. Limited space available. Signups on a first come / first served basis. No refunds. 

Here is also a link to a great website full of information. 
Student Council
Student Council Meeting Oct 12, 2-2:45pm
PBMS Clubs
Best Buddies
Best Buddies will have an information sharing meeting for students interested in our Best Buddies club after school on Thursday, Oct. 15. The meeting will be held in room 440 in the 6th grade hall from 1:55 to 2:20. Open to any newly interested and/or returning members.  
The Art Club will have its next meeting next Tuesday, 10/12/21. This will take place after school in Ms. Denton's room (#400) from 2:00-2:45. All students are encouraged to attend! If you have not returned your permission slip, please do so.
Craft club registration is now open!
Weekly meetings Tuesday 2:00 – 2:50
In Room 520 with Mrs. Craig

Battle of the Books Club:
If you have been reading the Sunshine State books and are interested in being a part of our Battle of the Books team, please:
  • Join the Battle of the Books Schoology group using this access code: WBBW-H9S5-J57WD
  • Attend our meetings after school on Tuesdays 1:50-2:45 in the Media Center. You must have transportation home at 2:45 to attend.  
Dean Ashcroft is sponsoring a new club for all students:
Unity Club: Celebrating the diversity of students here at Pacetti Bay Middle School. Everyone welcome……
Where : Media Center
When:  Monday October 18, 2021 @ 2:05pm
Ongoing, on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month
Attendance Information
Visit the PBMS webpage under attendance link or click on the button. You can complete and submit all in one easy form! Any questions, please contact our attendance office at 904-547-8780

Please remember a photo ID is required for student check-out. This is for the safety and security of all children and Pacetti Bay Middle School. There is no student check out after 1:30pm.
Deans' Office Updates
  • In accordance with statutory requirement F.S. 1006.07 (students are prohibited from wearing clothing that exposes underwear or that exposes body parts in an indecent or vulgar manner) enforcement will focus on positive guidance without embarrassment to the student and should not disrupt the educational process.
  • Clothing must cover the area from armpit to armpit, and down to mid-thigh
  • Tops must have shoulder straps and be long enough not to expose your midriff
  • See through clothing or rips in jeans must not expose your underwear or your body between the mid-thigh to your arm pit area
  • No drugs, alcohol, vape, tobacco references on your clothing
  • No inappropriate or profane text or images on clothing
  • Be safe, make sure your shoes have a back to them

If your son / daughter has misplaced their lunchbox or water container, please have them check the lost and found cart in the Café. The cart is located at the front of the main café room by the whiteboard, clearly sign posted.

Bike Riding / Skate Boarding / Scootering to School
Parents please remind your students that once they enter school property they must not ride their bicycles / skate boards / scooters, for safety reasons. 
PBMS Sports
PBMS Volleyball

Our 2021- 2022 season is now underway. Please click on our schedule below.

COVID Information
COVID Information Webpage

The COVID information web page for SJCSD families is live at

This site includes the COVID Dashboard, Quarantine Help Guides, directions to access online textbooks and Schoology, and Health & Safety resources.

***REMINDER: Review the Health Questionnaire daily with your student. Students MUST stay home from school when they are ill, awaiting COVID-19 test results, or if anyone in the household is COVID-19 positive. Thank you for partnering with us to help protect the safety of all students and staff.
***PARENTS: To report a positive case of COVID-19, please first call the Department of Health at (904) 506-6081 for guidance on next steps. To report that your student will be absent due to COVID- related issues, 904.819.1101

District Reminders
SJCSD Microsoft Office 365 Offer

Families and employees of SJCSD are eligible for free Microsoft 365 Pro Plus. Please click the link for details:

Daily Silent Reflection

State law now requires a one minute moment of silent reflection to take place at the beginning of each school day. During this minute, students may not interfere with other students’ participation and teachers may not make suggestions as to the nature of any student’s reflection. Parents are encouraged to discuss this moment of silence with their children and to make suggestions as to the best use of this time.

Dress Code
We will be following the SJCSD dress code policy that can be found here:
Transportation Department Info
The St. Johns County School District Provisional Transportation Waiver Program (PTWP) extends transportation services to students assigned to district schools based on operational capacity, space availability, and established criteria. The program is secondary to the Transportation Department’s primary mission of providing transportation services for school arrival and dismissal operations. 
Rising 7th Graders
All rising 7th grade students are required to have a tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap) booster prior to entering 7th grade. If your student needs or has already gotten this immunization, please bring, fax or email the updated Florida DH680 form to Pacetti Bay at your earliest convenience. The Health Department or your physician can update your DH680 form.
Florida Department of Health in St. Johns County
200 San Sebastian View
St. Augustine, FL 32084
(904) 506-6081
Call for hours of operation for immunization services.
If you have any questions, please call our Guidance Department at (904) 547-8760.
PBMS Fax: 904-547-8775
Textbook Adoption
Every five years the district reviews and considers textbooks for adoption in a specific subject area (reading, math, health, etc.) as well as reviews curriculum that has been accepted by the State as meeting the benchmark requirements. Math adoption is taking place this year. This review takes into consideration both current and future needs for textbooks and curriculum.
Interested parents are encouraged to apply to serve on the committee, which generally meets once a month during the year after school.
For more information about textbook adoption, or to volunteer to serve on the committee, contact Evelyn Harding at
Media Center
Scholastic Books:
Even though our Book Fair has ended, you can continue to shop the Scholastic Store online using this link and our school will earn 2% of every purchase all year long. This is a great way to shop for books for all ages while also supporting our school.  

Schoology Information:
  • Schoology is our online learning management system. Teachers will be posting announcements, calendar events, assignments, and materials in Schoology. 
  • Students should check their account regularly, at least once a week. It is strongly recommended that students check Schoology daily when absent.
  • Parents are able to set up their own Schoology accounts. Parents will need their child’s parent access code to set up a new account or add a child to an existing account. Parent access codes are available in HAC. Click on the Registration tab and look under Additional Information. If you don’t see your parent access code listed, please keep checking back, it could take up to a week to populate.
Visit the PBMS Schoology Information webpage and the SJCSD Schoology for Parents webpage for additional information and resources. 
Media Center Policy:
Our students are expected to check out books and read throughout the school year. Students are responsible for returning or renewing their library books and textbooks by the due dates given. Students will only be permitted to check out books if they do not already have an overdue book. Students, and their parents, are responsible for the replacement costs of any lost or damaged materials. If ordered, a yearbook will not be delivered to the student and the cost of the yearbook will be put towards the replacement cost of any lost or damaged materials. Students may be excluded from end-of-year activities with Media Center materials outstanding. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact our Media Specialist at
Turkey Trot

Calling all runners! The Physical Education Department will be hosting the 10th Annual Turkey Trot on Friday, November 19th during PE classes. Students will participate in a 3K fun run around the Pacetti Bay grounds.
This year’s turkey trot shirt is on sale through Monday, November 1st and costs $9.00. The shirt order form is attached below so please consider purchasing a shirt and coming out to support our runners!


2021-22 Volunteers
The PBMS PTSO is always looking for wonderful volunteers. If you are interested in joining us for the next academic year, please send us an email at We can’t do it without you!
Monthly Donations: Over the course of the school year we receive requests from the school to provide snacks, prizes, or other goods. We also want to make sure our teachers and staff feel appreciated and want to do an extra little something each month for them. By opening up these donation opportunities, it will enable you and your family to play a part in helping to meet these needs. You can donate anytime throughout the year!
We have set up a Venmo account to make things simple. You can find us 
@PBMSPTSO (also listed as Pacetti Bay Middle School PTSO.) 
Any help that you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or if you would like additional information. As always, we are grateful for your support. 
PTSO Business Partners
 More than ever, we are relying on the support and assistance of our local business partners and community to navigate the uncharted waters of the year ahead and help make it amazing for our school. Please visit our website for information regarding our 2021-22 Business Partners Program , and please feel free to reach out with any questions. We hope to have you join our Wildcats Family and help support our teachers, staff, and students through this school year and the challenges ahead.
Wildcats Announcement Marquee: It's BACK!!! The  Wildcats Announcement Marquee is open for reservations! We hope you will join in the fun!
Your $25 donation provides a personal message on the Wildcats Announcement
Marquee outside The Bay. This is perfect for Happy Birthdays, Congratulations, or othersmall encouragements!
To keep up with the latest information, please join our Pacetti Bay Middle School PTSO Facebook page (!
Spirit Wear: Thank you to all who ordered your Wildcat gear. We had an overwhelming amount of sales. Orders are currently being filled and will be sent home. If you missed out, we do have a few additional items up for grabs. Please click on the spirit wear link to purchase! 
Spirit Night:
We are excited to announce our upcoming Spirit Night!!Mom’s Night Out!
We are partnering with Southern Vibes on 10/13 6PM-9PM. There will be Live Music, and Fall menu specials. A portion of the proceeds made that night will go directly back to our Wildcats! Go ahead and mark your calendars NOW!
Fundraiser opportunity: 
We are excited to announce our first fundraiser of the new school year! We are partnering with and giving back to others. 
How does this work? 
You will want to start collecting your gently used shoes NOW. We will be releasing drop off times and days, but we want you to start getting your shoes together now. 
Who can donate?  
Anyone! You can post this on your social media accounts (idea of what to post: Anyone have any gently used shoes they are wanting to part with?!? Our school is partnering with an organization to give back gently used shoes to those across the world and I would love your help! Comment below and I can reach out to you to collect them.) Neighborhood pages. Word of mouth. As long as they are willing to part with the shoes anyone can participate. 
Who do the shoes go to? 
Developing countries across the world! Haiti, Honduras, Cambodia, Ghana, and others worldwide. 
How does it benefit our Wildcats? 
When partnering with this organization, based on the amount that we donate they give back to our students. Starting out at $1,000! 
We are excited to partner with this great organization in giving back to others, while giving back to our local students.

Shoes must be gently used. No rips, tears, holes, stains, etc. 
Let’s make a difference together, one shoe at a time!
Scholarship Opportunity
Patriots Pen Essay Contest
Patriot’s Pen provides 6th, 7th and 8th grade students the opportunity to express their opinion on a
patriotic theme and improve their writing skills while they compete for worthwhile awards and prizes.
Awards can be given at the local, district and state levels. The state winners compete for $55,000 in
awards at the national level. The first place national winner receives a $5,000 award. The entry deadline is October 31

Thanksgiving Meals
SJCSD Family App