Faculty and Staff
Welcome, baby Austin!
Congratulations to Assistant Professor Hyejin Bang and her husband on the birth of their baby boy, Austin Ijoon Choi . Austin was born on Oct. 30 and weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Research, Publications and Presentations
Assistant Professor Hong Vu 's paper "Deepening the concept of ‘compelling arguments’: Linking the substantive and affective dimensions of attributes in assessing the effects of climate change news on public opinion" has been accepted for publication at The Agenda Setting Journal. The paper, which incorporates sentiment analysis into examining agenda setting, is the result of Vu's collaboration with Maxwell McCombs (UT Austin), Annelise Russell , (University of Kentucky), and Paro Pain (University of Nevada). 
Inside the School
Renovations are still ongoing inside and outside Stauffer-Flint Hall. Keep up with the progress on our livestream feed or check out this time-lapse video of last week's construction on the first floor compiled by Anthony Whaley , digital media specialist.
Budig Teaching Professorship of Writing nominations accepted now
Nominations for the Budig Teaching Professorship of Writing 2020 are now being accepted. Completed files must be delivered to the dean’s office (200 Stauffer-Flint) by 5 p.m. on Nov. 21. Learn more here.
William Allen White movie DVD on sale now
You can now get Kevin Willmott 's "William Allen White: What's the Matter with Kansas" documentary at the KU Bookstore. Buy online here.
Student News and Opportunities
IMC students in Professor of the Practice Angie Hendershot 's Seminar in Events and Hospitality Marketing course got a behind-the-scenes tour of experience design firm Dimensional Innovations. In addition to designing the KU basketball locker room and many other sports attractions, DI develops unique experiences for brands, venues and events. Here the class is in front of a 12-foot working guitar that was designed for the Boulevardia local beer/food/music festival. Students also got to see a new multimillion-dollar 3D printer at work creating what will be the world’s largest 3D-printed structure.
Kansas City PR crawl
The KU PRSSA club is organizing a PR crawl Nov. 15 in Kansas City. Students who are interested in attending should email  for more information. The club's next meeting is at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 3 in Capitol Federal Hall.
Application for J-School scholarships open now
Each year, students are eligible to apply for School of Journalism scholarships, starting Oct. 1. All students admitted to the school are encouraged to apply. Students who receive KU renewable scholarships should note that the School of Journalism will likely be funding those scholarships during their junior and senior years. Students receiving renewable scholarships should still apply for journalism scholarships; additional funds may be available. Applications are due Dec. 1, and scholarship recipients will be notified in April 2020. Scholarships are for the Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 academic year.  Apply here  (click the red Sign In button at the top, then log in with your KU online ID and password). You may be asked to complete a general application question before moving into the  School of Journalism Undergraduate Scholarship Application
Hearst Journalism Awards
Entries are now being accepted for the 60th annual Hearst Journalism Awards. Students may enter in the following categories: Writing, Photojournalism, Radio, Television and Multimedia. Learn more here.
IRTS Summer Fellowship Program
The 2020 IRTS Summer Fellowship Program  highly selective program teaches a talented group of up-and-coming communicators the realities of the business world through an all-expense-paid internship in New York City from May 31 to Aug. 1. deadline to apply is Dec. 1. Learn more and apply here.
Don't miss the Extravakansan event this Friday
Looking for a place to rent next year? Want to learn more about on-campus organizations? Or just want some free stuff? Join the UDK from 2 to 4 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 15, on the fourth floor of the Kansas Union for free crunchy chicken cheddar wraps and the opportunity to check out housing options and organizations across Lawrence. Learn more here.
JSchool Tech
JSchool Tech/JBar events will be held in Dole through the end of the semester. If you enter from the back side of Dole (side closest to Stauffer Flint) you will go to the left, then straight toward the Kansan newsroom. Enter the door to the left of the newsroom and look for Heather Lawrenz . Teams and Topics will be in 2050 Dole. C heck online here for any schedule changes.

Open JBar times are Monday, 3-5 p.m.; Wednesday, 8-10:45 a.m.; Thursday, 1-3:15 p.m.; and Friday, 1-3 p.m.

Ask the labbies: Labbies are stationed at the tech support desk in the Resource Center from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. most days for any students needing computer assistance.

Online tutorials: Remember to go to ​ for all of your tutorial needs: InDesign, Premiere, Illustrator. We have it all!
Best Practices for Twitter workshop
If you want to communicate with the public through Twitter but don't know how, if you want to up your Twitter game, or
if you want to use Twitter to network with fellow researchers, attend "Best Practices for Twitter" at 3 p.m. Nov. 13 at The Commons. Panelists are digital media researchers and experts in using Twitter to engage with the public and the science community. Get expert advice to #UpYourTwitterGame. Learn more here.
Jobs and Internships
Find career and work opportunities on the J-School s jobs and internships web page. You can filter by job or internship and full or part time. And don t forget that our career and outreach coordinator, Steve Rottinghaus , can help you with your search. See more job and internship opportunities on the J-School's website and check out the University Career Center’s job and internship board .
Multimedia journalist , News Press & Gazette Co. (St. Joseph, Missouri)
Digital editor , News Press & Gazette Co. (St. Joseph, Missouri)
Video production media producer , KOLN/KGIN-TV (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Promotion producer , KAKE (Wichita, Kansas)
Communications director , Institute for Nonprofit News (remote)
Sportswriting intern , Daily Oklahoman (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)
Three faculty jobs open
The William Allen White School of Journalism and Mass Communications is seeking exceptional candidates for three tenure-track positions at the assistant or associate professor level, expected to begin August 2020. Learn more and apply here.
Resource Center seeks student office assistant for spring semester
The J-School is hiring a student hourly office assistant to work in the Resource Center starting in the spring semester. Learn more and apply here.
Alumni Update
Mark Gauert , 1982 J-School graduate, was a finalist in two categories of the 2019 Folio Magazine Eddie & Ozzie Awards. He won the Eddie (editorial) Award in the Consumer Column/Blog General Interest category for his column in  City & Shore , the South Florida  Sun Sentinel ’s monthly magazine.  City & Shore PRIME  got Honorable Mention in the City & Regional Full Issue South East category. (There are no second or third place awards in the Folio Awards, only Honorable Mentions.) Full list of finalists here . Gauert also won first place in a statewide competition from the Florida Press Club for feature and headline writing, also for work in  City & Shore .

Chris Meggs , 1985 J-School graduate, has published "Twas the Night before Tipoff," a children's book about KU basketball. The book is on sale at the KU Bookstore. Learn more.

Rachel Thomas , 2017 J-School graduate, communications specialist at Lawrence Public Schools, recently received the Kansas School Public Relations Association's Newcomer of the Year Award.
Presentation: 'A Global Jayhawk's Journey'
Carlos Centeno , 2004 J-School graduate, is the featured speaker for the Center for Global & International Studies' Global Food for Thought lecture series. Centeno will share how his experiences as a journalism undergraduate and global and international studies graduate student laid the groundwork for his nearly decade-long career with the United Nations World Food Program and his current position with MIT’s Solve initiative. The event is at noon Nov. 15 at The Commons, with free light lunch.
In Memoriam
Betty Park Chronister , 1951 J-School graduate, died Oct. 27 at the age of 94. Read her obituary.

Rodney O. Davis , 1954 J-School graduate, died Nov. 5 at the age of 87. Read his obituary.

Charles F. Morelock , 1954 and 1962 J-School graduate, died Oct. 29 at the age of 87. Read his obituary.
Nov. 27-Dec. 1 : Thanksgiving break
Dec. 12: Last day of fall classes
Dec. 13: Stop day
Dec. 13: Faculty/staff meeting, 10:30 a.m.-noon, followed by lunch, Adams Alumni Center, Bruckmiller Room
Dec. 21-Jan. 19: Winter break
Jan. 20: Martin Luther King Jr. holiday
Jan. 21: First day of spring semester
Feb. 7: Faculty/staff meeting 1:30-3 p.m., Stauffer-Flint Hall, Room 206
Feb. 28 : KSPA Regional Contest, all day, Kansas Union
March 5: J-School Career Fair, Kansas Union
March 9-13: Spring break   
March 20: Faculty/staff meeting 1:30-3 p.m., Stauffer-Flint Hall, Room 206
April 16: William Allen White Day & Student Scholarships and Awards program, 3 p.m., Kansas Union, Ballroom
May 2: KSPA State Contest, all day, Kansas Union
May 8: Stop day         
May 8: Faculty/staff meeting 10:30 a.m.-noon, followed by lunch, Clarkson Gallery
May 15: Last day of finals        
May 16: J-School Recognition Ceremony, 8:30 a.m., Lied Center
William Allen White School of Journalism and Mass Communications
1435 Jayhawk Boulevard
Stauffer-Flint Hall
Lawrence, KS 66045