Food for Thought Newsletter

Brought to you by Canadian Federation of Agriculture, representing over 200,000 farmers and farm families across Canada
An update from the Canadian Federation of Agriculture.

Welcome to the Food for Thought newsletter!

As part of our Food for Thought campaign, you signed up to receive further emails and updates on Canadian farmers and agriculture.

This is the 2nd issue, focusing on what's in season in August, a spotlight on Ontario agriculture and some great recipes!

A French version of this newsletter will be released on Tuesday.
With the upcoming election, CFA is in full-swing making sure that all national parties have agriculture as a priority in their platforms. We at CFA know that agriculture can not only be a powerful economic engine for Canada's recovery, but also a powerful ally in the fight against climate change.

As part of the lead-up to the election, CFA will be hosting an Agriculture Leaders Debate, bringing together the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food as well as the Agriculture Critics from each party to debate the important issues surrounding agriculture.

(Please note that if you click the link before the time of broadcast, you will be brought to a Rogers TV landing page)

Be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram through the icons below for announcements regarding the debate, or check the front page of our website at
Canadian Agriculture in 2021

Farmers’ Markets – Building Back our Sense of Community | Food Waste - Let's Think Outside the Box | Bill C-208 helps the next generation of Canadian family farms | What Supply Management Means for Canadians | Recipes and more!
Farmers’ Markets – Building Back our Sense of Community

When you get a chance to head to your local farmers’ market, you are doing much more than just supporting local. You are getting a chance to interact and know your own community. This helps to build the critical ‘social capital’ we need within our communities to thrive together.

With that in mind, one of the biggest questions we can ask ourselves as consumers is: How can we best support our local producers right at home? What are the benefits of shopping at your local farmers’ market?

Click the link below for just a few of the many reasons to go out and support your local farmers’ market when you get the chance.
What Supply Management Means for Canadians

Did you know that supply management is a Canadian success story? 

It was invented here in the 1960s following a period of market volatility as a way to ensure a fair return for farmers and to meet domestic demand. 

Today, dairy, egg and poultry farmers operate under supply management. To better understand supply management, it helps to break it down into three important pillars that deliver fairness for consumers, farmers and Canadians. Click below to see what these three parts mean. 
Bill C-208 - Recent legislation passed to help transfer farms to the next generation

Bill C-208 was passed into law near the end of June, a Bill which makes it so that farmers no longer face a substantial tax penalty when transitioning their farm to a family member. Prior to the passage of this bill, it was actually much more expensive to transfer a farm to a family member rather than an unrelated third party.

This Bill will not only help the retirement plans of our aging farmers, but also help the next generation of farmers take on their family operations without incurring huge penalties.

Click below to read about a press release from CFA on how Bill C-208 will help farmers.
Agricultural Spotlight: Ontario

As we approach the end of another growing season, The Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) wants to remind everyone that agriculture, its diversity and bountiful yields are an annual cause for celebration.

When visiting the grocery store or Farmers’ Market, be on the lookout for seasonal crops such as brussels sprouts, apples, cranberries, pears, day-neutral strawberries, raspberries, cabbage, carrots, purple cauliflower, potatoes, golden beets and large varieties of edible pumpkins and squashes!

Click below to learn more!
Leamington Regional Food Hub Reduced Food Waste and Gets Food to Those in Need

Leamington, ON, the greenhouse capital of North America, is an ideal location for this organization that rescues unmarketable vegetables to reduce food waste and get healthy food to those in need. The UHC-Hub of Opportunities spearheaded the project and with their new facility, will ship over 4 million pounds of produce each year to people in need.

Community volunteers take donated produce from local farmers, sort, package, and send it off to local food banks, northern and rural communities, and food programs like the UHC’s (Unemployed Help Centre’s) Farm to Food soup program. OGVG and our members want to congratulate the Leamington Food Hub, its organizers, and all the wonderful volunteers on this exciting new operation. We are committed to supporting the amazing work being done.

Chicken: The Benefits of Dark Meat

Dark meat has long been enjoyed as an indulgent alternative to white meat. The richer flavour and higher moisture content of dark meat makes it the perfect choice for many recipes.
Fall in Love with Canadian Comforts

As the kids head back to school and summer turns into fall, life seems to be returning somewhat to normal – which means things are about to get a lot busier. This collection of recipes specially crafted with the best ingredients, grown and produced right here in Canada, can help us stay on track with local eating, while making mealtime decisions a little bit easier! There’s nothing like some #CanadianComfort to get us ready for September.
Farmed Seafood for a Healthy Body, Soul, and Planet

Canadian farmed seafood is among the most affordable and nutritious protein for Canadians. Raised with care it provides millions of meals to Canadian families each year. The average cost for a standard meal of finfish or shellfish ranges from $2-4 in retail. And, it’s healthy for the planet as well! It is produced in every province and the Yukon, and available in retail and restaurants fresh 365 days of the year, as well as in a variety of value added formats.  

Click below to learn more abour seafood farmers, some facts and myth about the industry, as well as a delicious recipe for Maple Sesame Salmon!
CFA's new logo, decided by our readers!

In the previous issue of this newsletter, CFA asked readers to vote on a few different proposed logos for a CFA re-brand.

We are happy to announce CFA's new logo! The colors underneath the maple leaf represent some of the core components of farming such as the earth, sea, sun and the harvest.

Food Waste - Let's Think Outside the Box

Every year, over half of the food produced in Canada is lost or wasted –from the field, processors, the grocery store, or the refrigerator.

Tackling food waste is a challenge for all of us. By taking action today, everyone benefits, and the environment, too. 

Click below to read the full article on food waste by the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Marie-Claude Bibeau

Upcoming Events in Agriculture and Food
Agricultural Leaders Debate

CFA will be hosting the National Agriculture Leaders' Debate, set to air at 7:00 p.m. ET on September 9th! The debate brings together the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, as well as the Agriculture Critics from each national party to debate the priority issues of agriculture and outline their visions for the future of our industry.