April 2020 | Issue I
A Message from the Founder
Dear IAWF members,

As we all figure out how to navigate this unprecedented time, I wanted to reach out to you and let you know that IAWF is using its platform to help in any way that we can. This pandemic has challenged every person across the globe and we have all been forced to make changes in our lives, some more extreme than others. In the midst of this situation, we should focus on kindness, insightfulness, and change. We have seen neighbors helping each other, strangers singing together, and families connecting more than ever before. This is a time to call our loved ones, read that book we've set aside for months, catch up on our favorite shows, or start an online campaign to help your favorite charity. 
Despite this challenge we are facing, we must find comfort in the knowledge that we are all experiencing this together. IAWF will continue to share inspirational stories from our community members who are making a difference in this time of need. In this newsletter, we are proud to feature the following stories of IAWF members who have taken action to help their communities in a variety of ways. 
I hope you and your family stay safe and healthy, and know that we will continue to serve the community that we love.

Mariam Khosravani - IAWF Founder
COVID-19 Social Safety Net Resource Hub
We are happy to share that IAWF Trustee Neda Nobari 's philanthropic organization, MOZAIK, has partnered with the  California Community Foundation’s COVID-19 LA County Response Fund   to address the most immediate emerging needs of our region’s most vulnerable residents—from mitigation to eventual recovery. This new fund will support the community needs identified by their local partners in health, housing, education, and immigration, and will aid impacted individuals through  CCF’s Pass It Along Fund . They've compiled a  COVID-19 Social Safety Net Resource Hub  - a large database of emergency funds, funders, and organizations serving nonprofits, individuals and small businesses as a helpful resource we can share amongst the community with all those impacted by COVID-19.
IAWF Trustee Helps Start "Shield Our Heroes" Project
We are proud to share that IAWF Trustee, Shirin Hedayat, along with her family and friends, have started the "Shield Our Heroes" project. This is a grassroots volunteer community that has come together to support the needs of heroes on the frontline of healthcare. Volunteers have been making personal protective equipment, including face shields and masks, to donate to local hospitals. You can visit their Facebook page to find out how you can get involved. It's amazing to see our community take action in this time of need!
Mentee Creates Tutoring Website to Support Students
IAWF mentee Jonanne Talebloo has created a website to offer free online services to children and senior citizens. Jonanne is a student at University High School in Irvine, and she wants to give back to the community in this fragile and confusing time. She is offering children a free source of communication online for the extra help they may need, as well as English language sessions for senior citizens. Sessions work through the Zoom app or FaceTime. If you know any high school students who would be interested in signing up as a tutor, please send an email to: jjtalebloo@gmail.com . Find more information about Jonanne's services on her website .