A faith-based ministry supporting the only K-12 Evangelical Christian School in Israel.
NBS REOPENS without Classroom Size Restrictions on May 18, 2020
On Thursday afternoon, May 14, 2020 the Israeli Ministry of Education directed all schools to reopen without restrictions to the size of the classroom. NBS will reopen on Monday, May 18, 2020. Students, at least in the beginning will wear masks and try to maintain a social distance. Mostly, their preventive measures will be hygiene protocols and avoiding personal contact.

The maintenance staff has worked hard to sanitize the school and the students have had good home and classroom instruction about proper hygiene and safe distancing. FON is confident that NBS will negotiate this restart challenge well and help all of the students finish the 1019-20 school year with excellence.

We ask for your prayers for the students and teachers. The staff of NBS is to be highly commended for stepping up and stepping into uncharted waters to educate the students with excellence. May the students and staff be kept safe!

As a nation, Israel has done a remarkable job managing the pandemic. With a population of 9 Million, Israel has less than 17,000 cases and 264 deaths (as of 5/14/2020). The infection rate is about 0.002%. Their numbers are as reliable as possible due to their attention to testing. Their borders are controlled, thus the virus has been contained.
New PA System Meets an Unexpected Need
One of the many ongoing projects during the COVID-19 shutdown has been installing and testing the new PA system for NBS. This is a safety and spiritual initiative that FON helped to provide for NBS.

As the school plans to return, the MOE has stated that no parent may enter the school. Communication between the office staff, the student's teacher and the student could have been a bigger issue without the PA system. Now, a parent can notify the guard or receptionist that s/he is available to pick up her or his son or daughter. The PA system can be used to notify the teacher that the child's parent is waiting. This new system will speed communications and reduce the amount of "running" that would have been required.

On behalf of Nazareth Baptist School, thank you Friends of Nazareth for providing this much needed system for our school.
Congratulations, 2020 Graduating Seniors!
The Corona (Crown) class is preparing for their final days of high school and their next steps. This 66th graduating class is like no other! They have spent about half of their last semester doing Zoom classes, being alienated from their friends, and studying with many distractions in their homes. We are so proud of this class! They have shown that they are adaptable and studious despite unprecedented challenges.
Teachers React to Distance Learning
Left to right. Rokni Kawar (HS Math teacher) : This has been a difficult time, but one filled with successful experiences. Aziz Banna (High School Principal) : This Corona period is a station in life that has provided new material for thinking. Anne Haddad (Elementary School Principal) : This has not been an easy experience at all. It has come with huge responsibility. My faith and trust in the Lord has increased. Ruba Kardosh (HS Vice- Principal) : Simply put, this has been an unprecedented experience.
Suhail Rizik (HS Math teacher) : It taught me to use my time better and to focus on life and natural matters.

Thank you! You have risen to the challenge. NBS is blessed to have each of you as part of the NBS team.
Young Students Share their Corona Experience - Precious!
Shams Naddaf (1 st grade) : It was nice but I got bored staying at home. I played on the computer and watched my brother play.

I am happy to return to school where I can play with my friends and I am looking forward to studying.

I hate putting on a mask.
Lor Daher (2 nd grade) : Not a nice time because I missed school and my friends and going to my grandma's to play.

We had Mother’s Day in the middle (of the shutdown) and I missed seeing my grandma.

I studied a bit and played a bit with my brother.

Neil Mazzawi (2 nd grade) : It wasn’t a nice time because I didn’t see my friends and I didn’t come to school to play. I played at home on the bicycle and with my brother.

I am happy now that I am back in school to see my friends.
First and second grade students display their Corona art projects in the courtyard at the Primary School.
Renovation Update
Construction workers have continued to work on the Prayer Room, Computer Room and Chapel Renovations, though with many restrictions and limitations, during the nearly two month sheltering order. FON/NBS anticipate that these projects will be completed by the end of May. More students will return to the campus starting on Monday, May 18, 2020. Workers, and still in limited numbers, are allowed to work after school hours only. This will continue to be a slow process...but, we are seeing progress!
The Computer Room remodeling is complete. It is lovely and bright space. It is a good environment for learning. Notice the color on the walls. A drastic change from the dingy and tired area before!
Prayer Requests
Our team in Nazareth continues to pray for our families in the USA who hail from Alabama, California, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Utah, and Washington DC. Like others, being separated whether by a few miles or by thousands of miles is challenging.

Thank you for praying with Friends of Nazareth for the many needs of FON and those that we serve. May these narratives give you prayer insights.

God is Light and in Him there is no darkness at all. 1 John 1: 5b

  1. The world. May the Light of God illuminate so brightly that no one can deny His existence. May wise men still seek Him. It's a broken world. Friends of Nazareth longs to bring Light to Nazareth and the world.
  2. Our team on the ground in Nazareth. On behalf of the Chisams and the Brookshires, we give thanks for being here at such a time as this. Thank you for praying for us as we seek to be useful and effective.
  3. The leadership of NBS. The staff has been stretched like never before. They are preparing for the return of students on May 18, 2020.
  4. NBS's future. Corona has changed everyone's vision for how best to manage education in the future? We need the mind of Christ. In 1 Corinthians 2:16, The Scriptures ask, "Has anyone ever known the thoughts of the Lord or given him advice?" But we understand what Christ is thinking. This translations if from the Contemporary English Version of the Bible...we need to understand what Christ is thinking about NBS' future. We invite you to pray this with us!
  5. The parents who are unemployed.
  6. Give thanks for the teachers who have stepped up and created a success story for Christian education for such a time as this!
  7. The students who have adapted and managed well.
  8. Israel's leaders have done a remarkable job of managing the pandemic. The number of cases, recoveries and deaths show strong management of the situation. They have managed to hold the cases low even in times of normal high socialization - Easter, Passover, Ramadan.
  9. Friends of Nazareth financial needs. Thank you for continuing to give and for asking others to give, as they can. FON is a faith-based ministry. We believe that God will provide for our needs during this time . We will not take any loans. We are managing funds tightly during this time. We appreciate your prayers for our ongoing needs.
  10. Summer Programs. FON is planning for some type of program, likely greatly reduced. We are asking that regardless of the attendance that FON is faithful to share the Word of God to as many as the Lord brings. We know that if God ordains a program that it will be a last minute situation. Therefore, our leaders are continuing to plan and seek updates from the government. If God intends for this to be a year of rest, FON will accept this and find other ways to be messengers of faith!
Mailing Address
Please mail donations and correspondence for Dr. Roger Mardis to:

Friends of Nazareth
219 Simpson Street
Florence, AL 35630
Visit Friends of Nazareth on Facebook
Friends of Nazareth
Friends of Nazareth (FON), A Nazareth Educational Ministries Association (NEMA) Corporation, is a n0n-profit corporation. It is operated exclusively for educational and charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or the corresponding section of any future Federal tax code. Our tax ID is: 59-3800059.

FON reserves the right to withhold up to 5% of designated donations for administration.
Stock Donations :

Please contact the NEMA-FON broker for assistance.
John Dupuis
Wells Fargo Investments
201 N. Court Street
Florence, AL 35630

Consider setting up a fundraiser on Facebook to benefit Nazareth Educational Ministries Association (Friends of Nazareth). Simply search donations on Facebook. Click on Facebook Shortcuts, Fundraisers. Create your post. Invite friends to participate and post on your homepage.

Facebook does not take a fee for charitable gifts. Therefore, all of the donated funds come directly to NEMA-FON.
Friends of Nazareth
219 Simpson Street
Florence, AL 35630