2020-2021 Registration Information

New Students Registration (students transferring in from an outside district or incoming freshman that have not gone through course selection):

Returning Student Registration (all returning students and incoming freshman that have already completed course selection):

If you have questions regarding Registration, please reach out to our Registrar Ms. LaTonya Shumate at 630-570-8148 or
2020-2021 Schedule Change Requests

Students who would like to request a change to a course they requested for the 20-21 academic year when they met with their counselor in January/February may now do so by completing our Schedule Change Request Form . These requests will be processed on a space available basis by date of request. We will do our best to accommodate your request, but our schedule is tight and some changes will not be available. Please note that this is not a level change request. You cannot request to move to a higher level course than you were originally recommended for. If this is something you are interested in, you must first reach out to the Department Chair and they will notify us if the request is approved before we would look at availability. Please reach out with any questions! 
Virtual Graduation for Class of 2020 Link Information

If you are interested in watching the Virtual Graduation Ceremony for Class of 2020 on May 21 at 7:00 p.m. please use this link: Class of 2020 - Virtual Graduation Ceremony . Prelude music by the Hinsdale Central Band will begin about 6:45p.m.
Boosters Fundraiser
Senior Graduation Pick Up Information

Congratulations Seniors on your graduation from Hinsdale Central, class of 2020. While nothing about this has been an ideal way to spend your last months as a high school student, we hope that you’ll carry with you and remember fondly the memories you have made at Central. 

In order to facilitate a safe process for picking up your graduation materials, yearbook and academic locker materials, please see your assigned time and date below. It is important for everyone’s safety that you only come at your assigned time and follow the protocol below for returning library books and textbooks that belong to Hinsdale Central. 

You MUST show your ID, through your window, to pick up your materials. You will not be exiting your car at any time, however, following the public health guidelines, please wear a mask/protective covering when picking up and dropping off your materials. Staff will place materials in the trunk of your car.

Yearbooks will be distributed on May 18-19 to seniors only. Unfortunately, at this time, we will not be able to accommodate purchase requests or books for siblings. This pick up is for seniors who already purchased a yearbook. An email from Sally Phillip will be sent to seniors that have already purchased a yearbook on Friday, May 15 that confirms s/he will pick up a yearbook on May 18/19.   

If you have items that belong to Hinsdale Central there will be bins that are accessible from your car, driver’s side window to do so. If you are returning a library book or a textbook, deposit your book into the bin.  

As a reminder, all fees can be paid online through Push Coin

If you are picking up from the student lot (last names A-E and L-R), please arrive at school from 55th street, head south on Grant Street and enter the gym/pool drive near the math doors. 

If you are picking up from the staff lot (last names F-K and S-Z), please arrive at school from 57th street, head north on Grant Street and enter the staff parking lot at the first (southern) entrance.  

Times are assigned based on your last name. If you or a family member feels ill, please do not come in to pick up your materials. Please reach out to Mrs.Galich at to schedule an alternative arrangement.
Graduation Pick Up Information
Text Book Buy Back Information

With the closing out of the 2019-2020 school year, we wanted to make sure all students had an option to return their textbooks. 

If you purchased your textbooks through MBS, our textbook supplier, please utilize their Online Buyback program. Students/families can log-in to the MBS bookstore ( ), and click “Sell Books.” Please complete a quote, print it out and state that the shipment will be sent back to MBS. You will be provided a prepaid shipping label and can drop the package at any UPS location. Please note that the quote is only valid for 14 days after generated. If textbooks are not returned within that 14-day window from when the quote is printed, students/families will need to log-in and generate a new quote.

For a “how to” Online BuyBack video – please click here:

If you have any questions regarding this process, please reach out to MBS Customer Service at 1-800-325-3252.
Seniors who have books purchased and provided by District 86 can return these at the Senior Drive Thru event on May 18th and 19th.

All other students who have books purchased and provided by the district can return them in the fall when school resumes.

We understand that some students have books in lockers that were not able to be cleaned out before the school closure.  Students will be able to clean out their lockers when school resumes in the fall.  We are also planning on organizing a safe time for students to clear out their lockers in late June and/or July if they choose.  More information on this will come at a later time.  MBS understands that students will be selling books back later than usual because of the situation we are in with school closings.   
Update about grades and the issuance of Incompletes
I hope you and your loved ones continue to be healthy and safe in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our staff understands and appreciates the stress, strain and anxiety this crisis has caused, and will continue to provide our students with the academic, social and emotional guidance and support they need to navigate this unprecedented time in our lives. With this goal in mind, below is an update about grades, more specifically the issuance of Incompletes.
As I have shared in previous messages, the Illinois State Board of Education has stated that the lowest grade students “who engage in remote learning” can earn is the one they had when schools closed on March 13. Students who do not engage in remote learning and are unable to demonstrate mastery of the essential concepts of a course will be issued an Incomplete when teachers finalize second semester grades for freshmen, sophomores and juniors on May 19.
If students receive an Incomplete, they will need to finish the required coursework over the summer. To aid this process, students will be given an individualized program and a support team made up of a teacher and student support interventionist. The individualized program will detail the work the students must do to get credit for a course instead of an Incomplete. This work will be graded by the teacher who issued the Incomplete.
If you have any questions about Incompletes or grades in general, please direct them to your teachers. In the meantime, you can access the information shared about the grading process on April 9 by visiting . You can also access the document we created about how to view grades in the Home Access Center by visiting
Distribution Information for Solstice/Devil's Advocate/El Diablo

1.        Solstice Magazine – for those of you who purchased an Activities Pass at the beginning of the year, you get a copy of the Solstice Magazine, which is a collection of written work and art from all of Red Devil Nation. The magazine this year has gone online! Here is a link for ALL of you to enjoy! Thank you to all who contributed to the magazine this year and to our hard working and dedicated Solstice staff for getting this put together and published virtually this year!   
2.        Devil’s Advocate – May edition…. The Senior edition! Your Advocate staff is hard at work on this and will publish this edition online for all of you to see on May 15 th – look for an email with a link for you to view! We are shooting for a delivery of printed copies for the seniors to pick up with their caps and gowns on May 18 th and 19 th … more copies will be available later this summer!
3.        El Diablo – Yearbooks! The El Diablo staff worked very hard remotely to finish up this year’s yearbook!!! They are all so excited for you to see it! The seniors who purchased a yearbook will receive their yearbooks on May 18 and 19 when they pick up their caps and gowns prior to graduation (more info going out to seniors soon) – the current Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors will be contacted this summer with a date to pick up their yearbooks if they purchased one once it is safe to do so at school – it might have to wait until the first day of school this Fall – look for more info to come! We will not be able to sell any yearbooks until all students who have purchased a yearbook receive theirs – more info to come on that in the fall as well.  
Class of 2020 Recognition Video

Dear Parents of a Grade 12 Student: 

I hope you are safe and healthy. In celebration of your child's, our student's, high school experiences, graduation and all s/he has done as a Hinsdale Central Red Devil, Ms. Phillip & Mr. Russo with the collaboration by students and parents created a Class of 2020 Video. Having watched this video a few times, each time I am emotionally moved by the engagement, service and celebrations our seniors were a part of in high school. While the RLD school environment cut short an opportunity to continue their celebrations on campus, it is evident from this video they have made an impact on our school, community and global community. The video will be embedded in the Virtual Graduation Event on May 21. However, it is important that you get a preview of it now.

You and / or your child provided the images included in this video over a 3-week period in March and April. On behalf of the Building Leadership Team, I apologize if your child is not profiled in this video; it was not done intentionally on our part. If they are not profiled, it is only because a photo(s) were not provided within the time needed to compile this wonderful celebratory video.
Important Chromebook and Account Information for Seniors

Graduating seniors will have full ownership of their Chromebooks; shortly after graduation, the IT department will be removing the devices from the D86 Google admin console and the devices will function without any restrictions in place (devices will need to be restarted in order to clear the restrictions).

On Friday, July 31, 2020, District 86 Google accounts and email accounts for graduating seniors/non-returning students will be deactivated. After July 31, 2020 students will no longer be able to access their District 86 Google and email accounts, and the files/messages contained within will be deleted.

If students would like to transfer their District 86 Google Drive files to a personal Google account, they should visit the following website while logged into their school account and follow the instructions: . Important emails should be forwarded to a personal email account as well.
This feature will be enabled during Graduation Week and will be available until Friday, July 31, 2020.
For a complete explanation of the process, please visit this support article from Google.
Please note : If students are using their account on any third party sites or services (i.e. College Board, Dropbox, Pandora, Twitter, etc.), students should make sure they change their contact/login information at each of those sites and services before July 31, 2020. After this date, they will no longer be able to receive notifications/log into these services.
To see which services have been linked to a District 86 Google account, visit the “Third party apps with account access” and “Signing in with Google” portions of the Google Security page for your District 86 account at .
Senior Final Transcript Request

Seniors received an email asking them to complete our online survey to indicate their post-secondary plans and request their final high school transcript. The form can be found at Hinsdale Central Class of 2020 Post-Secondary Plans & Final Transcript Request . It is important that ALL seniors complete this short survey. Transcripts will be sent in early June. Please reach out to your counselor if you have any questions or still need to discuss you post-secondary options. 
Summer Reading 2020

Need a break from Netflix? Rediscover your love of reading this summer with the perfect social-isolation activity: binge-reading. Your teachers have hand-selected for you a list of 40 books that will help you escape, make you laugh, or cry, or think. The lists are divided into book lists for each grade level, but feel free to choose any book on any list that you finding interesting.  And once you finish one book, you’ll probably want to go back to the list to find another title. You can find the book lists (and links to book trailer videos) here and descriptions of all the books in a slide deck here
Viewing Students Grades in HAC

Thank you for your continued engagement in our Remote Learning.  As we all continue to navigate remote learning together, we wanted to let students and families know how they can continue to access support and a students academic standing. In the past few weeks, we’ve gotten several questions about how to best view both current and Interim Progress Report(IPR) grades in Home Access Center(HAC). To help answer those questions, we’ve created this document to assist:  Viewing Student Grades in Home Access Center
Please continue to reach out to us with questions and remember that every student should complete every assignment provided to them by their teachers, just as they would in a traditional school environment. If a student is unable to do their work for any reason, they should reach out to their teacher so that individual accommodations can be made. 
AP Exam Updates

Students who are registered for an AP exam received the information below from College Board via email. Students that have not received emails from College Board should log into their College Board account and update their email address.
•         Students will receive an email confirmation on May 4 from College Board with your AP ID and the list of exams you are registered for.
•         Beginning May 4, you can access an AP 2020 Exam Demo at to allow you to practice submitting your responses. You are highly encouraged to practice this so that you have time to troubleshoot any problems prior to exam day.
•         You need an AP EXAM E-TICKET to test. Your E-Ticket will be emailed to you two days prior to the individual exam.
•        AP Exams have been revised to about 45 minutes each and will be taken online, at home and can be taken on a desktop, laptop, tablet or cell phone, with the exception of World Language exams. These MUST be taken on a tablet or cell phone, using College Board’s AP World Language Exam App. This will be available for download the week of May 11. Students who need help with access to a device or internet can let College Board know at .
•        AP Exams are scheduled for May 11-22. View the full testing schedule here: .
•        Students can opt-out of the exam without being charged the $40 cancellation if they prefer not to test this year. You must cancel your exams through . Students who cancel now will still have access to the exam, so no cancelations/refunds will be approved until after the exam window has closed.
•        On YouTube, students can access daily, online AP classes and review at
HC Senior Women College Sorority Recruitment Process Information

The Hinsdale Area Alumnae Panhellenic (HAAPA), sponsored by the Hinsdale Central PTO for 17 straight years, is here again to help you navigate the College Sorority Recruitment process!
As we are not able to have our annual meeting this year due to the corona virus situation, we have taken all of our services online.

We will still be able to help you with recommendation letters for those who are interested in sorority recruitment on college campuses this upcoming fall and spring.
Below is a link to our Questionnaire that should be filled out completely and submitted to us. 

Visit our website at  where you can find a Sample Resume and more information. 
Please contact us if you have any further questions by email at
Thank you,
The Women of Hinsdale Area Alumnae Panhellenic