MAC Advocacy Alert
Congress needs to hear from you on direct, flexible and responsible aid to counties
With the U.S. House of Representatives expected to act Friday, May 15 on a new COVID-19 relief bill, now is the time for Michigan’s county leaders to advise the state’s congressional delegation on what’s needed on the front lines of the pandemic response.

Counties continue to pile up costs to deal with public health, public safety and emergency operations, with average weekly additional burdens ranging from $10,000 to more than $200,000 per week based on data shared by members.

Meanwhile, the breadth of the damage to the state budget is coming into grim focus, with the state now short nearly $2 billion from its General Fund for current budget year ending Sept. 30. Lawmakers also must deal with a nearly $1 billion shortfall in the School Aid Fund. The pressure will be on in Lansing to cut everywhere, including into vital funds for county services.

MAC and NACo continue to encourage Congress to advance funds based on these principles:

  1. Direct aid to all counties
  2. Flexible use of such aid, so counties can compensate for revenue losses that will surely mount as the ranks of the unemployed grow
  3. Guardrails on use of such funds to focus them on COVID-related spending and losses

We need your voice to encourage your members of Congress to get the aid flowing to your county seats.

Click the button below to send your message to your federal leaders today!