Spiritual Renewal
Dialogues at the WIN Network launch 
Photo by Stacy Wegley
"I have hope. People are ready. People want to do more. People want to be able to work in their communities. People want to see their communities whole."

-Mary Wilson
South Fulton People-Centered Economic Development Collaborative
Bridging Differences to Thrive Together

By Elizabeth Hartig
Disagreements on important issues, such as education, housing, or healthcare, are inevitable, but they do not have to create insurmountable divides. Intentionally engaging across differences through dialogue strengthens our sense of belonging and connection by building relationships and making visible what we have in common. 
Living Room Conversations and Local Voices Network practice dialogue to move toward a world where people who have fundamental differences of opinion and backgrounds work together, respect each other, and are able to inform and influence the policies and systems that shape our lives.  
Combining the Thriving Together paths to renewal with the practice of dialogue provides a strong foundation for reimagining our civic, economic, and social, emotional, and spiritual lives. As we bridge across differences to envision our futures together, we create a common language, find shared values, and move toward our measurable outcome: thriving people and places, no exceptions. 

This issue is dedicated to the ways the WIN Network and our partners are bridging differences. Explore our three areas of renewal, signs of momentum, and trend bending ideas on Thriving.US.

In partnership with a growing number of national networks and local communities, we are hosting a series of dialogues to explore how we can secure legacies of well-being and justice for generations to come.

We invite you to share what civic renewal, economic renewal, and social, emotional, and spiritual renewal mean to you, your family, neighborhood, organization, or community–and to discover what we have in common.

We also invite you to join an upcoming dialogue with Living Room Conversations and Local Voices Network!
Well Being Trust Releases a New Guide on Understanding & Improving Mental Health
With the mental health and substance use crisis continuing, Well Being Trust released A People’s Guide to Healing the Nation – a resource that helps families and communities begin to take action on policy specific to mental health and substance misuse.

The Guide includes:
  • A list of factors that contribute to a person’s mental health and well-being.
  • Resources developed by Well Being Trust as well as other national organizations that focus on improving mental health.
  • Five areas (health care, education, workplaces, the justice system, and communities) where changes would make the most impact; and
  • Actions individuals, families, and communities can take today to start improving mental health in their communities.

Photo by Nicole Baster on Unsplash
Undoing Structural Racism: The Need for Systemic Change in Housing Policy
A restorative approach must be all-encompassing, addressing private sector practice and public policy in housing and lending markets.

Grief Belongs in Social Movements. Can We Embrace It?
A Black activist reflects on intergenerational trauma, community, and coming to terms with death in movement building.
Once We Come Together by Cassie Leatham

Once We Come Together 

"Being an Indigenous woman with a non-Indigenous partner and family, it's all about accepting one another. I don't think it matters where you are as an Aboriginal person, as long as you're keeping culture alive and you're working with everyone; it's about coming together and being as one."

In the spirit of bridging differences, we are presenting this piece of art work from Cassie Leatham where she provides a perspective on what it's like to bridge cultural differences with a partner.

All In: Data for Community Health Podcast
Mass Surveillance of Black Bodies & Anti-Racist Data-Sharing: An Interview with Tawana Petty
Commons Good Podcast
All-America City (AAC) 2020 Finalist: Portsmouth, Ohio Councilman and Shawnee State professor Sean Dunne.
Reasons to be Cheerful: Bridging Divides
Learning to reach out to people you disagree with is one of the most valuable methods we have for fighting alienation. The second video in a five part series, this part focuses on how real life differences can be overcome.
Bringing Light & Heat: A Health Equity Guide For Healthcare Transformation And Accountability

The Guide outlines a strategic process for leaders and managers of healthcare institutions to commit to, own, and advance health equity and racial justice (bringing light) and outlines key questions stakeholders can use to help hold these systems accountable for this critical work (bringing heat).
Bright Spots
fosterdadflipper on Instagram
Meet the Foster Dad Opening His Home to Kids During the Pandemic

This week's bright spot comes to us from North Carolina dad Peter Mutabazi who decided to adopt a child he had been fostering. You can read more about their heartwarming story below!
Join the Conversation
WIN with Business Webinar
The Role of Business in Promoting Equitable Access to Healthy Food

Friday, August 27th; 12:00-1:30m pm ET
How can businesses advance policies and investments to improve equitable and sustainable access to healthy food? Join the WE in the World, co-led by the Midwest Business Group on Health, to learn from bright spot organizations to hear how you can participate in advancing policies and investments to improve system-level sustainable access to healthy food.