Reflection Masthead
Issue 133 - Do You Want Happiness? - January 2016

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  • In each issue, we will share our personal reflections on matters of faith and spirit.
  • Our theme will be the ways God's mystery and grace are reflected in the world: in nature, in a work of art, in a child's face, in memories or in recent headlines. 
  • We also believe such reflections are all around. We write to help ourselves and others recognize and ponder these reflections of the Sacred.
Bill and Jan
Soul Windows Logo

Past Issues


2-Creating Sacred Space

3-Leaving Footprints


5-Ordered Life

76-Vanier Visit

87-Wondrous Fear, Holy Awe

91-Crater Lake


101-On Reflections 

102-Morning Moments

108-NBA Championship

110-On Freedom 

112 Robin Williams 


116-Kentucky Epiphany 

119-Christmas Mystery  


121-Radical Amazement 

122-St.John's Bible 

124-Botanical Garden 

126-Call of the King 

127-Living Our Stories 

128-Pope Francis 

129-Saint Francis 


131-The Way of Peace  

132-Danube Reflections    

Link to all past issues     


Gratefulness Makes Us Happy
Please view this 14:30 video by David Steindl-Rast,
"Want to Be Happy? Be grateful."
Stop - Look - Go
       David Steindl-Rast, in the above video reminds us that whenever we receive anything of value - a gift - we have the opportunity in every moment to be grateful and thereby be happy. He suggests that we "Stop, Look, Go" just as we did when we first learned to cross a street.
       We have been offering you, hopefully, moments of interest, inspiration, and inquiry in these Soul Windows Reflection Newsletters for the past five years. We are grateful for you faithful readership and the responses you have made to us personally about how the articles have touched your hearts.
       We are asking now if you will continue to support us with a financial gift to insure that we can continue sending you Reflection for the future. If every reader would contribute $10 we would be able to meet our costs of publication. With rapid changes in technology, we learn that the majority of our subscribers read Reflection on mobile devices. With your financial help, we can design a new mobile-friendly format.
       We join with David Steindl-Rast in saying "Stop - Look - Go". Take a moment from your busy schedule to stop and consider that Soul Windows Reflection is of value to you, look at how you find a moment of happiness as you receive each issue, and go to the PayPal Donate  button below to express your gratitude.
       We are grateful for you. You bring us great joy and happiness.
We appreciate your loyal readership and kind words of gratitude for the Soul Windows - Reflection newsletter. We kindly ask that you support our ministry financially as well. You may make a contribution online through PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to make a donation. Just follow the link below and enter a dollar amount in the "Item price" box under "Make a donation." You also may make a donation by mailing a check to the address at the bottom of this newsletter.
        Thank you.
Soul Windows  
Greeting Cards
Fill someone's heart with inspiration.
Soul Windows Cards combine Bill's stunning photography with words of blessing and hope.  
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Copyright (c) 2016 Soul Windows Ministries

Sincerely,  Bill Howden & Jan Davis
Soul Windows Ministries