May 8, 2020
COVID-19 Impact on Marine Corps Activities and Base Access

Be sure to check the COVID-19 section of our website frequently for new updates on how this pandemic impacts the Marine Corps. A couple of the recent updates are:
  • U.S. Commissaries have placed shopping limits on fresh beef, chicken, turkey, and pork, effective May 1.
  • The annual Marine rotation to Australia is approved and back on after being delayed in March.

May is Military Appreciation Month

In 1999, the U.S. Senate passed a resolution designating May as National Military Appreciation Month (NMAM). NMAM began as a simple idea - to honor, remember, recognize, and appreciate those who serve and have served our great nation.

We're Here For Every Stage of Your Marine's Career in the Corps
This section of our newsletter includes new weekly articles related to YOUR recruit or Marine's career in the Corps. For additional reference in each newsletter, we include links to our Outreach Program articles, to the EGA Shop, to our Volunteer Spotlight, and to our Official Facebook Groups. a Place to Connect & Share ® is a registered trademark of the United States Marine Corps. Used with permission. Content and graphics copyright to, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. For additional informtion on legal use, visit the legal page of our website . is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) public charity .