December 2020
Happy Holidays
from our Wildcat Family to Yours
As we look back on this year, we are reminded of the strength and resiliency of our K-State Olathe community, and sincerely thank you for your perseverance and adaptability. We wish you a safe and warm holiday season!
Artificial intelligence research to accelerate pharmaceutical assessments for COVID-19 patients
BioNexus KC grant recipient, Majid Jaberi-Douraki, and the 1DrugAssist team use an AI medicine recommendation system to identify the most appropriate medication for patients.

Husband-and-wife team uses Food Innovation Accelerator to jumpstart business
Entrepreneurs at Three Bears Bakery and BBQ utilize commercial-grade kitchens and equipment at K-State Olathe to advance their keto-friendly startup.

Nine students at Olathe campus complete degree programs
Kansas State University's Olathe campus celebrates students graduating this fall with virtual ceremony.

Upcoming Events
Expand your knowledge
Wanting to learn about a new topic or expand your knowledge about a familiar one? Check out the video archives for two ongoing community series and learn at your leisure.

  • Gaining Ground -- Experts from the urban core take a deep-dive into agricultural topics as they teach technical and systems-level information to agriculture educators. Topics include food hubs and alternative markets, bookkeeping tools for farmers and navigating FSA loans. | Watch now

  • Careers and Cases in Veterinary Medicine -- Researchers and veterinarians at K-State discuss numerous topics in the world of animal health. Learn about pet first aid, veterinary dentistry, common internal and external parasites in pets, zoonotic diseases, exotic animal medicine and surgery, and much more. | Watch now
Professional Development
Critical Communications Skills for Leaders Workshop, Dec. 17-- In this interactive workshop, experiential activities and real-life scenarios will help emerging and current leaders become more mindful listeners and learn techniques and methods that will enable them to handle difficult conversation and conflict more effectively. | Register now

Information session about academic offerings, Jan. 27-- Looking to advance your career with a graduate degree or certificate or know someone who is looking to complete their bachelor's degree? Join our academic team from 4-5 p.m. on Jan. 27 to discuss your career goals and find which of our academic programs can help you achieve those goals. Attend and receive an application fee waiver to the K-State Graduate School.

913-541-1220 |
22201 W. Innovation Drive, Olathe, Kansas 66061