Chalice News
Round Rock Christian Church

Embracing o ur neighbors
with Christ-like love 
May 5, 2020
In This Issue
This Sunday in Worship -- May  10, 2020
Mother's Day
Scripture: Acts 7:55-60  
Sermon title: 
"Faithfulness in Adversity"  

This is the story of the martyrdom of Stephen.
How is the church being persecuted today, 
and how does Christ call us to respond? 

A Message from Rev. Maxted

Amid bad and worsening news reports regarding the progression of COVID-19 in our   state and our country, how are you coping? 

Along with your Bible reading and prayer time, what are some other ways that you give God an opportunity to feed your soul? Slowly preparing a favorite meal? Spending time in God's amazing creation? Having a heartfelt conversation with a good friend? Listening to music?

I encourage you to take some time to intentionally seek these blessings. God will not disappoint! For me personally, exercise outside is both restorative and energizing. Observing creation is calming. Even listening to a podcast of a thunderstorm! But especially inspiring to me are certain videos on YouTube. Below are links to several songs that are very meaningful to me. "Ancient Words" celebrates the timeless message of the Bible, God's love letter to us. "Blessings" invites us to see God at work in the midst of our difficulties. "Be the Centre" is simply a calming, meditative prayer in song.

I would love to know your favorite go-to videos!

Peace in Christ,
Pastor Mitch

Disciples Men's Ministry - Let's Do Breakfast!

Saturday, May 9, 2020, 8:30 a.m.
Our men will share breakfast and fellowship via  zo om this Saturday morning, May 9, at 8:30 a.m. (our normal time).
 The zoom link was emailed to the men earlier today. 
Please let Rev. Maxted know if you did not receive that email. Also feel free to forward to friends!

What will you bring to the table? 
Scrambled eggs? 
Biscuits and gravy? 
An untoasted Pop-Tart?

Saturday, May 9, 2020, 9:30-11:00 a.m.
Handcrafters will meet via zoom
this Saturday, May 9, at 9:30 a.m.  
Look for an email from Bea Whitley with details.

Hope you'll be able to join us!


Monday, May 11, 2020, 9:30 AM
LADIES: Continuing our Round Rock Christian policy to meet virtually for safe health, the May meeting of DWM will assemble on the internet in our individual homes via ZOOM at 9:30 A.M. on Monday, May 11. You will receive an invitation from president, Susan Kessler. There will be a link in the invitation-letters and numbers, in blue print. Just before 9:30am, click on the blue link on your iPad, iPhone, tablet or computer to join the meeting.

Jackie Switzer will facilitate the bible study, titled: Has Not God Made Foolish the Wisdom of the World? : God's Wisdom."

Use the link below to download the May lesson study guide. After reading the text, 1st Corinthians 1:18-31, read and respond to the questions in the study guide.

God's wisdom, demonstrated through the cross, calls each of us into service, despite our weaknesses and limitations. Moreover, God's mission calls us to serve those on the margins, where worth is measured by God's standards rather than human standards.                          


After the success of our recent Lenten study, many have expressed interested in another mid-week opportunity to grow together. Beginning June 11 Pastor Mitch will lead a four-week study: The Faith of a Mockingbird.

In The Faith of a Mockingbird, based on Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, pastor and author Matt Rawle uses Lee's beloved characters to explore Christian faith, theology, and ethics. Join Scout, Atticus Finch, Boo Radley, and Tom Robinson in this four-week study considering God's world and what it all means.

Classes will be held on Thursdays at 11:00am on June 11, 18, 25, and July 2. We anticipate that they will likely be held via zoom video conferencing.

If you would like to participate, please contact Susan Kessler ( by May 10 (this Sunday) with the following information:
1. I will participate. Please order a book for me from Cokesbury at a cost of $15.
2. I will participate, but will buy my own book.

How Do We Continue?
Guiding Board Requests Recommendations From Congregation 

It's tempting to ask the question "When is the pandemic going to be over?" or "When can we get back to normal again?" But the real question we need to grapple with right now is "How do we continue?" We don't know how long it will take until a COVID-19 vaccine is widely available to the general public. That may be one or two years away yet. Therefore, in the meantime, how do we function? When we start to return to our church campus, what will that look like? What will we be comfortable with, and how can we make that happen?

Your Guiding Board is brainstorming what our needs will be as we return safely to 22 Chalice Way to worship, serve and grow. We are now calling on you to help us plan the return to our campus and to embrace our neighbors with Christ-like love.  Our Ministries Council will be prayerfully discerning God's guidance this week, and they will meet on Sunday for discussion.
We want to hear what you are thinking that our special needs will be. Your ideas are important to our success as a congregation. We've offered some categories for you to share your ideas. Please add others that you think of when you respond: 

* Preparing and maintaining the buildings
* Morning worship
o Offering
o Communion
o Seating arrangement
o Greeting one another
o Other topics of concern when we are together in the sanctuary
* Group gatherings (church school, DWM, book and bible study groups, fellowship luncheons, special events, etc.)
* In addition to worshiping in our sanctuary, what about continuing some form of online worship (Zoom, Facebook-Live, streaming)
* Your topics
We look forward to hearing from you. Respond to any or all of us.

Linda Glover (moderator)
Gary Tucker (vice moderator/chair of elders)
Pastor Maxted (senior minister)

Splinters from the Board (updated)

What an amazing Congregation.....we are:

...Worshiping weekly - Thank you Pastor Mitch, Elders, worship leaders, musicians and tech team; we averaged over the past seven weeks to have 70 in attendance-thanks Susan Kessler for keeping an attendance roster.

....Communing regularly with one another and our Lord - via Zoom in online prayer, fellowship, study and sharing our lives. Handcrafters sharing their work; study related to the gospel in novels; Caring Hearts prayer warriors; adult Sunday school classes, Elders, led by head elder, Gary Tucker, as prayer partners in a 40-day spiritual growth experience and also communicating frequently with Agape members; DWM study and planning; choir weekly fellowship and planning; monetary giving online & mail-in led by Irene Jenkins & Katie Maybaum. Life among our flock is vibrant.

...Assessing our needs for the return to campus - The programming arm of our governance, the Ministries Council (chairs of Christian Education, Congregational Care, DWM, DMM, Deacons, Elders, Outreach and Worship) met with Pastor Mitch, Perry Mouser (property) and me on May 3, to assess our next steps in the "new normal" of church life when we return to campus. Using our Christian Church of the Southwest leader, Rev. Dr. Andy Mangum suggested format to Assess, Decide, Communicate, and Implement. Yes, we remain in the assessment stage.

....Meeting as a Guiding Board - on May 11, your Board will review financials, explore enhanced online worship opportunities (led by Gary Collier Dan Knight), continue dialog on the return to campus, hear updates from our two sister congregations who meet at 22 Chalice Way (Pastor Mitch remains in contact with both congregations), and consider the state of the congregation
.... As always, I welcome your suggestions, concerns and prayers. I look forward to hearing from you.
                                                                                 Linda Glover, Moderator

Should you have any comments or concerns, please reach out via email to Linda Glover at .

" For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

Chancel Choir

Chancel Choir will be meeting via ZOOM Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.:

RRCC Online Giving

Even though we are unable to meet in person,
RRCC has three ways you can still give your tithe:
  1. Go to the RRCC website and click on the "GIVE HERE" button at the top of the main page. Or use the link at the top of each newsletter. It will take you to the same place.
  2. Use your bank's electronic bill pay feature to have a check mailed directly from your bank to RRCC.
  3. Mail your check directly to RRCC.
Address your envelope to:
Financial Secretary
Round Rock Christian Church
22 Chalice Way
Round Rock, TX 78665

Try Financial Peace for Free!

You WILL make it to the other side of this. For the first time ever, we're giving away our Financial Peace Membership FREE for 14 days.  You'll receive all nine lessons of Financial Peace University and the EveryDollar Plus budgeting app-for free for 2 weeks! If you've been waiting for a sign to know if this proven plan works, here's your sign. Get started today!

($129/year if not cancelled before the end of the 14 day free trial)

Did You Miss a Newsletter?

Past newsletters dating back to mid-March 2020 are currently archived under the "ABOUT US" tab on the RRCC Website.
This is a more efficient way to access past newsletters and Friday "Reminders" than to hunt back through old emails.
COVID-19 Update From the Serving Center --  A Letter from Lori Scott, Executive Director

The Serving Center facility was closed to the public effective March 18th. The thrift stores and client services are closed until May 11, 2020. The food pantry is operating on a modified basis and is distributing food on Monday-Wednesday-Friday from 11 am to 2 pm only. This is a drive-through operation in the donation receiving area circular driveway. And, we are accepting food donations during those same hours of distribution. We are providing financial assistance by phone only. Clients must call and speak with Cynthia Flores, and fax/email their utility bills and lease agreements. Checks are being mailed. The modified operation is running smoothly and many, many thanks are extended to the staff and volunteers who are working to make this successful.

Since March 18th, we have provided food to 527 families, including FFFF, which is a total of 2,004 individuals. We have provided financial assistance for rent, utilities, prescriptions, bus, and hotel, and have spent a total of $12,295. 

After 9/11, the Serving Center caseload skyrocketed by 86%. In 2008, the caseload jumped by 45%, and in 2009, the caseload rose by 19%. The COVID-19 pandemic is much broader and is impacting significantly more families who are normally working with job cuts and layoffs. The Serving Center caseload is going to rise dramatically.

In addition to the increased caseload that the Serving Center will face, the closure of the thrift stores is a serious loss of revenue in the amount of $60,000 for two months. At this time, it is anticipated that the stores will reopen on May 11th, but that could be extended. The Serving Center expects to exceed the program services budget to meet the needs of not only client families but also households who have never asked for help before.

I cannot say thank you enough to everyone for your compassion, hard work, flexibility, and willingness to serve our community. 

Lori Scott, Executive Director
Find a Place to Serve Here at RRCC

Here are the ways you can contribute to Sunday Morning Worship:

Upcoming B irthdays

May 8
- Phyllis Wilson
Prayer Needs

1. Our staff--Jimmy, Mitch, Katie, Randy, and Molly
2. Guiding Board, Ministries Council, Elders, Deacons, Ministries and Teams as they discern what congregational life will look like when we slowly begin to return to activities at our church campus.
3. Ad Hoc Youth Programming Team and youth director search
4. Our El ders as they begin the 2nd week of their 40-Day Prayer Journal
5. Shut-In Servers & Caring Hearts Prayer Group
6. Stephen Ministries (Care Receivers and Caregivers)
7. Our music ministries and their leaders: Randy Preston, Rod Walker, and Jimmy Horowitz
8. Our partnership with Shalom Seventh Day Adventist & Manantial de Vida congregations (and their pastors Edy Rosa Paez and Maria Rosario) 
9. Reverends Christal Fisher (South Texas) and Andy Mangum (CCSW)
10. Gary Collier, Tara Pollock, Randy Preston, Katie Maybaum, Molly Salzwedel, and other tech support people from our congregation who are helping us to stay connected and active, even during this time of STAY HOME STAY SAFE. 


1. Bell, Jean (son Chris has made great progress with infusions to combat cancer)

2. Davis, Marilyn (now living with Duane and Keri Davis, her son and daughter-in-law) 

3. Fennimore, Nancy, (sister Joan recently diagnosed with ALS)
4. Guilbeau, Rick & Cynthia; Hubbard, Harold
5. Habtemariam, Solomon and Meaza
6. Maybaum, Liz (platelet count)
7. Plough, Paul
8. Pollock, Paula
9. Sanford, Collin and Sonya
10. Sherry, Bea (no visitors allowed at this time)
11. Snider, Rev. Ed (no visitors allowed at this time)
12. Switzer, Jackie (was in an automobile accident last week)
13. Terrell, Hank and Gwen (brother and sister-in-law of Anna Marie) Gwen had heart valve surgery and an ablation on Friday.
14. Toomey, Kent (outpatient shoulder surgery this Friday, May 8th)
15. Whitley, Charles (recovering from shingles)
16. Skyler David Shoop-York arrived early Monday morning, April 27th by emergency C-section. Baby and birth mother are doing well. Parents are TJ and Heather Shoop-York and grandmother is Tasha York

1. All affected by the COVID-19 (coronavirus) around the world (those who are ill, their families, health professionals)
2. All people who are persecuted for their faith throughout the world 
3. Our military personnel and families
4. International cooperation in responding to climate change challenges
5. Development of an immigration policy for the U.S. that is fair, just, and responsible 
6. For all efforts toward universal, affordable access to health care here in the U.S.
7. All who don't know Jesus
8. U.S. lawmakers and community leaders to work together to solve the problem of frequent, deadly mass shootings
9. Reaching out to our neighborhood families through the schools: a. Hopewell gift cards b. Adopt-a-Child ministry at Union Hill and Hopewell c. Literacy Partners at Union Hill  d. Staff Appreciation Breakfasts  e. school supplies for Hopewell Middle School  f. Hopewell "Swarm the Hive" back to school event  g. Our annual neighborhood welcoming events such as Trunk n Treat, Breakfast with Santa, and Hop into Easter.
RRISD will not return to school buildings this academic year.
Sunday School Classes

[There will be no Sunday School classes at the church for the foreseeable future. Some classes will be meeting via Zoom during this time of social distancing.]
Early Childhood Class (ages 4-7) - Taught by Lisa Walker

Intermediate Class
(3rd - 5th grade) - Taught by Jennifer Kienzle 
Chi Rho Class -  (6th - 8th grade)  ( studying the book, "Middle School TalkSheets" for ages 11-14.  "These TalkSheets present every aspect of Jesus' life in a way that young teens can connect with as they learn to apply the lessons to their own lives.")
CYF Class (9th - 12th grade)  
Open Circle (primarily adult women) - 10:00 a.m. Sunday mornings via ZOOM, Studying Searching for Sunday, by Rachel Held Evans .
Explorers (mixed adults) - 10:00 a.m. Sunday mornings via ZOOM, Facilitator is Mildred Adair; studying a gospel of Luke resource by John MacArthur.
Pastor Mitch and Office Emails
RRCC is on Social Media

Follow us on Social Media!

We can be found on:
Twitter as @ChurchRound
Instagram as rrccdisciples
Photo Submissions

Submitting a photo? Awesome! 
We love pictures of congregational life!
Please remember to include
identification (who, what, when, where, why)  
 for each photograph s ubmitted to the office.  
Also, please indicate  where you would like the photo to be used (RRCC website,  social media, weekly newsletter, etc.)

Please email photos to the church office:
RRCC Newsletter Deadlines

Please submit your Tuesday newsletter articles  and pictures 
before  10:00 a.m. on Mondays.
Thank you!
Upcoming Events 

There will be no events/meetings held in the RRCC facility until further notice.  Many RRCC activities and events have been cancelled until further notice. Some are continuing online.

Tuesday, May 5 , 2020
7:00 p.m.
- Elders "Group Meeting" for Prayer Journal (via Zoom)
7:00 p.m.
- Shalom Congregation (via Zoom)

Wednesday, May  6, 2020
1:00 p.m.
- Caring Hearts Prayer Group (via ZOOM)
7:00 p.m.
- Chancel Choir (via ZOOM)

Thursday, May 7, 2020
James 1:5
If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

Friday, May 8, 2020
Colossians 4:5-6
Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

Saturday, May 9, 2020
8:00 a.m.
- Shalom Congregation (live stream)
8:30 a.m.
- Disciples Men's Breakfast (via ZOOM)
9:30 a.m.
- Handcrafters (via ZOOM)

Sunday, May 10 , 2020  MOTHER'S DAY
9:45 a.m.
Explorers Sunday School (via ZOOM)
10:00 a.m.
- Open Circle Sunday School (via ZOOM)
11:00 a.m.
- Worship with us (via ZOOM)
- Manantial de Vida Congregation (off site)

Monday, May 11 , 2020
9:30 a.m. - DWM (via ZOOM)
7:00 p.m. - Guiding Board (via ZOOM) 
7:00 p.m.
- Shalom Prayer Meeting (off site)

Tuesday, May 12, 2020
7:00 p.m.
- Shalom Congregation (off site)

Events and details can be viewed on the  RRCC Calendar
Elder's Prayer Corner/Closing Message

Finding Peace in a Pandemic

We all know are in the midst of a pandemic - something none of us ever dreamed we would encounter. We battle a sweeping, unseen force that visits the rich & poor alike. It creeps into our personal spaces and wipes out fragile life without regard to race, creed, or circumstance. Academically, we all know the reassurances given people in times like these - The psalms and other passages speak of the goodness of God, His sovereignty, His power over creation, still, fear sits in the doorways of our hearts like an uninvited guest, making it difficult to allow peace to enter.

On some level, this response is perfectly natural. This is a worldwide, unstoppable virus - the kind of thing humans only want to read about in books or watch at the movies. In the Scriptures, plagues are often a part of God's judgments against heathen nations or His way of chastising  His people. Throughout history, we've read of pestilences wiping out entire civilizations. There is a reason we say "avoid it like the plague." The dread of pandemics is a real fear. The constant input of bad news and negative updates slowly erodes faith and trust in God. So, what are some ways people can open their hearts to faith in this time of uncertainty? Here are are some suggestions that have been shown to help.....

1. We must back away from the bad news - This doesn't mean bury your head in the sand and ignore the news. Out of necessity, we must keep up with the latest restrictions in the community and be clear-headed about decisions we must make as families and as Christians, but the inability to tear ourselves away from constant news reports embeds unhealthy fear in our hearts. We need to be proactive in allowing ourselves distance from having to always be "in the know." We must allow our minds, hearts, and souls to breathe, and choose to rest in the all-knowingness of our God.

2. We need to Lean in to our Spiritual  Disciplines - We must be careful not to waste this time in isolation with constant worry, layering our hearts with unbelief instead of allowing God's Word to shape us. Reading the Bible more is especially helpful in times like this - taking time to pause and be inspired by the passages in Scripture that speak to God's power, might, and a place of refuge. These texts really come alive in the midst of a crisis. Times of trial, uncertainty, and fear are not the moments to lean away from God, they are moments to lean toward Him in every way we can.

3. We need to reach out toward community - God has graciously allowed us to live in a time of technological advancement. What seemed rather frivolous luxuries when we began several years ago are now rich and vital blessings. We are thankful to have talented and knowledgeable people who volunteer to assist others with this technology so no one is left out. We have a Pastor and leadership who guide our church community, enabling our congregation to maintain as close a relationship as possible. We should also use this time to connect with our immediate families. Being locked together in isolation can present its challenges, but it's an opportunity to work on our most important relationships with greater intention and dependence on the Holy Spirit.

4. We need to rest in new and healthy relationships  of work and play - - Days seem to bleed into each other-weekdays and weekends become indistinguishable. It is important during times like this, to find space to rest, relax, enjoy leisure and, quite simply, breathe.

5. We need to focus on what we can control- There are things we can control, and things we cannot. It's easy, of course, to nod knowingly at such a familiar idea, but it's much harder to carry out. We cannot control coronavirus. We can only follow guidelines- social distancing, handwashing, wearing masks. We can shepherd our families in faith, and do the work we have been called to do. We cannot control the economic situation, but we can make wise choices, and we can share with those in need. It is needless to worry and have fear concerning things not in our jurisdiction. That's the opposite of faith. Trusting God is releasing our burdens, walking in obedience to Him, waiting quietly in the places where we are powerless, and being faithful where He has given us responsibility.

6. We can acknowledge God's grace for each day - We don't know how long this crisis will last. We don't know when the virus will peak. We don't know when we will be able to get back to normal, or even what "normal" will mean when all this is over. Isaiah 41 has an extended passage about fear. In verse 10 the prophet admonishes, "Do not fear, for I am with you." We belong to God, who loves us and calls to us. He has brought each of us to a place where we can know Him, and as His children, we've been rescued from the very worst thing that could ever happen-separation from Him. God draws us in, and that alone gives us reason not to be afraid.

Lord we come to You with praise for all You have done for us. We give thanks for the preparations, hard work, and sacrifices of so many that have allowed us to weather this pandemic. May we learn the lessons you would have us learn from this time, growing in faith and trusting in You to lead us through. As we emerge on the other side of this travail, may we go into the world with renewed faith and confidence that God is with us always. Amen
